
Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

Deep affection will not live, wisdom will hurt.

In fact, in our lives, there is never a lack of a kind of heavenly pride, but in their eyes, there seems to be nothing impossible in them. Therefore, they are not afraid of anyone, and they are often able to overcome anyone. However, they are always prone to defeating themselves, and even their bodies are scaled, and they draw the ground as a prison and refuse to let themselves go, which just confirms that sentence, that is, Hui Ji will be hurt. And then, let's take a look at which constellations are like this.

Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

Aquarius: Strong when strong, weak when weak

In fact, if you really know an Aquarius, you will not easily define them because of their cuteness or big grin. Because at great depth, everything that Aquarius can present is an illusion. At the same time, no matter who they interact with, it is also determined by the level of the other party, they will not be too high, nor too low, to be clear, just right.

Or, in essence, Aquarius is a kind of person who is strong when he is strong and weak when he is weak. So don't just think about how easy they are to deal with just by what you see in your eyes. In fact, Aquarius never fears anyone, but anyone who confronts anyone will never lose in the end. This is not only a representation of Aquarius's strength, in fact, it is more due to their commitment to themselves.

Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

But even if you are not afraid of anyone, in most cases, Aquarius will let himself be scaled all over his body and never get relief. Of course, the initiators of all this do not exist in anyone but themselves. As we mentioned above, wisdom will hurt, Aquarius is best at finding the essence and facts that others can't find at all, but they can't accept it at all, they draw the ground as a prison, and they can't defeat themselves after all.

Leo: It gives a feeling of quite strength

If in Aquarius, they do not explicitly give us a sense of strength, then once placed on Leo, they will inevitably bring us such a feeling in the most direct way. Leo has always been quite strong, quite powerful, no matter life or career, it seems that nothing can crush them, and they are often able to explore the light through their own courage.

Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

Therefore, to some extent, we can also use the word invincible to describe Leo. So we can imagine that the person who can really defeat Leo does not seem to exist at all. After all, they themselves are not afraid of anyone, when necessary, they would rather be crushed by jade than for waquan, and never mind losing a thousand of themselves and injuring eight hundred enemies.

However, even in the eyes of outsiders, Leo is so certainly respected and awe-inspiring, but they do not know that only when they are for themselves, they are still scarred. Or maybe their strength, their refusal to accept defeat, is to a large extent for others to see, even if they have long been unable to support, they will not accept defeat. In other words, they have always been drawing the ground and completely losing to themselves.

Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

Scorpio: The means and attitude of not giving up until the goal is achieved

There is no doubt that Scorpio is always able to give people a rather unpleasant feeling from the most intuitive point of view. In fact, of course, this is also the case, they not only have great strength, but also will not lack, is a persistence, can even be called an extreme character. No matter what they want to do, they never give up until they reach their goals, which can be said to be quite awe-inspiring.

At the same time, especially in the face of the enemies around them, Scorpio always follows such an attitude. That is, they never fear anyone, and in fact, they will never lose to anyone. Of course, if there is really a failure, there is probably only one possibility, that is, they draw the ground as a prison and lose to themselves.

Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

As there is a saying, if you are deeply loved, you will be hurt. Yes, but for scorned and intelligent people like Scorpio, they can teach themselves how to deal with anyone. But only in dealing with their own demons, or in controlling the strength they have, it is very inappropriate. Therefore, in more cases, they will also draw the ground as a prison and seriously injure themselves because they do not control this power well.

Not afraid of anyone, but only defeated by their own three constellations, painting the earth as a prison, can be described as wisdom will hurt!

To sum up, we probably have heard about this kind of chicken soup: the biggest enemy in a person's life is often himself.

At the same time, this is best confirmed by the three constellations we mentioned above. They are never afraid of anyone, and they can overcome everything, but they are too tight to overcome themselves, and they are easily scaled.

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