
You can enrich your habits

You can enrich your habits

The famous 19th-century British novelist Anthony Troope said:

"Get used to this thing, with the power of water drops and stones to wear. — A trivial, everyday thing, if you insist on doing it, you can overcome the hard things. ”

If you think about it, this is indeed the case.

Life wants to be better, life wants to be good, it is never sudden.

Instead, through the formation of habits, bit by bit of self-improvement, while slowly becoming excellent, life is becoming more and more exciting.

Good habits, although they may not have any obvious effect in a short period of time, can make people improve every day.

With the accumulation of time, it can even change a person's entire life.

In daily life, these three habits can enrich themselves and develop lifelong benefits as soon as possible.

You can enrich your habits

Go to bed early and get up early

Yang Tianzhen said:

"The more precious your time is, the more you have to spend it on things that add value to yourself."

However, in today's life, too many young people waste their time staying up late.

Every night, addicted to all kinds of junk software, even if sleepy to death, you have to face the ceiling, stay up until the early hours of the morning before reluctantly falling asleep.

In this way, I can't sleep at night, I can't get up in the morning, even if I barely get up in the morning, I am groggy and have no energy all day.

In such a vicious circle, people's energy is completely overdrawn, and work and life naturally cannot be managed well.

I once watched a video like this:

A young man who has just joined the work, every night is either brushing dramas or playing games, and never goes to bed before twelve o'clock.

In his opinion, he was young, in good health, and there was nothing wrong with staying up late.

But in fact, every morning because he can't get up, he is stepping on the point to work, and he yawns even more when he works.

Due to lack of concentration, the work frequently made mistakes, and was eventually dissuaded by the company.

In fact, in real life, how many are like the young people in the video?

We always feel that it is no problem to stay up late, no problem to indulge, but time is like a thief, often stealing all your choices every night you sleep.

Haruki Murakami said:

"There is no benefit at all in staying up late and not sleeping; it is better to quickly get into the bed as soon as it gets dark and wake up with the sun in the morning."

Going to bed early and getting up early is the most cost-effective state of life.

It will make you energetic, life full, and eventually the work will be handy, and life will naturally get better and better.

You can enrich your habits

Read more good books

The Analects say:

"I taste all day without eating, all night without sleeping to think, it is useless, it is better to learn."

Reading is the best way for people to absorb knowledge and broaden their horizons, when you know how to read more good books, then maybe you can't feel any difference in a day or two.

However, in one year, two years, ten years, the books you read will melt into your flesh and blood, precipitate your temperament, and enhance your insight.

In the end, you will find that the world in the book is far more exciting than you think; the meaning of reading is far more important than you think.

I know such a girl, she is quiet, gentle, and loves to read.

Every day after work, when others are shopping and letting go of themselves, she always comes home alone and immerses herself in the world of books.

At first, she was not much different from the young people who joined the company, but after half a year, the gap began to appear.

Not only is she always able to make a lot of surprising points at every work meeting, but she also talks elegantly and convincingly.

Eventually, her job became more and more smooth, and she was promoted in less than a year.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet You Yuan once said:

"Hungry to read as flesh, cold to read as Qiu, lonely and read to be a friend, sad to read as Jinshi Qinser."

Reading can really silently change you, make you more and more excellent, and thus cope with all the problems of life.

When you turn reading into a habit, you will find that your vision, pattern, height will become different, and there will be more and more opportunities.

You can enrich your habits

Exercise and fitness

Hippocrates said:

"The best doctors of mankind are air, sunshine and movement."

The body is the cost of survival, when a person is not in good health, then no amount of beauty can enjoy, no matter how great success can not feel happy.

On the contrary, when a person is healthy, then all the things encountered can be slowly coordinated, and finally solve all the problems encountered on the road of life.

My friend Daxing once told him about such an experience.

When he first started his business, he was anxious every day because of the pressure and his hair fell off the ground.

But then, after he got into the habit of exercising, everything changed.

Whenever you are in a boring mood, you can either go outdoors for a run or go to the gym to work out. When sweating, not only is the mind clearer, but the exhaustion of the body is also swept away.

In daxing's words:

"Exercise and fitness have made a huge difference in his life, and of course it has brought him great benefits."

Life is in motion.

When we are anxious in life and feel that nothing is going well, when we are caught in the loss and gain, when you go out and exercise, feel the fresh air.

You will find that everything will suddenly open up.

At this time, you will be more enthusiastic and more open to face everything imposed on you in life, so that your life will be smoother and more exciting.

You can enrich your habits

Dong Qing said:

"If you don't know what you want, do these things: exercise, get up early and go to bed early, and read more good books." It's never wrong to do this, and if you don't already have goals and are able to have a good physically erudite head, these are enough to get you above and beyond, 80% of your peers. ”

Good habits are a prerequisite for making people good.

The rest of your life is long, may you develop these three habits as soon as possible, so as to meet a better future.


Author: Away from the rain slightly cool, a rational, emotional, like to use words to express personal views, bring you spiritual healing, emotional solution, life perception of the post-90s writer.

You can enrich your habits

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