
Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

Such a question is a long story, after all, the twelve golden saints correspond to the zodiac signs, which are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

In these twelve constellations, even if you take out the myths and legends of a constellation alone to write, it is a long story, not to mention that the myths and stories of the twelve constellations are written together, and what is more fatal is that among these twelve constellations, some of the myths and stories of the constellations are not just one, but several, so if you want to carefully analyze it, it is estimated that even if the chief I have the heart to write it out, most of the people who read this article will lose patience because the article is too long. So today we will make a long story short...

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

First of all, the Aries Mu, because there are several Aries myths and stories, so we today also choose the golden ram that rescued Felices and Heller as a prototype, such a ram was later sacrificed to Zeus, so it became a celestial constellation, and it was also the one that Iasson later stole the Golden Fleece.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

From the perspective of the constellation myth alone, in fact, no matter whether any myth has any impact on the personality of Aries Mu, it is estimated that the personality of the "sheep" is somewhat similar to the personality of Mu, which gives people a gentle and pure feeling, of course, Mu's teleportation skills and the mythical golden sheep may also have a little relationship with the heart, after all, they can be used for emergency rescue.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

Taurus myths and legends are also the same several, but also the same, anyway, the main god of Greek mythology Zeus incarnated as a white cow to seduce good family women, and then in order to show off his hunting experience, Zeus hung his incarnated white bull image in the starry sky into a constellation, Taurus' golden saint Arudiba of course failed to benefit from the myth of Taurus to benefit from the slightest blessing, on the contrary, his masculine bravery is completely in line with our current people's direct subjectivity of a cow, of course, The name Arudiba is actually the name of the brightest star in Taurus, also known as Bilios (α Taurus), with an apparent magnitude of 0.85.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

Next, let's take a look at Gemini, gemini myths also have several, but the more famous is that Zeus turned into a swan to seduce The Princess Lida of The King of Basda, and then gave birth to a pair of twin brothers Castor and Polluducus, but only one of them was Zeus's species, and later the brother died of an accident, and Zeus's son, the younger brother, begged Zeus to resurrect his brother, so the two half-siblings also lived in the Divine Realm and lived in the Underworld, and then later, Their images were also hung by Zeus in the starry sky to become Gemini...

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

From the perspective of Gemini mythological stories, in fact, there is no impact on the character of Gemini's golden saint Sega and Garon, the so-called brotherhood is estimated not to require Gemini myths and legends to be able to be designed, and, as far as Saga's personality is concerned, this is obviously a schizophrenic symptom, so the character of Gemini golden saint Seiya is theoretically set because the cartoonist Masami Cheda understands the meaning of the word "Gemini" as a dual personality.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

And then there's Cancer, and the myth and legend of Cancer is derived from Zeus and his little three (?). Ameni's illegitimate son Haigras, as the big house Hera in order to punish Zeus's illegitimate son Haigras, everywhere to make him stumble, and cancer's buddha-figure is herring sent to kill a large crab of Haigras, due to lack of loyalty and praiseworthy strength, so it is magnificent offline, fortunately Hera is not bad for it, hang its image in the starry sky, and become Cancer.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

The personality of the golden Saint Seiya of Cancer is estimated to have no half-cent relationship with mythology, but it is somewhat similar to the image of the constellation crab, anyway, it is the personality of the arrogant teeth and claws, and the stunt "corpse gas" of Cancer Dis is directly related to a star cluster in the constellation, which is called corpse gas in ancient China, and the legend is the entrance to the underworld.

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

... The previous ones have already compared several constellations, and the myths of these constellations are not directly related to the personality of the Golden Saints, so there is no need to continue to compare, to sum up: the personalities of the Golden Saints have subjective similarities with the image of the constellations, and the stunts or names of the Golden Saints also have some astronomical traces, but the personality has nothing to do with myths and legends!

Anime | Saint Seiya, do the constellation allusions of the twelve golden Saint Seiya match their personalities?

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