
The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide

One of the most important celestial dramas of 2022,

There is no more Jupiter and Neptune dancing together in Pisces.

From the end of 2021, Jupiter has entered the constellation of Pisces and will complete the constellation at twice as fast by May 11 this year.

Traditionally, Jupiter has been referred to as the "first auspicious star" because it brings hope, good luck, faith and optimism. There is no doubt that the houses and planets to which Jupiter travels this year are justified in being regarded as "blessed places" favored by Heaven.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide

Since Jupiter is one of the guardian stars of Pisces, when Jupiter enters the temple of Pisces, its energy will be unreservedly exerted in 2022.

But does Jupiter just bring luck?

Do you understand its dark side?

With the resonance of Neptune, what kind of "mirage" will this year's Jupiter Pisces create?

Next, let's explore Jupiter's "dark" properties and the potential pitfalls of the 12 constellations to watch out for in the Year of The Pisces of Jupiter.

Remember, the foundation for dreams to come true is to be down-to-earth.

The mythological archetype of Jupiter is the head of the ancient Roman gods: Zeus, the most famous prodigal son of the gods. He often changes into various appearances to visit the world, and for beautiful women, he almost sees one, loves one, and does not use everything to have relations with each other.

Fearing that his children might kill their fathers, he swallowed his wife Medes and absorbed her cleverness. Zeus then married her sister Hera, who was also the god of Olympia. Hera's power was not below Zeus's, but Zeus never stopped chasing the warbler swallow because he married her.

Soon, Zeus's debauchery provoked Hera's fierce jealousy, and she secretly gathered the gods and imprisoned Zeus. However, when his life was at stake, Zeus brought in rescue troops to help him escape from danger at the moment of a thousand guns. After that, Hera, who planned the coup, was imprisoned, and the gods had to pledge allegiance to Zeus in order to rescue her. In the end, this failed power struggle instead cemented Zeus's dominance.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide

From Zeus, you may have seen the multifaceted nature of Jupiter, which highlights wisdom, optimism, good luck, opportunity... It is also associated with indulgence, self-righteousness, lust for pleasure, blind impulses...

Astronomically, Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, and it is surrounded by huge gases, making it difficult for scientists to see whether Jupiter has a physical appearance. It is also like we are often caught up in the grand vision and beautiful appearance of Jupiter, and lost in reality.

Inflation is the most typical shadow surface of Jupiter:

Inflated self-positioning: conceit and neglect of the feelings of others

Jupiter is undoubtedly a charismatic planet. Enthusiasm, generosity, and self-confidence are all adjectives that belong to Jupiter. But when these qualities are expanded, it is easy to become arrogant, exaggerated, irresponsible, and easy to lead to a lack of empathy.

Inflated positive mindset: blind optimism, impulsive risk-taking

The sense of faith that Jupiter brings will make us not give up the expectation of good luck even in difficult situations. But when the energy develops too much, it becomes a blind credulity for a better future. For the self, it is often easily stimulated by ambitious but detached goals and plans, so as to take impulsive risk-taking behaviors; for others, it is good to be a teacher and loves to preach great truths.

The way of doing things in an inflated way: covering up the crisis, the eyes are high and low

"Optimistic people see opportunities in every crisis, and pessimistic people see crises in every opportunity." - This sentence comes from Churchill, who was positioned by Jupiter. Jupiter is indeed adept at seeing opportunities, but under the impetus of unrealistic self-perception and optimism, it not only ignores the difficulties of the moment, but also often ignores potential crises.

We have seen that although Jupiter is called the "first auspicious star", like all stars, it has its own shadow surface. And when Jupiter enters one of its guardian signs, Pisces, its energy will be unleashed without reservation. Good luck is magnified, and so are shadows.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide

Due to retrograde, we will experience 3 periods of Jupiter in Pisces in these two years:

May 14–July 28, 2021: Jupiter enters Pisces for the first time and then retrogrades back to Aquarius

December 29, 2021 – May 11, 2022: Jupiter enters Pisces for the second time and Aries on May 11

October 28-20, 2022: Jupiter retrograde from Aries back to Pisces

We are currently in the second phase of Jupiter's entry into Pisces. Looking back at what happened to Jupiter when it first entered Pisces between May and August of last year? It may give you some useful lessons in the moment.

Historically, the year of the Pisces on Jupiter has often been associated with disasters. Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, "flooding" is often one of the key characteristics that cannot be escaped.

What makes 2022 even more special is that Neptune is also in Pisces at this moment, which makes the energy of Jupiter Pisces more likely to be psychedelized and diffused by Neptune.

Therefore, we should be particularly wary of the negative events that Jupiter's negative energy can lead to in the following areas:

The overflow of compassion

At the beginning of the year, some harmful incidents related to the mother of eight children in Xuzhou touched the hearts of the public. While we are searching for the truth, we are also beginning to pay attention to more poor people who have had similar experiences. There is no doubt that the energy of the Wooden Sea Pisces will continue to lift more fig leaf that once covered the vulnerable.

But on the other hand, we need to beware of popular compassion being exploited by people with ulterior motives. For example, the Hangzhou nanny arson case, which was revived last July, made Lin Shengbin, who had set up an "obsessive husband" and a "good father", "collapse the house", when Jupiter was at the end of Pisces. It is hard not to suspect that Lin Shengbin has taken advantage of the public's overflowing sympathy for personal gain.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide

The flood of indulgence

Pisces indulgence is both behavioral and intellectual. On the one hand, Jupiter, which falls here, pursues Pisces relaxation and openness to the spirit and mind, but the negative presentation tends to point to indulgence in drugs, alcohol, diet, consumption, and so on.

Jupiter, on the other hand, prompts us to try to find the meaning and truth of life in the realm of Pisces, which in turn symbolizes the realm of the "unconscious." Therefore, the body, mind and soul industry will surely grow rapidly during this time, and more and more people will care about their physical and mental health and spiritual needs.

But Jupiter is exaggerated, Neptune is fiction, and during this year, it is inevitable that some deceptive "opinion leaders" will be spawned. Careful discernment with reason is particularly important. In this way, we can avoid falling into the trap of blind obedience and being deceived.

(Mainly the ascending sign, supplemented by the sun sign)


At this moment, Jupiter is falling in your twelfth house. On the positive side, Jupiter here will tap into your potential power to attain a great spiritual boost through the study of body, mind, and soul knowledge. If you've been stuck in something or situation in the past, Jupiter will release good luck during this time to get you through it.

What you need to be wary of is to find excessive ease through the "unconscious" channel, such as indulging in the study of some mysterious knowledge, but ignoring or even escaping many practical problems. Especially vigilant is to follow some "false teachers" in these fields, or to fall into blind obedience and credulity in some fields.

In addition, this position is also related to sleep, and the negative planetary energy may make you swing at the two extremes of drowsiness or too much thought to sleep.

Therefore, adhering to a regular routine, taking care of your all-round physical and mental health, taking into account the exploration and growth of the inner mind, and not neglecting the ability to survive and take root in this material world will be the topics you need to learn.


When Jupiter's positive energy is strengthened, the Taurus will greatly expand their horizons and abilities through social means during these months. Specifically, jupiter's fortunes in the eleventh house will bring you new circles of friends, teams, and customers, help you enter a better platform, and bring nobles who are willing to promote you.

But Jupiter here is easy to create a kind of "false big empty" life ideals and goals, and the eyes are high and low, and the empty ambition will be one of the common negative presentations. As you talk about your dreams, remember to carefully consider the practical feasibility. In this way, the resources and noble talents you desire can truly become a solid boost for you to climb upwards.

In addition, many Taurus will make a variety of friends during the year, which may lead to expendative over-socialization. Please remember not to spend too much energy and time on those "wine and meat friends", and do not indulge in online social networking for too long, friends are more sincere than in number.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide


Geminis, Jupiter is now in your career palace, so it will directly affect your career development field. If you're looking for a job or looking for a new career path, Jupiter here points to new opportunities, broader platforms for development, and to noble people with resources in hand. If you can grasp this good fortune, your career structure will have a great chance of being elevated to a new height in this year. Of course, the premise must be that you have strong abilities and cherish opportunities. Otherwise, the opportunity may slip away inadvertently.

In addition, because Jupiter itself symbolizes "many", the connections and opportunities to find you this year may be "mixed". You must clarify your center of gravity and main development direction, and avoid blind attempts to step on one foot in the east and one leg in the west. In this way, we can really lay a solid foundation for our future development after Jupiter is gone.


Currently, Jupiter is staying in your ninth house. In this house, which is already guarded by Jupiter, it is equivalent to returning to its own home, so the expression of energy will be very smooth.

On the bright side, Jupiter offers opportunities related to travel or further education. In addition to studying and exam games, Jupiter is also easy to promote some job opportunities and business connections related to distant places and even overseas.

It should be reminded that Jupiter here may have a blindness of "fleeing for escape", "pursuing for pursuit", or an illusion that the moon in the distance is always rounder. Therefore, before you make any decisions and plans, remember to consider your purposefulness.

It's important to get out of the current oppressive environment, to broaden your horizons, and to let your dreams fly, but when Jupiter leaves, what knowledge and abilities will it leave behind that will allow you to truly use for yourself? This will be one of the topics that Cancers will need to think about during the year.


Lions, Jupiter is staying in your eighth house at this moment. The good news is that you will have the opportunity to get extra income from investment and wealth management, insurance claims, bonuses, side income, and lending relationships, and some lions will have a big level of wealth. Recently, you may also have the "Wangcai" attribute, creating good resources and earning opportunities for your partners or partners around you.

But what you need to be wary of is the overly optimistic expectations that Jupiter brings, and the inflated desire for money. Especially when choosing investment and financial products, be more cautious; when involving money relations with others, remember to "calculate the accounts of brothers and brothers" to avoid being dragged down by unreliable people; when signing important contracts involving money terms, do not be negligent.

Also, if your significant other or family member has an investment plan, remember to remind them to rein in their ambitions and avoid falling into the trap. It is worth noting that Jupiter here tends to amplify the differences in your values with your partner or with your collaborators, so you need to spend time and wisdom to reconcile and cope.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide


Virgins, Jupiter is entering your seventh house. As a "marriage palace" in the traditional sense, Jupiter here will of course bring you a very good marriage and love horoscope. Single virgins have the opportunity to meet the object of their choice, and the people Jupiter brings are often the well-informed, high-quality type. Companion virgins will have the opportunity to enter into marriage. In addition, some people will also meet noble people who can bring them points and resources.

But as the door of opportunity is opened by Jupiter, you should pay attention to the negative psychological implications that come with these abundant opportunities. You may encounter so many temptations that you will not give up the whole forest even if you meet a quality object. When wandering through one relationship after another, if you blindly believe that the next one will be better, then it is very likely that after Jupiter leaves, when you begin to yearn for a long-term stable relationship, you will suddenly find that Jupiter's good luck leaves are not left.

So if you feel "worth it," then don't be cynical when it's time to make a commitment. In this way, we can truly leave good feelings and popularity behind.


When Jupiter's positive energy is strengthened, Libra's 2022 will achieve a "skill leap forward". Specifically, your workplace skills will be improved, the pace of work and life will often be orderly, and you will often get help and care from the people around you.

But what you need to pay attention to is that when the negative qualities of Jupiter's "good and bad work" are magnified, it is easy to lead to an excessively lazy attitude. In work and study, there may be a lack of motivation, or a hasty and perfunctory handling of a large number of affairs.

In life, the obesity caused by indulgent diet and long periods of lying flat would be one of Jupiter's possible guides. If you have some health problems yourself, Jupiter's auspiciousness will have the opportunity to bring good therapeutic and conditioning effects, but only if you can plan your daily routine for a long time, including regular work, exercise, meals and rest time, and pay attention to your diet and emotional health.

Conversely, if you often ignore the underlying physical problems, Jupiter may instead aggravate the condition in order to get you enough attention.


Jupiter was now lighting up the fifth house of the Scorpions. On the bright side, while Jupiter injects you with a happy mood, your peach blossom luck will also be very prosperous. In addition to possible romantic objects, the peach blossoms here also include friends who share your interests. In the process of games, parties, star chasing, etc., you will enjoy heartfelt happiness.

If you're determined to get off the list, Jupiter will undoubtedly bring chances. But if you want to leave a relationship that can truly stand the test of time and reality, you also need to be cautious about dealing with the big and small things in love. After all, Jupiter is only responsible for bringing opportunities, and whether it will evolve into a "dew love affair" or become a prelude to marriage depends on your respective performances.

Also, if you have a financial habit, during the month of Pisces, remember to avoid high-risk projects, because Jupiter may ignite your desire to make a profit through speculation.

It is worth noting that Jupiter that falls here is also prone to good pregnancy. So, if you don't have a plan, be sure to be careful about preparing for pregnancy during the year.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide


Shooters, Jupiter is currently staying in your home house. Some sagittarius are busy with household chores during these months, such as buying a house, moving, decorating, or welcoming new family members. Although the pace of life is not idle, and even the family business candles are often burned at both ends, many of you are still enjoying it.

The negative energy to watch out for is that Jupiter may bring a "restless" mentality, you and your family may become more distant, or you yourself will move frequently during the year. While this constant walking on the road is certainly appealing to you, being so difficult to settle down can further lead to a sense of instability in all aspects of your life.

In addition, Jupiter's inflated nature is also easy to magnify some of the original family conflicts and psychological issues, which will be the part of the year that you need to face, deal with and self-heal.


When the positive Jupiter energy is exerted, Capricorns will have a very good luck in the year. Whether it is a student party or a working person, Jupiter who falls here will give them the opportunity to increase their knowledge and insights, perhaps through some courses, a few journeys, or some exchanges with new and old friends.

But Jupiter's diffuse nature can lead to excessive clutter of learning content. In addition, you may receive a lot of information coming and going, but there are not many available resources that can really be beneficial to you.

In order to avoid these possible negative presentations, the first thing you need to do is to clarify your main learning direction and try to take the route of specialization. In the work, you should also do a good job of time planning for yourself, grasp the key points, streamline more, and do not spend too much energy in the field of trivial, or even meaningful text data processing and interpersonal communication.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide


When positive Jupiter energy is exerted, Aquarians will receive an increase in income on the one hand, or additional financial income. On the other hand, your value, that is, the ability to monetize your skills, will also be significantly improved in 2022.

But when Jupiter's negative energy is amplified, it may bring extravagance and waste, and even cause some debt problems. Overall, what you need to be wary of is the over-optimism and inflated ambitions that Jupiter can bring to its financial situation. In addition to avoiding excessive consumption caused by blind consumption and vanity and pleasure, in terms of investment and financial management, we must also try to avoid projects and products that look like high returns but actually have huge risks.

In addition, when dealing with people for money, we must remember to settle accounts with our brothers. In addition to avoiding excessive generosity giving due to face or the same mood, it is also necessary to prevent financial ruin caused by information asymmetry.


There is no doubt, Pisces, that you must have been the most caring group for Jupiter this year. Jupiter will walk your sign in the first 5 months of 2022, so all Sun and Ascending Pisces will receive their blessings.

Further study, long-distance travel, nobles, new opportunities... These are all benefits that Jupiter may bring you. Mentally, I believe that many Pisces have experienced a long-lost relaxation in the past month or so, especially for some entangled things and interpersonal relationships in the past, you can begin to face it with a relaxed attitude.

While Jupiter does bring you fresh ideas, be careful not to take into account a beautiful vision and possible obstacles when planning.

In addition, to remind you of your own routine. In addition to being prone to an overly lazy state of life, a negative Jupiter may also lead to a blindness that is busy or has nothing to do. In terms of health, you should be wary of body fatness and some diseases caused by fatness. After all, too wide a heart is one of the culprits that cause overweight.

When we are triggered by Jupiter, it inspires us to grow in exploration, to find meaning in our grand visions. But he is often dissatisfied with everything that exists.

So we always have an unenlightened illusion that is far better than all that we have in our hands.

It is true that Jupiter sends benefits to certain areas of life, but attachment to the future and neglect of the present often make us find ourselves left without any substantial output after Jupiter has left. Just like Zeus, although he had many descendants, he never fulfilled his parenting duties.

The luckiest celestial signs of 2022 also have traps? Put away this 12-constellation pit avoidance guide

This reminds us that when jupiter's seed of opportunity arrives, only by caring for it with care can we truly reap abundant harvests in reality.

Paying for Jupiter's symbolic time, effort and responsibility is not to waste Jupiter's good luck.

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