
Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby


Girlfriend Xiao Ke gave birth to a child last month, although she married earlier, but she had a child later, which was their first child.

The first time I became a parent, the two children were full of flowers. However, in the face of cute and fragile babies, they naturally take care of them carefully.

During confinement, it is the little mother who can take care of her, she not only does not have to worry, the life is still moist, the mother has experience, and the baby is also good.

Originally, the mother-in-law promised to come to help with the child after the confinement, but then the mother-in-law found an excuse to delay, and the mother-in-law also went home.

The little two have no old people to rely on, and they can only take care of the children by themselves.

Once, after Xiao Ke finished breastfeeding, her husband was distressed by her hard work and quickly took the baby out.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the husband screamed, and it turned out that the baby vomited milk, which frightened the husband.

Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby

The two children thought that the baby was uncomfortable, and after seeking medical treatment, they found that they forgot to burp the baby after feeding.

Newborn feeding is not easy, especially breastfeeding babies, feeding times, baby rearing, novice parents are more troublesome.

Especially when you first become a parent, there is no experienced elderly in the family, and if young people do not master the method of parenting in advance, they are prone to make some "parenting mistakes" in the process of newborn feeding, which is not conducive to the baby's physical development.

Newborn feeding do not careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby

One. Just feed, no burp

Most mothers know that newborns need to be fed, but if they don't know it specifically, some people will ignore the important step of "burping".

After feeding, if parents do not burp the baby in time, the baby will be easy to spit up.

If the baby is too anxious to feed, or if the amount of milk is too much, and the parents do not burp the baby, the frequency of the baby spitting up will increase.

Parents who want to make their babies spit up less need to burp their babies after feeding.

After each feeding, the mother needs to burp the baby.

The most common way to burp is to hiccup vertically, each time lasting 10-15 minutes, until you hear the baby's burp.

However, we should note that not every time you burp, your baby burps.

Even if the baby does not burp, as long as the mother has burped the baby, there is no need to worry too much about the baby spitting up.

When hiccup, the mother should control the force, not too hard, not too little force.

If some babies spit up milk more severely, in addition to the mother to remember to burp after feeding, but also to reduce the amount of feeding at each meal, so that the baby eats fewer and more meals.

Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby

2. After the baby is born, breastfeeding is not given until 3 days later

After the baby is born, the golden time for the mother to breastfeed is one hour after childbirth.

After the fetus leaves the womb, the umbilical cord is cut off and cannot continue to deliver oxygen and nutrients, but the baby can get the nutrients the body needs by breastfeeding.

Some mothers give birth to the baby, anyway, there is no milk, it is better to let the baby eat milk powder directly, wait for 3 days later, after breast milk, before feeding the baby.

Not every mother has milk right after giving birth, but that doesn't mean that moms can't breastfeed.

After the baby is born, the mother breastfeeds early, which can not only increase the feelings of parents and children, but also promote the secretion of milk, so that the mother can open milk as soon as possible, and the result is doubled.

The later the mother breastfeeds the baby, the more delayed the appearance of milk will be delayed, which is not conducive to the secretion of milk and hinders the close contact between the baby and the mother.

After the newborn is born, the first bite is not powdered milk or warm water, preferably breast milk.

Newborns have the instinct to suck, and mothers can only breastfeed early if they breastfeed early.

Even if the mother's milk is too small, it does not matter, in the case of insufficient breast milk, you can appropriately increase the milk powder feeding for the baby.

However, the premise of milk powder feeding is that mothers should also seize the opportunity to let the baby feed more, so that the secretion of milk and the baby's demand reach a balance.

Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby

3. Premature weaning of milk

TV series "Mama Rush Forward": At night, Bao Mom is sleeping sweetly, and the baby suddenly wakes up and cries. No matter how the mother coaxed, the baby still cried badly, and the mother said helplessly, "XiaoBao, you don't want to cry."

The baby's crying upset her, and no matter how sleepy she is, she has to coax the baby to sleep, which is a very uncomfortable feeling. Fortunately, the baby was taken away later, and she was able to sleep comfortably and get a good night's sleep, which was not easy.

Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby

Which stage is the hardest part of your baby's feeding?

If it is breastfeeding, the baby from 0-3 months, the mother is the hardest.

Babies during this period have a small stomach volume and need to breastfeed 6-8 times a day. Especially feeding night milk at night, which makes the mother very hard.

There was once a mother who posted an alarm clock for feeding night milk at night, basically waking up every 2-3 hours to feed, at least 2-3 times a night, no wonder the mother had to collapse.

Although feeding night milk is hard, it is best not to wean the baby prematurely for babies aged 0-3 months, otherwise, the baby's intake is too small, which will affect the baby's physical development.

After the baby can sleep well, the mother will think about weaning the night.

4. Do not give your baby colostrum

Some elderly people feel that the colostrum content is too small, and the color is also different, the baby can't eat enough anyway, simply dump it.

In fact, this is a wrong idea, although the colostrum is small, but it is particularly precious, is the first ration suitable for the baby.

Colostrum is pale yellow, although the amount is relatively small, but rich in nutrients, it contains protein and antibodies, can provide nutrition and immune protection to the baby.

Colostrum provides the nutrients and moisture that a newborn baby needs in the days leading up to life.

Breast milk goes through 3 stages from colostrum to mature milk:

2-3 days after the mother gives birth to the baby, the body will secrete colostrum.

After the mother gives birth to the child, the milk for 4-10 days is transitional milk.

Milk from 11 days to 9 months postpartum is mature milk.

Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby

These 3 kinds are breast milk, the secretion of milk from less to more, to meet the needs of the baby's physical development, but because of the different time, so the nutritional content is also different, colostrum is small but high in nutrient content.

Colostrum should not only not be wasted, but should be used to the fullest, newborn stomach capacity is relatively small, the amount of milk is not much, colostrum baby can also eat, parents do not have to worry too much about the baby will be hungry.

5. Too little milk, simply abandon breastfeeding

"Anyway, I have less milk, it is better to give the baby milk powder directly, and it will not affect the baby's development." Some mothers are prone to misunderstandings about breastfeeding in the early stages of breastfeeding.

1-3 days after the mother gives birth, because it is colostrum, so less milk is normal, but when the mature milk is gradually secreted, the milk will be more and more, which can ensure the amount of feeding of the baby.

Even if the mother really has less milk, she can promote the secretion of milk by drinking prolactin soup and breastfeeding more, and there is no need to give up breastfeeding so soon.

Breast milk is simply a tailor-made ration for the baby, the baby eats more, the breast milk secretes more, the baby eats less, and the breast milk secretes less.

On the other hand, compared with milk powder, breast milk is the most suitable ration for babies, especially for babies with milk powder allergies, breast milk is a better choice.

Baby within 6 months, it is best to breastfeed, breast milk can not only provide the baby's physical development needs of nutrition, but also have the protection of breast milk, the baby is not so easy to get sick.

Breastfeeding babies, if the supply of breast milk is relatively sufficient, the baby does not need to add additional water, of course, the mother can also properly feed the baby warm water.

Newborn breastfeeding do not be careless, these 5 things new parents should do less, is not conducive to the development of the baby


There are newborns at home, parents are happy at the same time, but also pay attention to the baby's feeding, breastfeeding of these 5 "parenting mistakes", the sooner the mother knows, the sooner the baby benefits.

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