
What are the cases in which three generations of test tubes fail?

For the expectant fathers and mothers who do IVF, the purpose of choosing "three generations of IVF" is to have a high success rate and do not want to experience the frustration of transplant failure, BeiLai Fertility Center said that when expectant mothers embarked on this road, they found that "pregnancy test success" did not seem to be as easy as imagined, and there were many factors affecting the success rate. So, what are the cases in which doing three generations of test tubes fail?

What are the cases in which three generations of test tubes fail?

1. IVF egg retrieval fails

Most of this egg retrieval failure occurs in the case of poor ovarian function, and there may be such IVF egg retrieval failures in a sister who is not very physical or older.

2. IVF embryo breeding failed

If the egg retrieval is successful, it will move on to the next stage - embryo culture. The process of sperm-egg binding embryo culture is very important. The key to success lies in the quality of the eggs, but the current embryo cultivation technology is still relatively advanced, and the success rate is very high.

What are the cases in which three generations of test tubes fail?

3. IVF implantation fails

Implantation failure due to poor embryonic developmental potential is also a very common failure. Compared with China, the third generation of IVF transplantation is a blastocyst, which is higher than the fresh embryo planting rate, and the success rate will also be greatly improved.

What are the cases in which three generations of test tubes fail?

4. IVF fetal stop

It is a situation where the embryo transfer has been successful, the embryo has been developing in the mother for a period of time, but the embryonic development has stopped due to various reasons. This condition is generally not the cause of the mother, but the termination of development caused by abnormal chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo or the poor quality of the embryo.

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