
For the rest of your life, you must understand this truth: don't complain, don't explain, don't dwell

For the rest of your life, you must understand this truth: don't complain, don't explain, don't dwell

How should I spend this life? Some people will maintain a tolerant mindset. Maintain a bright and straightforward style of acting, do not bring psychological haze, and let yourself live this life smoothly.

More often, our mentality changes greatly under the influence of the outside world, and a person, an ordinary ordinary person, does not explain, does not complain, and does not dwell.

In the corresponding occasion, it can show a person's temperament, and behind these efforts and behaviors there is an important point - to give yourself relief.

People's hearts are narrow, mood and temper will produce more anger, so do not explain, do not complain, do not pester, use it to ease their own heart, in order to achieve a smooth life.

1. Not complaining is to be tolerant of yourself

A person does not complain about the body, where is it now?

Some people always speak kindly to others and do not produce more impatient emotions.

In fact, it is not, so do not complain, more refers to a kind of cognition of their own ability, some people have some things, once beyond the cognition of their own ability, it is easy to cause complaining emotions.

A woman thinks that she is exceptionally good, married to a man who is inferior to herself anywhere, at this time she will keep complaining, in the end, women still do not look at themselves with normal eyes, do not face their own status, their own value.

Her complaints were more like an impotent rage, and the woman felt inwardly that she could find a better and better object. As it turned out, it was just that she thought about it.

Just like the movie "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart", Li Baoli feels that she is married to a countryman, and her words always reveal that she looks down on her.

I feel like A city person and my husband is a country man.

But in fact, she is just a laid-off worker, going to the wholesale market to sell socks, and her husband is the director of the state-owned enterprise.

For the rest of your life, you must understand this truth: don't complain, don't explain, don't dwell

Originally had a good life, but because of her complaints, she buried her marriage.

If you want to do not complain, you must recognize yourself, recognize your own ability, recognize your position in society, and recognize what kind of results you can achieve in a certain aspect of your efforts.

People who learn not to complain also see through their efforts and their abilities.

Such people, often in the work, people will be more relaxed, rather than excessively entangled in whether a certain thing is completed, clearly understand their own ability, so as not to complain, this is achieved, the real do not complain.

2. Not explaining is a release of oneself

After encountering problems, some people choose not to explain, while some people choose to explain, in most cases people will think: the person who explained is more humane and better to get along with, is this really the case?

Without preconditions, it is impossible to discern who is right and who is wrong, because sometimes it is better to explain than not to explain.

For example, if you have a friendship with a stranger, that friendship is a fairly superficial friendship. In many cases, the friendship between two people will also come to an end because of the problem of time or place, or the friendship will no longer exist...

Smart people will not explain too much to each other because of this relatively shallow relationship, and only people who are not mature enough and do not understand human feelings will have special respect for strangers.

In other words, this kind of person is more humane, but if this kind of thing appears more often, is it not a waste of your time?

People who really understand you don't have to explain. People who don't understand you, explanations are useless.

In fact, it is very simple to judge whether a thing should be explained, that is, whether this person attaches importance to you, and whether you value the other party.

If you have both sides of the spectrum, interpretation is a necessary topic.

If two people are only superficial friends, even if there is any problem, there is no need to worry too much about how to explain, but it will increase their troubles.

People who understand human feelings will know what things to explain and what things not to explain, and if their friends are also an intellectual disability and do not understand this aspect, naturally this kind of friend is not worth associating.

3. Not dwelling on it is to let go of the past

Not being entangled is a person's highest cultivation, and we may be entangled with a person because of something or a certain friendship.

But this entanglement can only be done to the point, and once something conclusive has happened, the friendship between the two people or the relationship between the two people should be severed.

We must retain a sense of decency, retain a sense of dignity as a human being, and we can not say goodbye, but do not dwell on it.

Just like in "The First Half of My Life", after Luo Zijun found out that her husband had an extramarital affair, she cried and made trouble, but she quickly adjusted herself.

She knew that she had lost the marriage, that she had lost a complete home, and that she could no longer lose her dignity.

For adults, staying decent at all times is salvation for themselves.

The most difficult thing in a person's life is to persuade themselves to change their views on a thing, obviously the brain knows the consequences of this thing, but the body is still out of control.

For the rest of your life, you must understand this truth: don't complain, don't explain, don't dwell

Don't be a slave to emotions, be a rational leader.

If a person is controlled by emotions, what awaits this person is the trigger of various emotional problems, emotions are a demon, learn to slowly control emotions, do not let emotional problems cause entangled behavior, and be your own master.

When people first see no complaints, they can understand what it means, but when they don't explain it, people seem to have a little jealousy, and when they see that they are not entangled, they seem to be much more transparent.

In fact, not complaining, not explaining, not pestering is a practice in special circumstances, and it is also an important point for people to control their mood and maintain a good social state.

Life should be spent frankly, this sentence itself is good, if there is no strong enough psychological state and open-minded concept of life, how can you always remain open-minded?

4 Do not complain, do not explain, do not dwell

People live a lifetime, sometimes need some Zen.

I care too much, and I am often the only one who is hurt.

Let go of others, let go of those who hurt themselves.

For the rest of your life, you only take care of your own feelings, don't dwell on others, don't dwell on bad emotions, and don't explain to people who don't deserve it.

Be yourself, love yourself well, cultivate a Zen heart, be your best teacher, be the Buddha in your heart.

Take a deep breath and tell yourself that it's good to be happy.

Learn not to complain, not to explain, not to dwell, to be the master of your own thoughts, not to be a slave to your emotions.

This is not only the highest cultivation in a person's life, but also the key to a person's emotional and psychological problems.

Let people be able to face themselves by not complaining, plan their circle of friends by not explaining, and correct their emotional state by not pestering, and this person will become more and more powerful.