
Do the elderly also want to prevent addiction systems? It is not the elderly who need to be transformed

These days, there is a topic on the Internet quarreled the sky, during this year's National Two Sessions, National People's Congress deputy Ke Yunfeng suggested to establish a short video of the elderly "anti-addiction" system, this youth anti-addiction system has been effectively promoted, but what is the purpose of this anti-addiction system for the elderly?

Do the elderly also want to prevent addiction systems? It is not the elderly who need to be transformed

The elderly, once the edge of the Internet, has now become a force that can not be ignored in the Internet user group, with the popularity of smart phones and networks, mobile phone hardware and Internet software have been completed in recent years to adapt to aging transformation, a large number of elderly people have been able to play mobile phones very skillfully, but also began to be active on the short video platform, vibrato, fast hands and even B station have the figure of elderly users, they not only watch all kinds of short videos and news information to meet the needs of social and leisure entertainment, And many people have become creators, very happy to shoot videos and post them on short video platforms to share their own life moments. With the continuous improvement of the internet participation of elderly users, new problems have emerged, and the elderly have begun to indulge in short videos.

Do the elderly also want to prevent addiction systems? It is not the elderly who need to be transformed

Previously, many netizens complained that their elderly people are addicted to brushing short videos every day, and even "deviated" by the content in short videos, and they are convinced of some so-called health tips and life tricks on the Internet that have no scientific basis and are strange, and there are also many old people who believe that the anchors who are active in short videos have spent money to buy back a bunch of useless products, wasting a lot of money. On the surface, the elderly appear to be biased, spread online rumors and indulge in online live shopping because they are overindulged, and an anti-addiction system seems to be able to solve this problem, which is some of the symptoms but not the root cause.

First of all, it should be clear that addiction to the Internet is not divided into age groups, and there are quite a few people who are addicted to the Internet among young and middle-aged people, and the reason why they will implement the juvenile anti-addiction system is not to prohibit the use of the Internet by minors, but to assist minors in using the Internet correctly. Secondly, the elderly have the right to online entertainment, in the Internet, the elderly and young people are equal, everyone equal access to knowledge, enjoy entertainment and leisure, through the Network to understand the world information, the fruits of Internet development the elderly should also enjoy.

It is true that the concern about the excessive addiction of the elderly to the Internet and the resulting series of problems that are not conducive to the physical and mental health of the elderly is out of concern for the elderly, but whether the logic of preventing adolescent addiction can be used to restrict the Internet access of the elderly needs more consideration. On the other hand, all kinds of software, especially short video software itself in the design process is intentionally addictive, whether it is page layout design or accurate algorithm push, essentially is the user's attention grab, rather than restricting the elderly to use mobile phones, it is better to start from the software content transformation.

All kinds of software pop-up advertising, pushed fraudulent information, difficult to detect the inducement of consumption can not only make the elderly fall into the pit, young people can not hide, to let the elderly body and mind from the harm of bad information, it is better to focus on rectifying the bad information and hidden pop-up advertising in the network. At present, many software has also launched a flexible use time reminder function, such as Douyin launched a rest reminder function for elderly users in early March, by setting a time reminder, in the form of voice broadcast to remind users, which is also a way to assist the elderly to use mobile phones correctly and healthily. However, young children should also further think about whether the old people are addicted to meeting their spiritual needs in the mobile phone network, and whether there is a single real life and insufficient family companionship. The problem of mobile phone addiction in the elderly is not easy to solve from a single aspect.

Yangzi Evening News | Purple Cow News reporter Shen Zhao

Image source: Visual China

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