
Baby crying and not knowing what to do? This one is enough!

Nurturing a life is a big thing, and many people have no experience when they are parents for the first time, so they will be busy, which is also the sweet burden of life. After conceiving in October, a family will welcome a new baby, which immerses the family in an atmosphere of joy. The arrival of each new life is the happiest thing for this family, but the newborn has just left the mother, and it is also the most fragile time of life, and the baby will encounter various small conditions if he is not careful, which is also the most worrying thing for new parents.

The reasons for the baby's crying are strange, so many parents have headaches, how to improve the baby's crying situation?

Why is it easy for babies to cry?

First, the baby is sick. If the baby is sick, because it feels very uncomfortable, the crying will be sharper than usual, often crying or crying in bursts. At the same time, the baby may also show irritability, bad face, and sometimes with limb movements, such as shaking fists, kicking legs, scratching a certain part, and so on. Among the common diseases, acute abdomen and intestinal folding crying is more typical, is a burst of loud crying, the baby behaves very restless, pale, sweaty. If it is caused by crying due to fever, the baby will also appear irritable, red-faced, and feel hot when he touches his forehead or body with his hand. If the baby cries while grabbing a certain part with his hands, it is likely that there is a disease in that part, such as scratching the ear with his hand, which may be otitis media, foreign body in the external ear canal, etc.; grasping the nose with his hand may be that the nose is not ventilated or there is a foreign body in the nose. If the baby's crying is different from usual, and in any case, the baby can not be quiet, parents must be vigilant, carefully observe the baby's symptoms, and take him to the hospital in time.

Second, psychological needs. After excluding physiological factors, if the baby is still crying, it may be a psychological need. I want to be spoiled: when the baby wants to attract the attention of adults, he will cry in a relatively high tone, but usually not shed tears. I'm angry: if the baby doesn't get the parents' attention, or if something makes the baby angry, the crying is louder and even more harsh than when the baby is. I'm sad: when the baby feels sad, the sound of crying also sounds relatively low, a bit like a whimper.

Baby crying and not knowing what to do? This one is enough!

Baby crying, how to take care of it?

First, if you must breastfeed at night, you should pay attention to keeping a quiet environment as much as possible. When feeding or changing diapers at night, do not let your child wake up thoroughly, so that it will be easier to fall asleep after the diaper is changed after feeding. Gradually reduce the number of feedings and do not let your child develop the habit of feeding at night.

Second, if the baby wakes up because he wants to pee at night, I think I should give him urine not to wet, so as not to affect the baby's sleep because of the urine, if there is a use of diapers, it must be too tightly wrapped in urine.

Third, do not let the baby sleep with the pacifier, the pacifier is used to let the child suck milk, not for sleeping, some children fall asleep with the pacifier, before putting it on the bed, please gently pull the pacifier out.

Baby crying and not knowing what to do? This one is enough!

If the baby is crying, the parents should make timely decisions and nursing behaviors according to the baby's age and actual situation and the baby's state, so as to avoid the baby being more uncomfortable. The birth of the baby is the happiness of the family, and I hope that every baby can grow up healthy!

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