
How can I get pregnant more easily by doing three generations of IVF?

Many families with fertility difficulties want to get pregnant and have children will choose artificial assisted reproduction IVF to help conceive, for people with a strong desire to have children, BeiLai Fertility Center said that how to do IVF is relatively easy to succeed is what many couples care about, how to get pregnant smoothly also needs to be conditioned. Many couples have successfully carried their babies home through IVF fertility.

How can IVF become more likely to get pregnant?

Dietary regularity

In IVF treatment, you can mix and adjust the diet, be nutritious, and eat regularly. You can eat more foods that contain vitamins, such as broccoli, eggplant, or fruit. If the diet is regular, nutritional balance will also be more conducive to supplementing the body's nutrition.

How can I get pregnant more easily by doing three generations of IVF?

Drink fish soup appropriately

In IVF treatment, you can eat more nutritious foods to be able to have a good physique and drink some crucian carp soup appropriately, which is more conducive to the smooth implantation of the embryo. Of course, people who are allergic to fish still try not to drink it. Eating should also try to avoid foods that can cause allergies.

Do not live as a couple for the time being after transplantation

After the IVF transfer, the embryos at this time have not yet implanted and rooted steadily. In order to be able to have a smooth pregnancy, the couple should not have intercourse at this time, so as not to cause uterine contractions and affect the normal implantation of the embryo.

How to improve follicle quality during IVF?

1. Life should be regular

Black and white upside down, less sleep, alcohol sucking, etc. will lead to imbalance of body functions, change the environment of egg development, affect the normal operation of the ovaries, so we must maintain a regular life, go to bed early and get up early.

How can I get pregnant more easily by doing three generations of IVF?

2. Exercise appropriately

Proper physical exercise can help the woman improve her physical fitness and ensure the high quality of the eggs.

3. Adjust your mood

According to studies, when stress persists or occurs frequently, the body produces a large number of "anxiety hormones" called cortisone, which aggravates tension. Excessive secretion of a single variety of ji hormones breaks the original ji hormone balance, leads to endocrine disorders, affecting the ovulation ability of the ovaries, so an appropriate amount of stress reduction and relaxation of tension can effectively bring good "pregnancy".

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