
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37

Source: College of Literature, Yangzhou University, Zhao Yong, Beishi, Jiangxi Qingjiao

Zhao Yong, a professor of literature and art at the College of Literature at Beijing Normal University, posted a memorial article, and Yang Ningning, a lecturer at the College of Literature at Yangzhou University, died on March 8, 2022, at the age of 37 (37 years old on March 21).

According to Professor Zhao Yong, Yang Ningning, a doctor of literature and art at Beijing Normal University, is a closed disciple of Professor Tong Qingbing, a titan of literature and art, who "countless times" told Professor Zhao that Yang Ningning "surpassed him, admired him as a person, and praised his knowledge." ”

According to Xi Zhiwu, associate professor of the School of Journalism and Communication of Nanchang University, in the article "Mourning Ningning", Yang Ningning was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2018. At that time, they had just joined the work force, and they were busy between life and work every day.

distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37

Yang Ningning (1985.3.21, Note: The official website is February 1985 - March 8, 2022), male, Han ethnicity, from Surabaya, Shandong. He graduated from Shandong Normal University in 2008 with a major in Chinese Language and Literature, and graduated from Beijing Normal University in 2016 with a doctorate in literature. lecturer.

He is a full-time teacher in the Department of Literature and Art of the College of Literature and Literature of Yangzhou University, teaching courses such as Introduction to Literature, Literary Criticism, and Classical Chinese Poetics.

Engaged in the study of basic theories of literature, classical Chinese poetics, and modern poetics. He has published more than 20 papers in various journals such as "Research on Literary and Art Theory", "Research on Ancient Literary Theory", "Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Science Edition)" and so on. Presided over 1 youth fund project of the Ministry of Education.

Published papers: "The Reshaping of "Rational Language": The Endogenous Context and Classification Traces of Funayama's Poetic Concept of "Chemistry into Affection"" "The Correct Interpretation of Wang Fu's Poetic Sentiments", "Harmony into Purity, UniqueNess: Unveiling Wang Fu's Literary Thought", "'Charm" and "Balance": Literary and Artistic Reflections in the Era of Consumption", "The "Realm" of Harmony outside and inside: The Contextualization of Cultural Poetics Revisited", "Intertextuality, Allusions and Female Lyricism- Three Techniques of He Qifang's Early Poetry Creation from a Poem", etc.

distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37

After the death of Teacher Yang Ningning, his teachers, friends and students left messages below the memorial articles of Professor Zhao and Teacher Xi:

distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37
distressed! The well-known university teacher died of illness at the age of 37

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