
The negotiations made important progress, Zelenskiy was happy to declare victory, and the United States announced its support for the negotiations in a high-profile manner. The war in Ukraine entered the 19th day, and Russia basically achieved its own special military operations.

author:Armament in depth

The negotiations made important progress, Zelenskiy was happy to declare victory, and the United States announced its support for the negotiations in a high-profile manner. On the 19th day of the war in Ukraine, Russia basically achieved its own special military operations, and the negotiations also made important progress. Slutsky, a member of the Russian delegation to the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, told the outside world that substantial progress has been made in the negotiations with Ukraine and expects this progress to be translated into a common position between the two sides and into a "document to be signed." There is no doubt that this is good news and means that the dawn of peace has emerged. The war in Ukraine has reshaped the world order, and the impact on the world order is unprecedented.

It can be said that the soaring prices of crude oil, the soaring prices of natural gas, and the soaring prices of grains such as wheat have had a great impact on the whole world. In the context of the United States and Europe and other Western countries joining forces to impose crazy sanctions on Russia, no country in the world can stand alone. What is more gratifying is that the hope of calming down the war has arrived, and the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations have made progress. For this progress, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy also seized the opportunity to declare victory.

Zelenskiy happily announced to the outside world that "now that they are starting to talk about something, not just issuing an ultimatum, Russia's attitude is beginning to change." Zelenskiy declared he was pleased that Russia had shown a willingness to negotiate for the first time in years. It is clear that Zelenskiy wants to use this progress in negotiations to flaunt his achievements, and the specific truth is unknown. It can be said that since the war in Ukraine ignited, Zelenskiy has indeed played the advantages of actors, performed in various media, and won good support.

Although the U.S. and European media began to condemn Zelenskiy for playing himself as a hero, which cost the United States and Europe a heavy price, Zelenskiy's performance did succeed. In the case of progress in the negotiations, the United States has also come out in a high-profile manner to show its achievements, claiming that the United States has always supported the negotiations. The State Department said the United States broadly supported diplomacy and Ukraine's efforts to reach a ceasefire with Russia.

The United States is the igniter and initiator of the war in Ukraine, and now it has come out in a high-profile way to declare that the United States has always supported peace talks and supported a ceasefire, obviously putting gold on itself and trying to stand on the moral high ground. The United States has not wanted to make an effort for a ceasefire in Ukraine, but has been arching the fire. The United States used all the sanctions, but they did not work at all, but led to the First Failure of the United States' European allies to be unable to hold on. Now that the United States has seen that the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations have made substantial progress, it has begun to stand up and claim that the United States has made the greatest contribution to peace.

The negotiations made important progress, Zelenskiy was happy to declare victory, and the United States announced its support for the negotiations in a high-profile manner. The war in Ukraine entered the 19th day, and Russia basically achieved its own special military operations.
The negotiations made important progress, Zelenskiy was happy to declare victory, and the United States announced its support for the negotiations in a high-profile manner. The war in Ukraine entered the 19th day, and Russia basically achieved its own special military operations.
The negotiations made important progress, Zelenskiy was happy to declare victory, and the United States announced its support for the negotiations in a high-profile manner. The war in Ukraine entered the 19th day, and Russia basically achieved its own special military operations.

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