
Why should the fuel treasure be added five times in a row?

Because 5 times is a cleaning cycle, the first 5 times will be used continuously to achieve significant results. Cars of 20,000-50,000 km need to add one cycle continuously, and cars of 50,000-100,000 km need to add 2 wash cycles continuously.

Why should the fuel treasure be added five times in a row?

The use of fuel treasure depends on the usage displayed in the instruction manual, and the amount of fuel treasure added to different brands and models varies. Due to various reasons, the quality of mainland oil products has been unsatisfactory, and the octane number of gasoline is also very low. In order to increase the octane number, the content of aromatics and olefins must be increased, while the emissions of aromatics and olefins must be increased, thereby greatly increasing the carbon deposit of the engine.

Why should the fuel treasure be added five times in a row?

The use of fuel additives can alleviate this problem to a certain extent, in fact, fuel treasure can play the role of a car. Even if it is a "supplement" for the daily maintenance of the car, fuel treasure can make up for some performance defects of gasoline and give gasoline some new excellent properties, such as improving atomization, reducing wear, protecting the engine, reducing emissions, etc.

Why should the fuel treasure be added five times in a row?

Fuel treasure is a high threshold technical product, the cost and price of each bottle are very high, so it is the hardest hit area for many inferior products and even counterfeit products. The use of counterfeit products can not only remove carbon deposits, maintain the engine, but also cause damage to the engine, so it needs to be purchased from formal channels, such as physical stores, online flagship stores, regular 4S stores, etc.

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