
Where there is any sudden departure, no love is planned for a long time


I've always felt that both love and non-love are obvious. You've seen a person love you and you know what it's like not to love.

Where there is any sudden departure, all departures are premeditated for a long time. Just as every rain has signs, the so-called sudden rainstorm is precipitated after a period of time.

Feelings are sometimes like the weather, there is no unprovoked love, and there is no unprovoked unlove. Those that seem to be cloudy and uncertain are actually traceable.

Therefore, many times to recognize themselves, recognize the reality, do not make excuses for each other, love is reflected in the small things of life.

Where there is any sudden departure, no love is planned for a long time

Any relationship has its own reason for existence, and a person loves you at first sight, but in the end, separation will always make you see something clearly.

In this world, there are no sudden decisions, sudden disappearances, in fact, they have been planned for a long time.

When you actually experience something, you will understand that in this world, love and non-love will be obvious.

Life is very realistic, it will make you see some people clearly, and it will also teach you something. As long as you feel it with your heart, you will find that love is in the details, and neither is love.

Two people together, the beginning is beautiful, then you will feel that the other person is the world's people.

When you get acquainted with each other, and as time passes, and your feelings become flat, you will find that the other party has been slowly alienating you, but you are not willing to admit reality.

Most feelings cannot stand the test of time, and only true love can resist everything.

The person who truly loves you, he will make you feel solid, affirmed, needed, and there will always be someone who will always stand there when you are lonely and helpless.

Where there is any sudden departure, no love is planned for a long time

I have seen the feelings of people around me, many people, and some people will complain about how the other party suddenly does not love.

In fact, there is no love for no reason, but many times you are not willing to admit reality, as long as you observe with your heart, you will find love in the details.

The man who doesn't love you, what you do he does is indifferent. You also know in your heart that he has long since ceased to love, but it is not you who deceive yourself.

Life is very realistic, the person who loves you, he will give you the security you want, the person who does not love you, you do no matter how much useless.

Love is the truest feeling from the heart, it is an uncontrollable bondage, it is an urgent yearning. If a person is not willing to express and give, it is already obvious.

No one will leave suddenly, all of them are fully prepared, they are accumulating countless disappointments.

The so-called big-billed departure is more of a temptation, and the real departure is quiet. Those who leave without a trace are just that you yourself have not paid attention to it.

Therefore, no matter when, you must recognize a person's intentions, when you can't feel love, it is not love.

Where there is any sudden departure, no love is planned for a long time


Feelings can never deceive people. Love and non-love are obvious, if a person wants to go, you can't stay.

In a relationship, when you feel tired and need to work hard to maintain, you should understand that the relationship is wrong.

Good feelings will make you better, will make you be yourself, become independent and confident, and don't be afraid of losing.

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