
AMD FSR 2.0 Premiere: Amazing frame rate quality! Both N cards and I cards can be used

AMD previously announced that it will introduce the next generation of game graphics scaling technology at the GDC 2022 Global Game Developers Conference on March 23.

According to the developer of the monitoring tool CapFrameX, he has privately seen a demo clip of AMD FSR 2.0 technology and was very impressed.

AMD FSR 2.0 Premiere: Amazing frame rate quality! Both N cards and I cards can be used

According to him, FSR 2.0 uses temporal upscaling algorithms, which are very different from the current FSR spatial scaling algorithms, but move closer to NVIDIA DLSS and will combine optimized AA anti-aliasing.

It is said that the performance and picture quality of FSR 2.0 are quite powerful, and AMD claims to be even stronger than the native picture.

Interestingly, unlike NVIDIA DLSS and Intel XeSS, FSR 2.0 does not require specific AI acceleration, which means that it not only supports AMD graphics cards, but can also theoretically be used for NVIDIA graphics cards and Intel graphics cards, of course, this depends on the adaptation, but also depends on the specific architecture.

In fact, Intel XeSS is also divided into two situations, one of which uses DP4a instructions, which is also hardware-independent and suitable for any vendor and architecture.

It is said that FSR 2.0 is expected to be officially announced soon, but the actual release and landing may not wait until the RDNA3 architecture of the RX 7000 series is released, and the fastest will be in the third and fourth quarters of this year.

AMD FSR 2.0 Premiere: Amazing frame rate quality! Both N cards and I cards can be used

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