
The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

Hello everyone, I'm Dumb. With the update of the glory of the king, there are also a lot of welfare activities on the line, for players who need to smoke the glory crystal, this time it is blessed, because the glory crystal has ushered in a discount activity, which is simply a price reduction.

The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

At the same time, there are also some star legend skin revelations, at present, in the official inventory there are several star legends that have not been online, and this time has ushered in a popular skin with star legends, feeling that 300 purple star coins are not enough, so it is recommended that you try to keep more purple star coins.

In addition, after the king glory experience suit update, but also let everyone find that the auxiliary may really rise, the official this time to the auxiliary hero extra care, in addition to strengthening, the auxiliary hero may also usher in the third legend skin, I don't know who you want to give?

Well, without further ado, let's take a look.

The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

Glory Crystals began to reduce prices

With the update of The Glory of Kings, Charlotte's new skin has been officially launched, in addition to this, the official has also prepared some welfare activities.

First of all, everyone is most looking forward to the glory crystal price reduction activities, that is, the points to grab the treasure discount activities, I don't know if you have noticed, in fact, the points treasure discount activities are often on the shelves, plus the daily recharge activities are updated every week, sometimes there are basically more than 16 days of daily recharge activities a month, if you use this activity, in fact, you can also white a lot of glory points, so you can cooperate with the points treasure discount activities, so it greatly discounts the value of the glory collection skin.

If you rely on the daily recharge activity, recharge 60 coupons at a time, only need a few hundred pieces to take down a glory crystal, of course, good luck may be lower, and recharge coupons can also buy other skins.

The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

Star Legend skin reveal

For the King's Glory Star Legend skin, at present, the online speed is not fast, which is also a good thing for players, because the white prostitute purple star coin is not easy.

However, the slow launch does not mean that there is no Star Legend skin in the official inventory, in fact, there are many related revelations, and there are many Star Legend skins in the official inventory that are not online.

For example, Di Renjie, Hua Mulan, Yu Ji these three heroes have star legends exposed, and recently there is a hot hero ushered in the star legend skin reveal, that is, mink cicadas.

Judging from the official revelations that were accidentally revealed before, the cat shadow phantom dance of the mink cicada has a star legend skin called the Linglong Phantom Dance.

The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

Mulan's star legend skin is also FMVP skin, and this time the mink cicada is also FMVP skin, it seems that this type of skin may be listed on a set of star legends.

In fact, fmvp skin online star legend I think is also a good thing, because the price of the star legend skin is more favorable, generally only need 962 coupons when it is just online, so the purchase of players is more, purple star coins can also be white prostitute, so star legend is equivalent to white prostitution.

At present, it is recommended that you try to save purple star coins, because the next star legend skin may be the above several.

The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

Secondary third Legendary skin

At present, the auxiliary heroes of the glory of the king have ushered in two auxiliary legend skins, namely Princess Yaoyao and Cai Wenji, which are also skins that have only been launched this year.

However, the third legend of the auxiliary may soon come, and some well-known people have revealed that Big Joe also has a flower wedding skin, which is said to be a legendary skin.

In fact, after Big Joe's White Crane Liang Goddess was launched, many players also expressed their hope that they could arrange a legendary skin for Big Joe, and Big Joe was also very popular, so I think the possibility of taking down the legendary skin is very large.

And Big Joe's flower wedding has long been on the agenda, but it has not been online, and this time 520 may be promising.

The Glory Crystal began to drop in price, another Star Legend was exposed, and the third legend to assist was coming?

To summarize the key points: At present, the daily recharge activities and the points treasure discount activities are indeed continuous, and this type of activity is often online, which also means that the value of the Glory Collection skin is greatly discounted. Regarding the next Star Legend skin, everyone who may be Di Renjie, Hua Mulan, Yu Ji or Sable Cicada can look forward to it. And the auxiliary third legend skin is not impossible, and Big Joe's hero is very suitable.

Well, the above is the entire content of this issue of the article, I don't know if you have any other views? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate together.

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