
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

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Material excerpt from "How to Draw Chrysanthemums", written by Jia Baomin, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House excerpts of network sharing content for reference only, if you need in-depth study, please buy genuine books from formal channels!

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

1. Flat-topped chrysanthemum painting method

Flat-topped chrysanthemums, also known as wheel chrysanthemums, have fewer petals, have single and multi-layered, and the petals radiate outward with the center of the flower as the center. White and light flowers are mostly dyed with ink hooks. Small bag chrysanthemum can be colored directly to the dot painting. The petals can be wide or narrow, and can be many or few. There are three ways to draw the flower center: one is to use light ink to hook the center of the circle, and then to hook the petals; the second is to point out the flower center with grass green, and then to hook the petals with ink; the third is to hook the petals first, and then to dot the flower buds with heavy ink. Flat-topped chrysanthemums can be painted more or in pieces, and only pay attention to the shape of a group or a piece.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

2. Save up to multi-layer chrysanthemum painting method

Toppings generally refer to multi-layered multi-petaled chrysanthemums. The number of petals is not absolutely large, and it can be drawn according to the needs of the painting. Its painting method can be painted from the center of the petal, gradually stretching outward around the flower center, the root of the petal is facing the flower center, but the petals are not parallel, and there should be changes in size, density, width and narrowness, length and length. Paint until the shape is satisfactory and stop. For example, when two chrysanthemums are painted together, the petals in contact with each other must have a vertical and horizontal relationship, otherwise it is not easy to distinguish, and the top chrysanthemums should not be painted too much together, otherwise it is not easy to draw a posture.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

3. How to draw chrysanthemum leaves

Chrysanthemum leaves are one of the five leaves. Five out means that the main leaf tendon is five, and the pen method is also based on five out of the painting. Each blade can be one or two strokes, and the use of the pen is based on the principle of convenience. The front leaves are generally painted in the leaves, and the side leaves are three pieces,

Left or right with five tablets. The leaves are slightly smaller near the flowers, gradually becoming larger, and withered near the roots, but can be painted slightly broken. The leaves can be divided into two types: upper and lower leaves. In a chrysanthemum, only upwards or only drooping can be. It can also be leaned up near the flower, flattened in the distance, and drooped at the bottom. At the same time, in a chrysanthemum, the leaves do not have to be explained too clearly to prevent dew.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

4. Hooking method of chrysanthemum leaves

Loose hook method: In general, most of them use this method, do not be too rigorous when checking, the strokes are moderate, and the pen is slightly heavier.

Simple hook method: In the case of better leaf ink color, less or no hook can be used. Simple hook is a kind of less hook, which can be less than only hook the main tendon, otherwise it will destroy the ink color.

Complicated hook method: refers to multiple hooks, dense hooks. In the case of less ink color in the leaves, it is possible to use the complex hook to break the flat, which is the method of winning in defeat.

Which method to use is determined according to the picture effect at the time and cannot be forced.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

5. White chrysanthemum painting method

White chrysanthemums in flower and bird paintings generally use ink to outline the flower type, can be light ink can also be heavy ink, after the ink is dried with grass green or light ochre, light flower blue and other circles dyeing, to show white, can also be dyed and then white powder, flowers with garcinia, leaves can be inked and colored.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

6. Dotted chrysanthemum painting method

Dot hook is like writing cursive, focusing on the momentum, before painting to have a number in mind, in one go, the middle can not break the pen, the ink should have dry and wet changes. Steps: first start from the flower center painting, use the dot method; extend the flower center outward with a pen to be powerful, complete the outer contour of the flower type; find out the flower type, in order to seek completeness; the flower head is painted and then add the painting leaves and stems, the first leaf and then the stem can be first stemmed and then the leaf can be.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

7. In addition to dyeing with ink hook, light chrysanthemums can also be dyed by color hook dyeing. Among them, the light red first outlines the outline of the flower with rouge, and the color should be heavy, and there should be a change of dry and wet. After drying, it is rendered outward from the center of the petal with light rouge water, leaving white at the tip of the petal, adding ink to the flower buds, and the leaves can be inked or colored, such as flower blue ink or ochre ink. (Painting by Guo Shuren)

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

8. Pale yellow chrysanthemums can generally be used to first use light ink hook, and then with light garcinia yellow from the petal center to the petal tip rendering, the petals are left white, and then the petal center is used to light vermilion point petal heart, the flower bud is appropriately left white with rouge ink, and the leaves can be colored and inked. (Shi Ruyuan painting)

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

9. Light pink chrysanthemum painting method: Light chrysanthemums are generally used to outline the flower type with ink in a small freehand, the ink can be heavy or light, and the flower center can also be heavier, the outside is slightly lighter, and the ink is dried after dyeing. Light red can be slightly adjusted with magenta rouge, the moisture should be large, and the stroke should be used when coloring, not painted. Can be colored on the front, can also be colored on the reverse side of the paper, the advantage of reverse coloring is that it does not hurt the ink, the picture is not gray.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

10. In addition to light ink hooks, heavy ink hooks can also be used for light flowers. Heavy ink should generally be dried up a little, not too solid and too wet. After the ink is dried, the outer contour is painted with light grass green. The flower center is rendered with light garcinia yellow, and the burnt ink dots the flower buds. The leaves can be inked and colored, but also ochre ink. (Painting by Guo Shuren)

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

11. Kaigou juju method: Kaigou is generally more neat, more use of the center, the petals can be wide or narrow, long or short, can be more or less, can be curved or straight, but the account should be specific, but also have to be dense and virtual to be vivid. The leaves can be inked and colored. In the process of drawing leaves with ink, if the ink color is not enough, it can be rendered green to unify the effect.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

12. In order to increase the variation, the petals can be drawn thin and long, and a few gaps can be opened in the circular flower type to seek changes. Drawing method: first use light ink to outline the pattern, use the pen to be powerful, and see the brush strokes. After drying, use three green fronts to dye, do not cover the ink lines, and the reverse side is rendered in grass green. The leaves can be inky and colorful, but there should be changes in wet and dry and thick and light. Heavy ink hook leaf tendons.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

13. Wide-petal chrysanthemum painting method: Wide-petaled chrysanthemums are generally multi-painted and top-notch. The petals should not be drawn too much, the lines can be thicker, the lines in the petals can be slightly thinner, the ink is dried and dyed, and it can be white, yellow, and pink. The leaves can be inked and colored, and the ink can be colored, depending on the picture effect.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

14. Square brush stroke painting chrysanthemum method: square stroke refers to the square shape and use of the pen, the effect is solid and powerful, the pattern is flat or the top can be saved. Generally, it is first used to hook in ink, then dyed, and the blue is rendered in blue with a head blue. The leaves can be inked and colored, and their leaf shape also adopts a square pen, and when it is semi-dry, the heavy ink hooks the leaf tendons, and the leaf stem mostly uses a straight folding pen to make the whole effect uniform. (Painting by Guo Shuren)

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

15. Simple painting chrysanthemum method: The simple painting of chrysanthemums is actually a combination of hook points. The first time the hook seems to be like a hook point, and with cursive calligraphy, seeking its momentum and pen fun, do not have to worry about the shape of each petal, only pay attention to the overall shape. The insufficient part is dried with magenta dot feet, like dots, and the leaves are generally ink or color ink.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

16. The leaves of chrysanthemums can be whole or broken, generally the flowers are broken, and the flowers are broken. Broken leaves can be rendered in either flower or grass green for a uniform effect. (Shi Ruyuan painting)

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

17. In addition to using rouge to hook and dye, light-colored chrysanthemums can also use ochre ink to hook petals, and then rendered in light magenta, the color is only dyed at the center of the flower, the tips of the petals are white, and then the outline is outlined with light grass green, and finally the rouge with ink dots, the leaves can be inked and colored, and can also be colored. (Painting by Guo Shuren)

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

18. Side-style flower head painting method: This method shows more side posture, and the middle petals of each flower are more flat and upward curves. At the same time, the ink color should also have changes in dry and wet, and the ink is dyed after drying, and the color can be white, yellow, pink, purple and so on. The leaves are inky and colorful.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

19. Thin-petaled chrysanthemums can be painted flat, can also be painted top type, light-colored chrysanthemums mostly use ink to outline the flower type and then dye the method. The hook flower type should pay attention to the use of the pen to be powerful, not chaotic, the direction of the petals should be emitted from the center of the petal, the shape should have a posture, and should not be drawn too round. After the ink is dried, it is first rendered in light grass green, and when it is semi-dry, it is counterstained with three greens, and the ink line is not covered when dyeing. The leaves are inky and colorful. The green leaves are green in Garcinia garcinia. Dead leaf grass green and then adjust the ochre, heavy ink hook leaf tendons.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

20. Light-colored long-petal chrysanthemum painting method: first use ink to outline the shape and then dye. When painting petals, it should not be too curved or too straight, and the length should be used interchangeably, and the outer petals should have a posture, and the flower center should be slightly dense, and the ink should be colored after drying. In the picture, the root of the petal is first slightly stained with magenta, the tip of the petal is left white, and then the outer outline of the petal is traced with light magenta water, forming a light red color effect. The leaves can be inked and colored.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

21. Light chrysanthemums include many colors, such as white, yellow, orange, light pink, lilac, light green, light blue and so on. Light color generally uses light ink to outline the pattern first, to show the brush strokes, ink drying after dyeing, can be rendered on the front, can also be dyed on the reverse side, the leaves can be ink and colored.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

22. Ink chrysanthemum painting method: Ink chrysanthemums are generally painted with ink. Painting method: The flowers are slightly lighter ink color, which can be wide or narrow, long or short, and the flower buds are dotted with heavy ink, and the light ink is re-hooked after drying. Pale ochre rehooks can also be used. The leaves are mostly used in heavy ink to distinguish the chromaticity of the flowers, and medium ink can also be used, but they should be wholeed to distinguish between the surface and the line of the flower.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Freehand Chrysanthemum Various Painting Method Demonstrations

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