
Weizman's new sports car official spy photo Codename Thunder Project

Recently, the German sports car brand Wiezmann released the official spy photo of its new sports car, and announced that the new car project was named Project Thunderball (Thunder Plan).

Weizman's new sports car official spy photo Codename Thunder Project

Judging from the official spy photos exposed, the new two-seater sports car continues the classic styling of Weizmann's previous models, including a longer engine compartment, iconic four-eyed taillights, and a soft-top convertible design.

Weizman's new sports car official spy photo Codename Thunder Project
Weizman's new sports car official spy photo Codename Thunder Project

In the power part, with reference to the previously released Project Gecko project, the new car is expected to be equipped with a 4.4-liter twin-turbo V8 engine from BMW, equipped with an 8-speed automatic transmission with an acceleration time of 3.5 seconds per 100 kilometers.

"The new car will continue Weizmann's standards of performance, craftsmanship and pure enjoyment," the official said. With the launch of new cars, Wiezmann is about to usher in a new beginning, followed by more new models to the market. ”

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