
The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨 Ukrainian President Zelenskiy spoke with many parties to discuss sanctions against Russia and other issues

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At 06:32 Beijing time on March 10:

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy spoke with many parties to discuss sanctions against Russia and other issues

On the night of the 9th local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy posted through social media showed that he had a call with leaders of the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States.

In a phone call with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the two sides discussed topics such as tightening sanctions against Russia and Britain's continued assistance to Ukraine in the field of defense.

Zelenskiy also spoke with European Council President Michel, where the two sides discussed topics such as maintaining Ukraine's cooperation with the EU, continuing to pressure Russia, and Ukraine's accession to the EU.

In addition, Zelenskiy also spoke to Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives. He said that this was the first telephone exchange between Ukraine and the other side since it entered a difficult period, and the Ukrainian side thanked the US side for its support and leadership in sanctioning Russia.

At 06:19 Beijing time on March 10:

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke by phone with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy

On the evening of March 9, local time, British Prime Minister Johnson had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy.

Johnson promised to further tighten sanctions against Russia to make it pay the biggest economic price, while praising Zelenskiy for his speech in britain's house of commons via video link a day earlier. Zelenskiy thanked Britain for its continued military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

At 05:36 Beijing time on March 10:

International Atomic Energy Agency: Two power lines at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Ukraine were damaged

International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Grossi revealed on the 9th local time that two off-site power supply lines at the Zaporozhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which is currently controlled by Russia, were damaged. According to reports, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant has a total of four off-site high-voltage power supply lines, as well as a backup line. The management said that the power demand of the nuclear power plant only needs an off-site high-voltage power supply line to meet.

In his statement on the same day, Grossi also noted that the International Atomic Energy Agency has lost remote monitoring data transmission from the safety and security systems of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in recent days, and the reason for the interruption of data transmission is unknown. But the IAEA still receives data transmissions from three other nuclear power plants controlled by Ukraine. Grossi said recent developments have increased the IAEA's concerns about the safety and security of Ukraine's nuclear facilities.

At the invitation of the Turkish Foreign Minister, Grossi will travel to Antalya, Turkey, on the 10th. He expressed the hope that the meeting held there would make progress on the issue of the safety and security of Ukraine's nuclear facilities and stressed that action must be taken now.

Earlier in the day, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Haleba issued a statement on social media saying that the power supply line of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant controlled by the Russian army was damaged and the nuclear power plant was completely cut off. However, the IAEA has confirmed that the cooling water in the Chernobyl spent fuel storage tank can effectively dissipate heat without electricity supply, and that the power outage at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has no significant impact on safety.

At 05:28 Beijing time on March 10:

U.S. Department of Defense: Does not support the delivery of fighter jets from Poland to the Ukrainian Air Force

On March 9, local time, U.S. Pentagon spokesman Kobe Bryant said he did not support Poland in sending fighter jets to the Ukrainian Air Force.

Previously, Poland had expressed its desire to transfer MiG-29 fighter jets to A U.S. military base in Germany. However, Kobe Bryant said on the 9th that the Us side has clearly stated that it does not support Poland's delivery of MiG-29s to the Ukrainian Air Force, nor does it support the transfer of them to the US Air Base in Germany. Bryant said the proposal was too risky and that NATO should avoid a direct conflict with Russia as much as possible.

The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Ukraine have all arrived in Turkey and will participate in the trilateral talks between Turkey, Russia and Ukraine on the 10th

Late at night on the 9th local time, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba and the Ukrainian delegation arrived in Antalya, Turkey. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Russian delegation had also arrived. The Russian and Ukrainian sides stayed in different hotels.

On the 10th local time, Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushoglu, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba will hold tripartite talks in Antalya. This is the first direct contact between the Russian and Ukrainian high-level levels since Russia launched a special military operation on February 24.

At 04:18 Beijing time on March 10:

The President of Ukraine signed a law allowing civilians to use weapons during a state of war

On the 9th local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy signed a law allowing all Ukrainians to use weapons during a state of war.

March 10, 04:05 Beijing time:

Dutch Prime Minister Rutte: Europe needs to "decouple" from Russia's energy

Dutch Prime Minister Rutte said on the 9th local time that Europe needs to "decouple" from Russia's energy and reduce its dependence on Russian energy by accelerating energy transformation, including accelerating the development of nuclear energy. He said: "At the moment we can't leave Russia's gas, which is in Russia's hands. ”

Rutte said the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has ushered in a new era of uncertainty in Europe, "so the EU and NATO need to be further strengthened to ensure the security of EU countries and the European continent."

At 02:33 Beijing time on March 10:

Embassy of Ukraine in Turkey: The meeting of foreign ministers of Ukraine, Turkey and Russia will be held on the 10th

The Ukrainian Embassy in Turkey said on the 9th local time that the three foreign ministers' meetings of Ukraine, Turkey and Russia will be held at 11 o'clock local time on the 10th in Antalya, Turkey. After the meeting, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba will hold a press conference on the spot.

Earlier in the day, Kureba said he was preparing for a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, but frankly he did not place high expectations on him.

At 02:21 Beijing time on March 10:

Turkish President and Israeli President Meet The two sides will strengthen cooperation

On the 9th local time, Turkish President Erdogan held a meeting with visiting Israeli President Herzog, and the meeting lasted more than two hours. At a joint press conference after the meeting, Erdogan said Herzog's historic visit would be a turning point in relations between Turkey and Israel.

Erdogan said that strengthening cooperation is very important for both regional peace and stability and for Turkey and Israel. He called on the two countries to cooperate more on energy. He also revealed that Turkey will send its foreign minister and minister of energy and natural resources to visit Israel. He said: During the meeting, the leaders of the two countries exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine, the Eastern Mediterranean issue, the Palestinian issue, and energy security.

Israeli President Herzog said at the press conference that the two sides should strive to promote dialogue and examine the relationship between the two countries through actions. The two countries will not agree on everything, but Israel is eager to resolve differences through appropriate mechanisms based on mutual respect and goodwill.

On the afternoon of the 9th, Israeli President Herzog arrived in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, to carry out a state visit to Turkey. This is the first time an Israeli leader has visited Turkey since 2008. On the 9th, Herzog also visited the mausoleum of the Turkish Founding Father and laid a wreath for the late Turkish Founding Father Ataturk. On March 10, Herzog will meet with representatives of the Jewish community in Istanbul.

At 01:52 Beijing time on March 10:

The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations have "made some progress" to open up more evacuation routes for civilians

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a press conference on the 9th that the negotiations with the Ukrainian side have "made some progress" and that the next round of negotiations will focus on the humanitarian passage of evacuated civilians.

She stressed that the purpose of the Russian special military operation "is not to occupy Ukraine, destroy the country or overthrow its government, and is not aimed at civilians."

On the same day, Russia and Ukraine agreed to open more humanitarian routes and evacuate more civilians from some conflict areas to safer areas. The Ukrainian side said that the military agreed to a ceasefire along these passages from 9:00 to 21:00 local time on the 9th.

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshyk said at a press conference on the 9th that the Ukrainian side has agreed to open 6 evacuation channels. Among them, the inhabitants of AgnelGodar and Mariupol will withdraw to the southeastern cities of Zaporozhye on the same day; the population of Volnovaha will withdraw to Pokrovsk; the residents of Samui will withdraw to Poltava; the eastern city of Ijum will open an evacuation route; and another route will include the small cities of Ilpin, Bucha and Gostomelli on the northwestern outskirts of the capital Kiev.

According to the Associated Press, people evacuated from the small town of Ilpin first crossed a river to Kiev, and many of them were then arranged to take a train to western Ukraine. In recent days, thousands of people have entered Kiev along this route.

Vleshyk said that the Ukrainian side has coordinated with the Russian side on the above evacuation route and sent a letter to the International Red Cross requesting assistance.

According to Ukrainian officials, on the route of withdrawing from Samui, about 5,000 people had left in buses on the 8th.

However, the Russian side accused the Ukrainian side of obstructing the withdrawal. Zakharova said at a press conference on the 9th that the Ukrainian side "deliberately did not convey information about humanitarian channels to the people" and that "those who wished to go to Russia were forced to evacuate in the direction of Western countries."

The Russian side has previously proposed several evacuation routes, and the Ukrainian side refuses to accept some of them on the grounds that they lead to Russia or Belarus.

Zakharova said about 2 million ukrainians have applied to be evacuated to Russia, and about 140,000 have entered Russia's territory.

The Russian and Ukrainian delegations held the third round of negotiations in the Belovezh Forest in Belarus on the 7th, reaching consensus on opening a humanitarian passage for civilians to evacuate and the two armies entering a "state of silence" along the passage to ensure the safety of evacuation, but limited progress on political and military issues. The two sides agreed to continue intensive consultations.

Zakharova said on the 9th that the Ukrainian side has confirmed that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kureba will hold talks during the Turkish Antalya Diplomatic Forum on the 10th. The Russian side believes that if all goes well, the talks between the two sides will be held as scheduled.

At 01:17 Beijing time on March 10:

Russian media: The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is still under control and is currently working normally

On the 9th local time, the Russian official rumor-busting website "Fighting with Fake News" published an article saying that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is still under control, and the staff normally monitors and operates the equipment.

The article said on the same day that it did not see any violations of safety at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Earlier in the day, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported a loss of contact with sensors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which had been explained in an earlier article, which did not mean that there was a problem at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but that there was an internet outage in Ukraine.

Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba said there was a danger of nuclear radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He noted that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which is connected to a backup diesel generator, will provide power to the facility for 48 hours, after which the cooling system for storing nuclear fuel will be shut down.

March 10, 01:08 Beijing time:

Russian Ministry of Defense: The power supply facilities of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were attacked by Ukrainian nationalists

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Pankov said on the 9th local time that Ukrainian nationalists carried out extremely dangerous provocative acts and attacked the lines and substations that powered the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Russian experts have taken swift steps to switch to backup diesel generators to power the power station, but the Ukrainian side has found ways to delay any repair and restoration of the power supply to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba issued a statement on social media on the 9th, saying that the power supply line of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant controlled by the Russian army was damaged, and the nuclear power plant was completely cut off. The IAEA said the heat load and the volume of cooling water in the Chernobyl spent fuel storage pool were sufficient to effectively remove heat without the need for electricity supply, and that power outages at nuclear power plants had no significant impact on safety.

Russia's official rumor-busting website "Fighting Fake News" earlier published an article saying that there were media reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency that the situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had deteriorated, which was false news. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is still under control, and the staff normally monitors and operates the equipment.

At 1:01 Beijing time on March 10:

Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Duma: The Russian delegation will not make any concessions in the Russian-Ukrainian talks

On the 9th local time, Slutsky, chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, said when talking about the Russian-Ukrainian talks that the Russian delegation would not back down at any point.

March 10, 01:01 Beijing time:

Russian Defense Ministry: Russia has paralyzed 2,786 military infrastructures in Ukraine

On the 9th, The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov issued a war briefing, on the same day, the Russian Air and Space Force paralyzed 49 military infrastructure in Ukraine, including 2 command posts, 6 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4 ammunition depots and fuel depots, and 37 weapons and military equipment assembly sites.

Konashenkov said that since the special military operation, a total of 2,786 military infrastructures in Ukraine have been paralyzed, and 953 tanks and armored vehicles have been destroyed. Konashenkov also noted that before the start of special military operations, the Ukrainian armed forces had 250 warplanes and helicopters. The Russians destroyed 89 fighters and 57 helicopters from the ground and air. Ukraine's military airfields are paralyzed in 90 per cent.

At 0:34 Beijing time on March 10:

The Embassy of Belarus in Italy was hit by an explosion

On the 9th local time, the Information Department of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Belarusian Embassy in Italy had been attacked by terrorists. An unidentified person set fire to two explosive devices and threw them into the Belarusian Embassy in Rome. One of the explosive devices was detonated near a gas pipeline, causing damage to the building and no casualties.

23:10 Beijing time on March 9:

Deputy Director of the Office of the President of Ukraine: If security is obtained Ukraine is ready to discuss the issue of neutrality

On the 9th local time, the deputy director of the Office of the President of Ukraine said that if security is provided, the Kiev authorities are ready to discuss the neutral status of the country, but Ukraine will not give up an inch of territory. He said Kiev needed security from the United States, Britain and Germany, and russian assurances alone were not enough.

Earlier in the day, an adviser to the head of the Ukrainian president's office said in an interview with Ukrainian media that Ukraine was ready to negotiate neutrality with Russia, but it must be secured.

23:07 Beijing time on March 9:

The German Chancellor met with the Canadian Chancellor and called for an end to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as soon as possible

On the 9th local time, German Chancellor Scholz met with visiting Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau in Berlin.

At a joint news conference after the talks, Scholz noted that the conflict in Ukraine marked a "watershed for Europe" and that the world order had changed with it. He called for an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal.

Scholz reiterated that Germany would not supply ukraine with warplanes. As for the energy sanctions program against Russia, he once again ruled out the possibility that Germany would immediately stop importing Russian energy. According to Scholz, Germany is different from the United States and Canada in terms of dependence on energy imports, so the approach should also be different.

Turning to climate change, Scholz stressed that Germany, as the rotating chairmanship of the Group of Seven, wants to do everything possible to ensure that the international community works together to achieve climate neutrality. He appreciated Canada's proposal to price carbon dioxide and said Germany looked forward to working closely with Canada on expanding renewable energy, especially hydrogen.

Trudeau said at a news conference that he had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy that morning and that Canada would provide further assistance to Ukraine. According to Trudeau, he will also visit Poland on the 10th to discuss the conflict in Ukraine and the issue of refugees. In addition, Trudeau praised Scholz for "playing a huge leadership role in difficult times."

At 22:50 Beijing time on March 9:

Russian media: The deterioration of the situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is untrue and is creating panic

Russia's official rumor-busting website "Fighting Fake News" published an article saying that some media reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency said that the situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had deteriorated, which was false news. The truth is that they are just creating panic.

The IAEA only reported that the loss of contact with the sensor proved not to be a problem at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but rather to the disruption of the Internet inside Ukraine. The situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is under full control, and the staff is performing their duties normally. On March 7, Russian troops provided them with humanitarian assistance.

At 22:05 Beijing time on March 9:

The foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and Uzbekistan will meet at 11 o'clock local time on the 10th

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨 Ukrainian President Zelenskiy spoke with many parties to discuss sanctions against Russia and other issues

△Meeting place

On March 9, local time, according to sources from the Turkish Communications Bureau, the foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and Uzbekistan will meet in Antalya at 11 a.m. local time on March 10.

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