
With a target of 1.2 million units in 2022, can BYD sell Tesla?

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Recently, BYD released its February sales data. According to the data, BYD's full series of passenger cars sold 90,268 units in February, an increase of 336.2% year-on-year, of which 87,473 new energy vehicles, including 43,173 pure electric vehicles and 44,300 DM hybrid models, accounted for nearly 97% of new energy model sales.

With a target of 1.2 million units in 2022, can BYD sell Tesla?

From the perspective of specific models, BYD Song series sales are the highest, reaching 24534 vehicles, with cumulative sales of more than 1.1 million vehicles; followed by BYD Qin series, with sales of 24503 vehicles, accumulating more than 560,000 vehicles; BYD Tang sold 10,426 vehicles in February, accumulating more than 310,000 vehicles; BYD Han sold 9,290 vehicles, with a cumulative sales of 180,000 vehicles, BYD Yuan and Dolphin sold 8,953 vehicles and 8,565 vehicles respectively, reaching 240,000 and 40,000 vehicles respectively.

With a target of 1.2 million units in 2022, can BYD sell Tesla?

In the first two months of 2022, BYD's sales exceeded 90,000 vehicles. The new force car companies generally fell in February, and although BYD also reduced more than 5,000 units, the overall impact was not large. In 2022, BYD's full-year sales target is 1.2 million vehicles, while in 2021 BYD completed 730,000 vehicles, which means that sales will increase by at least 64% this year. It is difficult, but it is not impossible for BYD, and the market environment is more optimistic, with Citibank even reaching 1.3 million vehicles on ATD's estimate.

With a target of 1.2 million units in 2022, can BYD sell Tesla?

In addition to the strong growth brought by BYD DM hybrid, the listing of a number of models this year has also opened up THE IMAGINATION of BYD, you know, a dolphin has completed 40,000 units of sales in just a few months, and the monthly sales are enough to compete with new forces such as Wei Xiaoli, which is a positive signal for BYD's product layout.

According to BYD's new product planning, in addition to the Dynasty series this year to launch the Song MAX DM-i home MPV, BYD Han DM-i is also about to debut; in the Ocean series, seals, sea lions these two cars are benchmarked Tesla Model 3 and Model Y, Seagull is an A00-class low-end product; warship series, destroyer 05 will be listed in March, destroyer 07 in the fourth quarter, and cruiser 05 and cruiser 07 these two SUVs are ready to go. The MPV model landing ship 07 was launched in the third quarter, and the news that the frigate 07 (medium-sized SUV) is preparing for mass production has also been exposed.

With a target of 1.2 million units in 2022, can BYD sell Tesla?

In short, BYD's arrangement for new cars in 2022 is non-stop, and with the continuous enrichment and improvement of the three major family product matrices, it is logical that this year's sales breakthrough can be said. In the field of new energy vehicles, BYD has surpassed Tesla in China, Tesla sold 930,000 vehicles last year, and this year is expected to be as high as 1.5 million vehicles, Whether BYD can surpass the electric vehicle giant is looking forward to.

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Editor: Su Hua

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