
Musk revealed the origin of Tesla's name: spent $75,000 on the doorstep of others to grind hard bubbles to come

When it comes to Tesla motors, many people will naturally think of Musk. Indeed, under the leadership of "madman" Musk, Tesla has ushered in the best development opportunity in the history of the car. And Tesla, which sells less than a million vehicles a year, is indeed the world's largest car company by market capitalization, and it does not sound like a general magic.

Although Musk has now become Tesla's business card, the founder is not Musk, and tesla's name history is also very interesting, not Tesla itself came up with, but spent 75,000 US dollars, in front of other people's homes to grind hard bubbles to come.

Musk revealed the origin of Tesla's name: spent $75,000 on the doorstep of others to grind hard bubbles to come

Musk revealed in an interview that the name "Tesla Motors" was not what they came up with, and they didn't have that name.

The name Tesla Motors, owned by a man in Sacramento, sent the company's best man to sit on his doorstep and said not to leave until he agreed to sell it to us. Eventually, the man agreed to sell the name, for which Tesla spent $75,000.


But now, Tesla's latest market capitalization has reached $866.4 billion, the world's largest car company, compared to the $75,000 spent on buying a name, which is an extremely successful investment.

What is more worth mentioning is that under the leadership of Musk, Tesla's stock price is still like "riding a rocket". In the future, whether Tesla's market value can surpass Apple and Microsoft, we will wait and see.

Musk revealed the origin of Tesla's name: spent $75,000 on the doorstep of others to grind hard bubbles to come

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