
With the independent rise, the industrialization of the core technology of Lianchuang intelligent vehicles has reached a new level

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the production workshop of Lianchuang Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. in Jinji Road rumbled and sounded the clarion call for the start of the New Year;

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the research team of Lianchuang Subsidiary Chuangshi Automobile Driving Co., Ltd. in the Innovation Harbor worked hard to achieve the smooth mass production of Zhiji's first L7 model;

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Lianchuang Jiangsu Rugao Factory started construction to achieve a more arduous supply chain guarantee work.

The accumulation of one test working point after another, the improvement and verification over and over again, since the start of the Year of the Tiger, the test work of the Lianchuang Automotive Electronics Laboratory has long been filled. "This machine is testing the reliability of our products, 24/365 without downtime." The on-site engineer pointed to a machine and introduced, "The products independently developed by Lianchuang are accelerating the marketization, and providing high-quality and reliable products is our commitment to customers." ”

Over the years, Lianchuang has focused on the core control system of intelligent networked vehicles, unswervingly taken the road of independent innovation, broken through the "card neck" technology one by one, and aspired to become the leader of intelligent network control system, and has completed the comprehensive layout, product research and development and mass production in the three major fields of intelligent chassis, intelligent driving and digital networking. "In 2022, Lianchuang will focus on 'bigger, stronger, and louder', go all out to accelerate the pace of marketization, strive to create new industry benchmarks, and continue to create new value for shareholders, customers, employees and society." Qiu Guohua, general manager of Lianchuang Electronics, said.

In the test field, in the laboratory, in the R&D building, and on the production line, the figure of Lianchuang employees can be seen everywhere. They are full of strength and rivet to the future.

Industrialization has reached a new level

Looking at the figure of the athletes on the Winter Olympics challenging the wind and snow, Meng Gong's thoughts could not help but return to the pre-Spring Festival, which was an ice and snow challenge that belonged to the co-creators.

Heihe River, Heilongjiang, the temperature is as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius. Even wrapped in heavy cotton coats, the engineers at Lianchuang Intelligent Braking Division (iBS) are still freezing their teeth. Every day, they shuttled between the hotel and the Karon Mountain Proving Ground, driving the test vehicle at high speed in the ice and snow circle, repeating the single and double lane changes in the ice and snow dynamic square, the dynamic driving of the snow surface control lane and other tests. During this period, it is common for vehicles to break down, lie under the car, and lie on the snow for inspection.

With the independent rise, the industrialization of the core technology of Lianchuang intelligent vehicles has reached a new level

"Every winter, we come here to start the winter road trial work." Meng Gong told reporters. This year, their task is heavier, "First, with the acceleration of the marketization of our ABS+ESC products, there are more customers and more vehicles to test." Second, when two groups of colleagues had been planned, and the second batch was about to depart from Shanghai, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic broke all the established plans. The first colleagues to go took on all the testing work. These 7 colleagues fought in the ice and snow for 12 hours every day. ”

With the independent rise, the industrialization of the core technology of Lianchuang intelligent vehicles has reached a new level

The ABS+ESC product in Menggong's mouth refers to the anti-lock braking system and the automotive electronic stability control system. For a long time, the product has been monopolized by foreign parts giants. Nowadays, the relevant products independently developed by Lianchuang have been applied in many models of Wuling, FAW, Great Wall and other car companies. "Last year, 500,000 units of our ABS+ESC products were delivered, and this year's target is 1.2 million units." Meng Gong said. Despite the hard work, in the eyes of every engineer, it is full of expectations for the future.

In addition to iBS (intelligent braking system), iEPS (intelligent steering system), iECU (intelligent decision system), iBOX (intelligent networked vehicle terminal), iWS (intelligent tire safety), iCS (intelligent control) these major business units of the independent products are widely recognized by the market. For example, the annual output of EPS (steering system controller) independently developed by Lianchuang Automotive Electronics has exceeded 1 million sets, becoming a leading independent brand in EPS control system technology and sales.

At the same time, the mass production and delivery capacity of Lianchuang Automotive Electronic Products has also stepped onto a new level. At the beginning of the new year, the newly completed SAIC Lianchuang Intelligent Network Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., the 50,000th ABS product was successfully rolled off the production line, and the TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) product production line was completed and officially put into production.

The leaders of each business unit were also brought to market. "We fully authorize them not only to be responsible for technology research and development, but also to make decisions about the development strategy, technical direction and product promotion of the entire business unit." Qiu Guohua introduced.

Around the six core areas of intelligent networked vehicles, each business unit is like a "small giant of science and technology" that attacks, going all out to advance towards the market.

Set a benchmark for independent technology

As the Robotaxi Experience Center opened its doors, driverless taxis heated up in Shencheng. But few people know that the intelligent steer-by-wire steering system iEPS on these driverless taxis is independently developed by Lianchuang Automotive Electronics.

With the independent rise, the industrialization of the core technology of Lianchuang intelligent vehicles has reached a new level

"This is China's first self-brand redundant EPS product put into practical application." The relevant person in charge said, "Lianchuang's iEPS has industry-leading redundancy technology, and when working, there is always a reliable backup system on standby. Once the steering system electronic failure occurs, the backup system will continue to maintain the steering function of the vehicle at a millisecond-level response speed to ensure the safety of the vehicle. ”

According to statistics, more than 80% of traffic accidents are caused by human reasons. As the most important actuator of the intelligent driving system, the response speed of iEPS is much higher than the reaction speed of human drivers, which can greatly reduce the probability of traffic accidents. It is with the multiple safety guarantees of Lianchuang iEPS that occupants can safely ride on the driverless Robotaxi.

"iEPS products can meet the stringent requirements of L4 driverless driving, integrated complex chassis control technology, has always been a barrier in front of many independent brand enterprises." The relevant person in charge said. With excellent safety performance and leading technology application, the iEPS system independently developed by Lianchuang was elected as the only "2021 Jinzhi Award - Steer-by-Wire Steering Technology Leading Award" at the recently concluded 2021 Zos Intelligent Automobile Annual Conference, which once again proved the industry's high recognition of Lianchuang iEPS technology and products.

It can be said that lianchuang, an independent innovation technology, has set a benchmark for the industry. "This year, we will work with many peers to develop synergistically and work together to create an independent and controllable wire-controlled chassis industry chain." The relevant person in charge said.

Focusing on the goal of "making the independent technology bigger, stronger and louder", this is just one of the steps taken by Lianchuang. On the one hand, to promote the existing products to accelerate the industrialization of landing, the other to accelerate the technology research and development of forward-looking products, in Lianchuang, every business unit is the same. "Application generation, R&D generation, reserve generation." Whether it is market expansion or product innovation, it is necessary to be 'fast and fast'! "As soon as the construction began, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.

"The opening of a new track of intelligent networking has opened up a road for domestic automotive electronics companies to break through independently." This is an opportunity for Lianchuang, we will work hard, do not slacken off, determined to become the leader of China's automotive intelligent network control system. Qiu Guohua said.

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