
Which babies is Mead Johnson Hydrolyzed Formula Suitable for? The mother who was choosing milk powder looked over

I believe that many mothers have heard such a saying when choosing milk powder: hydrolyzed protein milk powder is particularly good, and it is excellent in terms of good digestion and easy absorption. Novice mothers who only know little about milk powder will not hesitate to choose hydrolyzed milk powder. So, what exactly is hydrolyzed milk powder that many mothers ask? Which babies are the representative Mead Johnson hydrolyzed formula useful for?

Which babies is Mead Johnson Hydrolyzed Formula Suitable for? The mother who was choosing milk powder looked over

Let's first take a look at what is hydrolyzed milk powder? Hydrolyzed proteins are proteins processed by hydrolysis processes, cutting complete macromolecular proteins into small molecule proteins or even free amino acids. Milk powder that uses hydrolyzed protein as a protein source is called hydrolyzed protein milk powder. It may sound a little dizzy, but that's okay, let's move on. According to the degree of hydrolysis, hydrolyzed protein milk powder can be divided into: moderate hydrolyzed protein milk powder, deep hydrolyzed protein milk powder and amino acid formula milk powder.

It is currently believed that moderate hydrolyzed protein formulations can only be used as a preventive formula for cow's milk protein allergy and not as a therapeutic formula for nutritional management; Deep hydrolyzed protein formula should be consumed according to the doctor's advice after the doctor diagnoses the baby as a cow's milk protein allergy; Amino acid formula is a non-sensitive formula, suitable for babies with severe milk protein allergy or can not tolerate deep anti-protein formula, it is also a therapeutic formula after the diagnosis of milk protein allergy, eat as prescribed by a doctor.

Which babies is Mead Johnson Hydrolyzed Formula Suitable for? The mother who was choosing milk powder looked over

Therefore, hydrolyzed protein formula is developed for babies with "milk protein allergy", especially deep hydrolyzed formula is that the baby has been diagnosed with milk protein allergy, and the doctor prescribes a prescription to eat, which is a therapeutic formula, not that we can give the baby milk at will on a whim. If parents force the baby to choose hydrolyzed protein milk powder, it will even endanger the baby's health after long-term consumption. Healthy babies should not make up the "hilarity" of hydrolyzed milk powder, and complete protein milk powder is the first choice.

Which babies is Mead Johnson Hydrolyzed Formula Suitable for? The mother who was choosing milk powder looked over

So, how to confirm whether a milk powder is hydrolyzed milk powder? True hydrolyzed protein milk powder products begin with "National Food Note Word TY". The Feihe hydrolyzed milk powder on the market, Xingfeifan and Junlebao Tianshi milk powder are actually formula milk powder in essence, and cannot be eaten as hydrolyzed milk powder. Mothers ask mead Johnson hydrolyzed milk powder, it is essentially hydrolyzed milk powder, but pay attention to the doctor's advice to the baby to drink. Moreover, for babies with milk allergies, hydrolyzed protein formula can not be consumed for a long time, and after the symptoms are relieved, they need to be gradually converted back to complete protein milk powder. It can be said that ordinary milk powder is the ultimate choice of each baby.

To understand that milk powder knowledge should not only come from "selling" words, whether to drink Mead Johnson hydrolyzed milk powder, it is necessary to listen to the doctor's advice.

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