
The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations are over! The Russo-Ukrainian war continues, the United States miscalculated, and the Indo-Pacific strategy is blocked Regarding the situation between Russia and Ukraine, we see that the first round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine has ended, and Putin has proposed to solve the Ukrainian issue three

author:Read ChengYue

The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations are over! The Russo-Ukrainian War continued, the United States miscalculated, and the Indo-Pacific strategy was blocked

With regard to the situation between Russia and Ukraine, we have seen that the first round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine has come to an end, and Putin has put forward three conditions for resolving the Ukrainian issue. On the evening of February 28, local time, the first peace talks between Russian and Ukrainian officials on the border of Belarus ended. According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Alessovich, an adviser to the Ukrainian president's office, said that the Ukrainian side demanded the withdrawal of all Russian troops during the talks, including from Crimea and Donbass.

Mekzynski, assistant to the Russian president and head of the Russian delegation, said the Russian and Ukrainian delegations had agreed to hold another round of talks on the Polish-Belarus border in the near future. According to the British Reuters news agency, on February 28, local time, French President Macron and Russian President Putin had a telephone conversation.

Macron's office said macron reiterated the international community's demand that Russia stop its offensive against Ukraine during a phone call with Putin. Macron also urged Putin to halt all attacks on Ukrainian civilians, protect civilian infrastructure and provide safe passage to critical roads, especially in southern Kiev.

According to the Kremlin's official website, Putin stressed that such a solution is possible only if russia's legitimate security interests are unconditionally taken into account, including recognizing Russia's sovereignty over Crimea, resolving issues such as the demilitarization of the Ukrainian state, and ensuring its neutrality. It is reported that the Russian side is open to talks with Ukraine and hopes that the negotiations will achieve the expected results. Putin stressed that the Russian armed forces did not threaten civilians and did not target civilian facilities. Putin and Macron agreed to keep in touch.

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy commented on the results of the negotiations in Kiev and Moscow and said that there was no result that Ukraine needed. In a video address, Zelenskiy noted: "Ukraine and Russia held the first round of negotiations ... We didn't get the results we wanted for the time being. Zelenskiy said That Russia has made its position clear in the negotiations, Ukraine has also made its own opinions, and Kiev has received some signals.

At present, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is still continuing, the actions of all parties are continuous, the negotiation action of the diplomatic front is staged, while the battlefield layout is accelerating, the Russian army is advancing into Kiev, the military action is diplomatic action, the political action, and the international mediation have been carried out one after another, but the resolution of this conflict will evolve into a long-term comprehensive game with the complexity of the battlefield form, and all the solutions, after all, must return to pragmatism and rationality, in the moment when NATO does not send troops to the United States does not interfere in the European Union, with the strength of Ukraine, In any case, it is impossible to achieve victory on the battlefield, and it is too early to decide where the balance of the final political victory will be tilted.

We saw the beginning of the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and after three rounds the two sides decided to continue the negotiations. The military action in the front is also stepping up deployment, and the world has gradually eased up from this sudden military conflict and begun to analyze the short-term and long-term interests of all parties, especially on the follow-up situation trend of the United States on the eastward expansion of NATO and the strategic layout of the Indo-Pacific. There is a voice that believes that the United States did not successfully control the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, causing tension in the European region, which will have a huge impact on the US Indo-Pacific strategy, although European countries have increased their military start, but more will be how to target Russia's military defense actions, in the past, the United States constantly expected NATO to play a role in the US Indo-Pacific strategy, facing bankruptcy.

Because Europe cannot continue to invest in long-range combat forces such as warships under the current circumstances, even the EU will take the initiative to distance itself from the US Indo-Pacific strategy and focus on its own military defense in Europe. Therefore, NATO's own security settings, the differences between Europe and the United States will increase. In this incident, India, which originally played an important role in the United States, will also form a restraining force of the US Indo-Pacific strategy because of its long-term relations with Russia.

India abstained in the relevant vote of the United Nations condemning Russia, which is close to China's position, and is also a manifestation of Russia's long-term relations with India.

I think that if the war on the front line drags on for a long time, it will bring more and more pressure on Russia's economy and Russia's international environment. Regarding the impact of this conflict on the global strategic pattern, some people have analyzed that in the short term, the United States will have a certain short-term positive in maintaining dollar hegemony and US energy exports. But in the long run, various analysts believe that this conflict may sound the death knell for US hegemony.

In the long run, whether the current situation will impact the hegemony of the United States, the core indicator is whether the independence of the European Union can be achieved in the future, and the alliance between the two sides of the Atlantic seems to be united because of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. However, in terms of the nature of the incident, the positions of the two sides are extremely different, and it is worth observing whether the EU can reflect and make moves.

The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations are over! The Russo-Ukrainian war continues, the United States miscalculated, and the Indo-Pacific strategy is blocked Regarding the situation between Russia and Ukraine, we see that the first round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine has ended, and Putin has proposed to solve the Ukrainian issue three
The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations are over! The Russo-Ukrainian war continues, the United States miscalculated, and the Indo-Pacific strategy is blocked Regarding the situation between Russia and Ukraine, we see that the first round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine has ended, and Putin has proposed to solve the Ukrainian issue three
The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations are over! The Russo-Ukrainian war continues, the United States miscalculated, and the Indo-Pacific strategy is blocked Regarding the situation between Russia and Ukraine, we see that the first round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine has ended, and Putin has proposed to solve the Ukrainian issue three

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