
Can ectopic pregnancy become an intrauterine pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is a term relative to intrauterine pregnancy, and the accurate name is "ectopic pregnancy". If the fertilized egg grows and develops elsewhere outside the uterine cavity, it is called ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy). Ectopic pregnancy is not the only place where ectopic pregnancy occurs, it can be in the fallopian tubes, cervix, abdominal cavity, broad ligaments, ovaries, etc. The most common clinical is in the fallopian tubes.

Can ectopic pregnancy become an intrauterine pregnancy?


Why are there ectopic pregnancies?

It also starts with the sperm and eggs before conception. Normally, after the sperm enters the vagina, it begins to swim forward vigorously until it reaches the fallopian tube and the egg meets, and the two are combined with each other to become a fertilized egg. At this point, the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity along the fallopian tubes and begins to camp there. Once the fertilized egg's access to the uterus is obstructed, it is highly likely to "settle" down in the fallopian tubes; if the fertilized egg is more mischievous and likes to run around, it is possible to go somewhere else.

Patients often ask, "I do IVF, directly put the embryo in the uterine cavity, and the ectopic pregnancy eight rods can not be beaten." 」 otherwise. The transferred embryos will still wander around, and where they will end up is not determined by the subjective consciousness of the person.

Can ectopic pregnancy become an intrauterine pregnancy?

The occurrence of ectopic pregnancy may be the result of a combination of factors, or it may be a factor-led one. Common causes include tubal inflammation, history of tubal surgery, tubal dysplasia, intrauterine device placement, and oral contraceptives. In addition, there are a number of risk factors that can also lead to ectopic pregnancy: multiple sexual partners, a history of pelvic and abdominal surgery, smoking, vaginal irrigation, and premature sexual intercourse (<18 years of age).


What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?

The first thing to do is to have the symptoms of pregnancy, which is menopause.

Secondly, because the extrauterine environment is generally not suitable for embryonic growth, the development process is usually accompanied by irregular vaginal bleeding, and the amount of bleeding does not exceed the amount of menstruation. A small number of patients have more vaginal bleeding, similar to menstruation, which can be accompanied by degenerative debris discharge. When the embryo continues to grow, such as breaking through the limits of the fallopian tubes in the fallopian tubes, causing local rupture and bleeding, manifesting as severe abdominal pain or distention, the patient may develop syncope and, in severe cases, hemorrhagic shock, which can be life-threatening. The more and more rapidly the bleeding, the more rapidly and severely the symptoms appear. Because blood may flow into the abdominal cavity and pelvis, the patient's symptoms are not directly proportional to the amount of vaginal bleeding.

Can ectopic pregnancy become an intrauterine pregnancy?


How to determine whether it is an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancies will have the same symptoms as normal pregnancies, with menopause and elevated blood hCG. However, blood hCG in normal pregnancies doubles within 48 hours, and if the growth is slow, it is necessary to be vigilant about ectopic pregnancy. It is like a seed buried in the soil to grow, and when it reaches the point, it will break through the soil and sprout and grow. However, if planted in the crevices of the stone, it is still possible to germinate, but the development is not as good as that planted in the fertile soil.

At the same time, if the b ultrasound examination does not find the gestational sac in the uterine cavity, but finds abnormalities in other parts, it is also necessary to consider the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

Can ectopic pregnancy become an intrauterine pregnancy?


Can ectopic pregnancy turn into an intrauterine pregnancy?

No way! Ectopic pregnancy is also a type of pregnancy, since it is pregnant, it means that the fertilized egg has begun to sprout and develop. Moving seeds that have taken root and grown is not currently possible with medical technology.


How to prevent ectopic pregnancy?

As long as there are people with fertility requirements who plan to have a baby, there is a possibility of ectopic pregnancy! And for some people who don't have fertility requirements, contraception is currently the best way to prevent ectopic pregnancy. If you want to reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy, what we can do is to check and treat the reproductive diseases that may cause ectopic pregnancy in time, and pay attention to avoid those risk factors related to ectopic pregnancy, such as avoiding smoking, alcohol abuse, repeated abortions, paying attention to personal hygiene, reducing the occurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease, avoiding prolonged use of contraceptives and so on. I wish every family a smooth "pregnancy".

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