
There are 3 phenomena in the skin, which should be paid attention to, or a signal of the arrival of the disease, and should not be taken lightly

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the most easily observed organ. When some diseases appear inside the body, there may also be corresponding manifestations on the skin.

Therefore, in life, if there are some abnormal manifestations on the skin, it must be paid attention to, which is likely to be a warning from some diseases, if ignored, it is likely to delay treatment, resulting in aggravation of the disease.

So, what problems on the skin should be paid attention to?

There are 3 phenomena in the skin, which should be paid attention to, or a signal of the arrival of the disease, and should not be taken lightly

1. Unexplained bruising

Normal skin does not appear bruised until it is hit by an external force, and this type of congestion can disappear on its own within a week or so. But if the congestion on the skin appears for no reason, it is likely to be a manifestation of the disease.

If the skin of the limbs is bruised, accompanied by symptoms such as joint pain, abdominal pain, and changes in the color of urine, it is likely to be caused by diseases such as cutaneous vasculitis.

If congestion occurs at the same time, accompanied by changes in the color of the stool, bleeding gums and nosebleeds, it may be abnormal coagulation function, and the occurrence of blood diseases should be vigilant.

The appearance of congestion, accompanied by yellowing of the skin and sclera, may be caused by liver disease.

There are 3 phenomena in the skin, which should be paid attention to, or a signal of the arrival of the disease, and should not be taken lightly

2. The mole changes

Moles are mostly benign and do not cause much harm to health, but if the mole cells deteriorate, they should be taken seriously.

Normally, the size of the mole on the skin will not exceed 4 to 5 mm, while the shape is regular, the color is uniform, the epidermis is smooth and complete, but if you find that the mole on your skin suddenly grows, the size exceeds 5 mm, or the shape of the mole is asymmetrical, irregular, the edges are not neat, the color changes, or itching, ulcers, you must be vigilant about whether the mole cells have mutated, and you should go to the hospital for examination in time.

There are 3 phenomena in the skin, which should be paid attention to, or a signal of the arrival of the disease, and should not be taken lightly

3. Xanthelasma appears on the skin

Normally, healthy skin is smooth, but if you find some xanthelasma on the skin, be wary of the problem of high blood lipids. Cholesterol and triglyceride deposits in the body can cause some dense or scattered xanthelasmas to appear on the skin of the inside of the eyelids, calves, armpits, elbows, groins, etc., which may also indicate that blood lipids may have been high.

There are also some developing xanthelasmas that can spread throughout the body, which also means that the blood is already very viscous and can even appear chylolisthea, which should be of concern. High blood lipids are extremely harmful to vascular health, and can cause heart disease, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis and many other diseases, which must be paid attention to.

There are 3 phenomena in the skin, which should be paid attention to, or a signal of the arrival of the disease, and should not be taken lightly

In addition to the above manifestations, some other abnormalities of the skin should also be taken seriously. For example, some people's palms and feet are yellow, which may be caused by thyroid problems. If black palm prints appear, it may be due to insufficient adrenaline production.

Unprovoked itching in the body may be related to diseases such as lymphoma, liver and kidney dysfunction, thyroid problems, and diabetes.

There are 3 phenomena in the skin, which should be paid attention to, or a signal of the arrival of the disease, and should not be taken lightly

It can be seen that the skin abnormality is not without reason, if the skin suddenly appears bruised, mole changes or xanthelasma, it may be a sign of the disease, can not be careless.

In addition, abnormal phenomena such as unprovoked itching of the skin, yellowing of the palms and feet, and the appearance of black palm prints should also be taken seriously. If there is an abnormality in the skin, you must go to the hospital in time to check it out to prevent it.

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