
A large number of Xbox players report not being able to play Eldon's Ring of Law online

IT House reported on February 27 that Eldon's Ring of Law is one of the most talked about games in recent times, and it has also encountered a lot of trouble on PC and PS5. Recently, a large number of Xbox gamers reported that this open-world RPG game could not be played online since its launch.

A large number of Xbox players report not being able to play Eldon's Ring of Law online

IT House understands that while the core part of the Eldon Ring of Law game is its beautiful, harsh, and mysterious single-player adventure story, co-op and multiplayer games also play an important role. Just like previous Dark Souls games, players can invade each other's games, fight bosses, or help. On Xbox, players report receiving a network error message when they try to play in online mode.

A large number of Xbox players report not being able to play Eldon's Ring of Law online
A large number of Xbox players report not being able to play Eldon's Ring of Law online

"It's been 36 hours to play," one player wrote on the Eldon Circle of Law sub-forum, which has been supported by thousands of people. There's also a bunch of discussions about this in Reddit, Discord, and elsewhere on Twitter. Tweets from the official Eldon Ring of Law account, as well as the account of Xbox mascot Larry Heilb, were also bombarded with comments on the issue.

Players suspect that this is related to a recent calibration update called version 1.02.1, where people with updates can play online and those without updates cannot, but they also don't know how to get the latest version installed. This seems to have affected players of the old Xbox One and the current generation of Xbox Series X/S. Bandai Namco responded on its support page that "online issues on xbox platforms" are currently under investigation.

Bandai Namco and Microsoft did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Due to performance issues, the average rating of Eldon's Law Ring on Steam's storefront has recently plummeted. However, that didn't stop it from becoming one of the largest PC game releases ever made, with nearly 800,000 simultaneous online players on Steam alone.

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