
On the third day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, nearly 200 people were killed and more than a thousand people were injured; Putin originally wanted to declare a ceasefire on the 24th; the mayor of Kiev announced a "citywide curfew"] On the third day of the war, the situation in Ukraine was very strange

author:Qingtan theory

[The third day of the Russian-Ukrainian war: nearly 200 people in Ukraine died and more than 1,000 people were injured; Putin originally wanted to announce a ceasefire on the 24th; the mayor of Kiev announced a "citywide curfew"]

On the third day of the war, the situation in Ukraine was strange and changeable, in addition to the whereabouts of Ukrainian President Zelensky, the Russian Satellite News Agency reported on the 26th that Russian President Putin spokesman Peskov said that Putin had originally ordered the suspension of "special military operations" in Ukraine from the 24th, but because the Kiev authorities refused to negotiate, they resumed operations, as if there was a meaning of "toasting and not eating and punishing wine".

Putin agreed to send a delegation to minsk, the capital of Belarus, on the 25th, Ukraine had proposed to negotiate in warsaw, the capital of Poland, the latest proposal was placed in Israel, and the envoy of Ukraine also requested Israeli Prime Minister Bennett to act as a mediator.

Speaker of the Russian State Duma: Zelensky has left Kiev

The Washington Post reported that the US side proposed that Ukrainian President Zelensky evacuate Kiev but was refused, and Zelensky said that he wanted to coexist with the people of the country. On the 26th, Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker of the Russian State Duma, said that Zelensky had left Kiev on the 25th, and all the released audio and video conversations were pre-recorded, but his claim could not be confirmed.

The mayor of Kiev declared a "citywide curfew" and went out illegally would be considered an enemy

The mayor of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, Krychenko, announced a curfew from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. on the 27th.

Krychenko said: "All civilians who are still on the street during the curfew will be considered members of the enemy sabotage reconnaissance team." Please be aware of the current situation and do not go out. ”

The latest casualties in Ukraine: nearly 200 dead, more than 1,000 wounded

The British BBC reported that Ukrainian Health Minister Li yasiko released the latest death and injury data of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on social media Facebook, and a total of 198 people have died, of which 3 are children, and 1115 people are injured, of which 33 are children. #俄方: Ukraine refuses peace talks Russia resumes military operations ##俄方: Ukrainian president has left the capital Kiev ##基辅交火: The streets are in a mess #Headlines

On the third day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, nearly 200 people were killed and more than a thousand people were injured; Putin originally wanted to declare a ceasefire on the 24th; the mayor of Kiev announced a "citywide curfew"] On the third day of the war, the situation in Ukraine was very strange
On the third day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, nearly 200 people were killed and more than a thousand people were injured; Putin originally wanted to declare a ceasefire on the 24th; the mayor of Kiev announced a "citywide curfew"] On the third day of the war, the situation in Ukraine was very strange
On the third day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, nearly 200 people were killed and more than a thousand people were injured; Putin originally wanted to declare a ceasefire on the 24th; the mayor of Kiev announced a "citywide curfew"] On the third day of the war, the situation in Ukraine was very strange

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