
People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

Many male friends in life are particularly concerned about their kidney function, but now the pace of life is relatively fast, the work pressure is relatively large, and the daily living habits of many male friends are not very healthy, which will inevitably lead to a gradual decline in kidney function.

So how to judge whether your kidney function is good or not?

In fact, there are 5 hard indicators of kidney function, if all of them meet, then your kidney function should not be bad. Let's take a look at which 5 hard indicators are.

People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

1. Dark and thick hair

Chinese medicine believes that the kidney Qihua is in the hair, when a person's kidney is full of essence, the blood of the medullary sea is full, the essence of the blood will go up along the vein to the head, nourished to the hair, the hair can grow dark and thick, rich in luster.

In turn, observing whether the hair is dark and thick can also judge the condition of kidney function. If the hair is dark and thick, it means that the kidney function is very good, and the thicker, darker, and denser the hair, the better the kidney function of the man.

On the contrary, if the hair color is dull, the hair is thin, dry and dull, there is no luster, even like dyed yellow hair, or a lot of white hair appears at a young age, these reflect a decline in kidney function.

People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

2. The skin is full of luster

Now many male friends often need to stay up late due to work reasons, resulting in overwork in the body, or too much socializing, often eating and drinking, which will lead to kidney qi decline, so that kidney function will decline;

Once the kidney function is not good, the detoxification function will be affected, making it difficult for the toxins produced by the body's metabolic activities to be discharged in time, accumulated in the body, and will be expressed through the skin for a long time, so that the skin looks yellow and dull, there is no luster, and even more pigmentation and wrinkles will appear.

People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

3. Good memory

The kidneys and brain belong to the same meridian, the kidneys are strong, the brain is strong, and the kidneys are weak, and the brain failure is weak. If the kidney function is good, the memory and reaction ability will be very good, and it is easier to concentrate when doing things.

On the contrary, if the kidney function declines, the function of the brain will also decline, and it is easy to appear sluggish, sluggish, incompetent, easy to fatigue, memory decline and other phenomena.

People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

4. Strong bones

Chinese medicine believes that the main bone of the kidney, kidney qi and bone marrow are homologous, the bones need the essence of the kidneys to moisturize and maintain, if the kidney function is good, the bones will be strong;

On the contrary, if the kidney function is not good, the bones are prone to problems, easy to suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis, joint deformation and other problems, usually a little activity, it is easy to feel the waist and knee soreness and pain, so that it is not strong.

People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

5. Good hearing

The health of the ear is also closely related to the kidneys, and people with good kidney function not only have good hearing, but also the ears will look rosy, full and shiny.

People with low kidney function often have hearing loss, and even have problems such as deafness and tinnitus, and they will find that the ear color is pale and has no luster from the appearance.

People with these 5 manifestations of the body indicate that the kidney function is not bad, if you meet, continue to maintain

Dark and thick hair, shiny skin, good memory, strong bones, good hearing are hard indicators of good kidney function, if you all meet it, then your kidney function is certainly not much worse.

If you want to have better kidney function, you must develop good living habits, stay up late, exercise more, and eat more foods that nourish the kidneys, such as leeks, goji berries, black sesame seeds, etc., which can help tonify the kidneys and strengthen kidney function.

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