
The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

As we all know, the kidney is the basis of the most important organ in the human body, once the kidney function is abnormal, metabolic garbage can not be excreted in a short period of time, which is bound to implicate other parts, and then induce diseases.

It is precisely in this way that we must do a good job of protecting the kidneys, while paying more attention to the performance of the body, if the following abnormalities have appeared inexplicably in the recent period, it is likely to be a symptom of kidney function problems.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

1. Foam in urine

If there is a lot of foam in the urine and it has not dissipated for a long time, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a kidney examination as soon as possible, because this manifestation is clinically called proteinuria.

The main reason for this result is that after the kidney function declines, the kidney's protein absorption is abnormal, and the glomeruli cannot filter the protein, and finally it will be excreted with urine.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

2. Frequent nocturia

Under normal circumstances, if the amount of water drunk during the day is not very much, about once at night or do not have to get up at night, but once the kidney function has a problem, the kidneys can not better control the urine, so patients often have symptoms of frequent urination.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

3. Edema

To understand whether the kidney function is still better, you may wish to pay more attention to the performance of the body when you wake up on the second day, if there are symptoms of edema in the calf area, it is likely that there is a kidney problem.

Because the kidneys have the effect of producing urine, when it is injured, the water entering the human body cannot be used and absorbed, so it will remain in the body.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

4, Anorexia

When it comes to this manifestation of loss of appetite, many people will preconceived that the stomach is not good, but clinical investigation data show that after suffering from kidney disease, some patients also have symptoms of loss of appetite, because the decline in kidney function is easy to affect metabolism, resulting in food can not be digested in time.

If not treated in time, over time, symptoms such as nausea and bad breath often occur.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

5. Physical fatigue

If you sleep at night, but during the day there are still limb weakness, non-stop yawning performance, we should also pay attention to it, because after abnormal kidney function, erythropoietin is reduced, so it is impossible to deliver oxygen to the brain and muscles, so finally there will be dizziness, drowsiness and other symptoms.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

6. Waist pain

Waist pain after kidney problems occur is also the most typical symptom, because the kidneys are located on both sides of the waist, and after it has a problem, a large number of metabolites cannot be discharged, which will damage the tissues around the kidneys in the long run.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

7. Joint pain

Joint pain is also likely to be a distress signal for kidney disease, because after the kidney function declines, the urine concentration becomes higher and higher, so the uric acid will also rise, which will lead to joint swelling and pain.

8. Hair loss

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the performance of hair is closely related to the kidneys, if the kidney qi is sufficient, the hair is dark and shiny, on the contrary, there will be hair loss and yellowing symptoms.

The body frequently has these 9 manifestations, or kidney problems, after discovery, timely examination

9. Dry and itchy skin

Because one of the main functions of the kidneys is to excrete the waste products of metabolism in the body and make red blood cell hormones, and once the kidney function declines, more harmful substances remain in the body will affect the skin.

All in all, when there is a kidney problem, the patient's body will often have a number of abnormal manifestations, such as poor appetite, hair loss, itchy and dry skin, joint pain, physical fatigue and so on mentioned above, even if only one is noted, pay attention to it, and go to the hospital as soon as possible.

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