
Ukraine is crying, Russia has suffered heavy losses, and only the United States has harvested the world's wealth

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Author: Battle Flash

According to the BBC, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy once again asked Western allies to help Ukraine stop Russia. Zelenskiy said: "This morning, we defended our country alone. Just like yesterday, the most powerful force in the world is watching from a distance. Was Russia persuaded by yesterday's sanctions? Whether it is the sky or the ground, the Russian army continues to move. This [sanctions] are not enough. ”

Ukraine is crying, Russia has suffered heavy losses, and only the United States has harvested the world's wealth

The war situation between Russia and Ukraine has now been carried out, and the defeat of Ukraine has been decided. Although Ukraine also publishes some information from time to time that it has shot down Russian warplanes and eliminated Russia's vanguard forces. But in terms of the general trend, Ukraine has lost the ability to compete with Russia, after all, the capital Kiev is already surrounded by Russian troops. What is the possibility of the Ukrainian army to turn over, coupled with Ukraine's biggest backer NATO has made clear its attitude, will not end. The French defense minister directly stated that neither Europe nor the United States is willing to go to war with Russia, and their main goal is to achieve a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. As for the way, it is still the set of sanctions. Biden reiterated a few days ago that the US military does not have and will not participate in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the future. U.S. troops went to Europe to protect NATO allies and had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.

Ukraine is crying, Russia has suffered heavy losses, and only the United States has harvested the world's wealth

Since the war between Russia and Ukraine, as of the 25th, only France has stated that it will provide military equipment and 300 million euros of financial assistance to Ukraine. Some other countries have also expressed some verbal support, but can these stop the actions of the Russian army? It has been proven that no. Ukraine is now fully aware of the true face of the West, provoking the first place, and really fighting will hide in the distance and watch. Even sanctions against Russia could not be agreed upon, and the EU announced large-scale sanctions against Russia, but did not involve EU gas imports from Russia. This means that sanctions are ok, but things that harm their own interests are not. Ukraine has now truly realized that the West is unreliable, all kinds of calls for help are not asked, and the gunfire in Kiev is close at hand. Ukraine has issued a statement saying it is ready to start negotiations with Russia, but it needs security assurances.

Ukraine is crying, Russia has suffered heavy losses, and only the United States has harvested the world's wealth

Ukraine still does not seem to recognize the reality, and now it is under the border of the city, it has long run out of bargaining costs, and even wants to get security guarantees. The Russian side did not heed Ukraine's request for negotiations at all, but publicly stated that the talks were ok but only if Ukraine laid down its arms. Now that Russia has launched a "special military operation" against Ukraine at the risk of being fully sanctioned by the West, if this is the end of the tiger, then where is russia's great power majesty? With so much to pay, how can Russia rest without taking back some substantial benefits?

Now the Russian side is estimated to want to completely destroy the resistance of the Ukrainian army, and after the end of the war, it is likely to let the current government step down and support a pro-Russian government. In this way, Russia can really block NATO's eastward expansion, and the front line of the game with NATO will also advance in the future, and Russia's strategic space will also be greatly expanded. To achieve this strategic goal, Russia is not a huge loss.

Ukraine is crying, Russia has suffered heavy losses, and only the United States has harvested the world's wealth

Therefore, if Ukraine wants to negotiate, it must pay a certain price, and this price must be satisfactory to Russia. If not, there is no turning back from the bow, and the Russian army will get this benefit on its own. The most uncomfortable thing now is Ukraine, before Russia did not move, it was played by NATO as a monkey, all kinds of provocative support, but also instigated Ukraine to confront the Russian army on the border, vowing to help Ukraine deal with Russia. At that time, Ukraine had always been leading nato, constantly confronting Russia, and trying to join NATO. Russia's real shot was that people and ghosts could see it all at once, but it was too late. As a small country, we must have the consciousness of being a small country, and we must always think of provoking trouble as a neighbor of a big country, and sooner or later we will be cleaned up. There is also the fact that small countries rushing to intervene in the game of great powers are destined to be cannon fodder roles, and no one will be distressed when they sacrifice you.

Ukraine is crying, Russia has suffered heavy losses, and only the United States has harvested the world's wealth

At present, when looking at the war between Russia and Ukraine, both sides are losers, and the biggest winner is most likely the United States. After all, because of this war, the stock market of Russia and Ukraine almost collapsed, and a large amount of capital flowed into the United States. It can be said that the United States has harvested the wealth of Russia and Ukraine without a single soldier. It has also caused tensions between Russia and European countries, and even affected the energy trade between Europe and Russia, which is beneficial to the United States. Because Russia is coming, the EU must unite more single-mindedly around the United States, after all, only the boss can fight against Russia. The European energy market is likely to be occupied by the United States again, The national security of Europe is threatened, and financial capital is likely to flow to the United States.

It is no wonder that the United States is firmly sitting on the Diaoyutai, after all, it is the fisherman who benefits from it. What is certain is that when Russia and Ukraine start negotiations, it will inevitably come out and insert a pole and obtain certain benefits. Ukraine, Ukraine, it's time to make a choice.

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