
What can quantum mechanics not be used for? | Technology Yuan Ren

What can quantum mechanics not be used for? | Technology Yuan Ren

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There are so many things that quantum mechanics can do, and you can hardly find a single thing it can't do.

This video is an excerpt from the live broadcast of Professor Yuan Lanfeng on the theme of "Principles and Technologies of Quantum Information" on September 11, 2021

(Why has quantum, which was proposed a hundred years ago, suddenly become a hot topic |? Technology Yuan Ren)

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This video was released on September 29, 2021 and has reached 2.5w likes


Once many people know that there is a discipline of quantum mechanics, the subconscious question is what can quantum mechanics be used for? In fact, this question is not a good question, and it is more worth asking what can it not be used for? Because there are so many things it can do, you can hardly find a single thing it can't do.

What can quantum mechanics not be used for? | Technology Yuan Ren

Instead, you can ask what the theory of relativity can be used for, because there are not many things that the theory of relativity can do, such as cosmology needs relativity, right? That big bang theory or something, black holes and stuff like that, and then heavy elements, that chemistry uses relativity, because the electrons of the heavy elements run fast, close to the speed of light.

What can quantum mechanics not be used for? | Technology Yuan Ren

Then there is another, it is difficult to find one, in daily life to use the theory of relativity is the satellite navigation system, called GPS Beidou, this it needs to use the theory of relativity, because its satellite runs very fast, this is the effect of special relativity, at the same time it is far from the ground, the satellite above it is affected by gravity, lower than on the ground, which will produce a general relativity effect, these two effects need to be considered, need to deduct it, otherwise the navigation is not accurate, but the number is counted, This is all in daily life, but quantum mechanics, in daily life you are using every moment, I tell you, you are using electricity, any electrical appliance, you have already used quantum mechanics, so the two fields of quantum and relativity are completely different.

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