
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

author:Ping An Tang River

May 15 of this year is:

The 15th National Public Security Organs' Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes

The theme is "Unite with the people, protect for you"

Let's learn this together

Protect your "money bag"


What is Economic Crime?

Economic crime refers to the act of seeking illegal benefits, violating national economic and administrative regulations, and directly endangering the state's economic management activities in the field of social and economic production, exchange, distribution, and consumption, and shall be punished by criminal punishment in accordance with the criminal law of the mainland. However, where the circumstances are obviously minor and the harm is not great, it is not a crime. Economic crime is a type of crime, so it has the general attributes of crime, that is, social harm and criminal illegality.

What are the common economic crimes?


Illegally absorbing deposits from the public

The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

Illegally absorbing deposits from the public refers to the following activities without the approval of the People's Bank of China:

  • (1) Illegally absorbing deposits from the public or indirectly absorbing deposits from the public;
  • (2) Illegal fundraising from unspecified targets in any name without approval in accordance with law;
  • (3) Illegally issuing loans, discounting bills, borrowing funds, trusting investment, financial leasing, financing guarantees, or foreign exchange trading;
  • (4) Other illegal financial business activities as determined by the People's Bank of China.

Characteristics of illegal fundraising cases involving elderly groups

(1) Small favors and small favors are co-opted, falsely claiming that the interest is high.

Criminals use small favors to entrap the elderly, and then use language to incite demagoguery and promise high returns, thus knocking on the psychological defense of the elderly and falling into the trap of illegal fundraising.

(2) Packaging fancy, clever name.

In order to attract the elderly to invest, criminals have set up various investment projects and painstakingly put their minds on the "outer packaging" to lure the elderly to spend huge sums of money to buy.

(3) Family service, take advantage of the void.

Criminals take advantage of the current social status quo of loneliness among some elderly people to play the 'emotional card' to help the elderly do housework and talk about household chores to deceive the trust of the elderly, promising high returns, promoting the word of mouth of the elderly, and attracting more victims to participate.


Organize and lead MLM activities

The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

Organizing and leading pyramid marketing activities refers to pyramid marketing activities that require participants to pay fees or purchase goods or services to obtain membership qualifications in the name of business activities such as selling goods or providing services, and form hierarchies in a certain order, directly or indirectly using the number of recruits as the basis for remuneration or rebates, inducing or coercing participants to continue to recruit others to participate, defrauding property, and disrupting economic and social order.


Fundraising scams

The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

Illegal fundraising refers to the act of raising funds from the public by issuing stocks, bonds, lottery tickets, investment fund securities or other creditor's rights certificates by units or individuals without the approval of the relevant departments in accordance with legal procedures, and promising to repay the principal and interest or give returns to the investors in money, in kind or in other ways within a certain period of time.


Illegal operations

Illegal business operation refers to the crime of violating national regulations and committing one of the following illegal business activities:

  • (1) Engaging in franchises, monopoly items, or other restricted items as provided for by laws and administrative regulations without permission;
  • (2) Buying and selling import and export licenses, import and export certificates of origin, and other business licenses or approval documents provided for by laws and administrative regulations;
  • (3) Illegally engaging in securities, futures or insurance business, or illegally engaging in fund settlement business without the approval of the relevant competent state departments;
  • (4) Engaging in other illegal business activities, disrupting market order, and the circumstances are serious.


Credit card fraud

The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

Credit card fraud refers to the use of credit cards to carry out fraudulent activities and obtain a large amount of property by defrauding a large amount of property for the purpose of illegal possession and violating credit card management regulations. The use of credit cards generally refers to the use of forged or invalid credit cards, fraudulent use of other people's credit cards, or malicious overdrafts to carry out fraudulent activities.


Contract fraud

Contract fraud refers to the act of defrauding the other party's property by fabricating facts, concealing the truth, setting traps and other means in the process of signing and performing a contract for the purpose of illegal possession. or an act in which one of the parties to a contract deliberately conceals the true situation, or deliberately informs the other party of false information, induces the other party to make a false expression of intent, so as to conclude or perform a contract with it.



The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

Embezzlement refers to the conduct of personnel of a company, enterprise, or other unit who take advantage of their position to illegally take possession of the unit's property for themselves, and the amount is relatively large.


False invoicing

False invoicing refers to a kind of fraudulent behavior of not truthfully issuing invoices, in order to achieve the purpose of tax evasion or the purchasing unit needs to issue invoices in the process of commodity transactions, the name of the commodity, the quantity of the commodity, the unit price of the commodity and the amount of fraudulent methods, and even the use of more familiar relationships to fabricate the transaction matters of false invoicing.


Misappropriation of funds

Misappropriation of funds refers to the behavior of the staff of a company, enterprise or other unit taking advantage of their position to misappropriate the unit's funds for personal use or lending them to others.

After reading the above

I'm sure you already know something about economic crime


How can economic crime be prevented

Here's a set of posters for you

The police and the public are united

Stay away from economic crime

The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here
The "515" Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes is here

Source: Henan Economic Investigation

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