
No matter how much you love someone, don't lose yourself

author:An Dongyue

Have you ever lost yourself at some point, for someone, and become no longer the same person you used to be?

Have you ever adjusted your course again and again in the ocean of love, in order to cater to him, until even the original course is blurred?

No matter how much you love someone, don't lose yourself

Love is a poem in life, which can make us feel the warmth and beauty of the world, and it can also allow us to experience pain and struggle that we have never experienced.

We are willing to pay for love, willing to change for each other, just for the love in our hearts.

However, when we lose ourselves for love, that love becomes no longer pure, it begins to erode our hearts, leaving us to struggle in the midst of loss.

We often forget that the essence of love is the attraction of two separate souls, not the complete compromise of one individual to the other.

When you change for him, you may win his heart, but what you lose is that unique self.

The one who once had a unique light, the one who had independent thinking, the one who had endless dreams, gradually became blurred in the name of love.

No matter how much you love someone, don't lose yourself

To love someone is not to become what he likes, but to become a better version of yourself.

When you change for his sake, you may briefly meet his expectations, but you lose the opportunity for self-growth.

True love should be mutual encouragement, mutual support, and common growth.

When you give up your pursuit for the sake of Him, you may feel happy for a while, but this happiness is fragile because it is built on self-sacrifice.

No matter how much you love someone, don't forget that you are yourself.

Your worth lies not in the evaluation of others, but in the strength and uniqueness within you.

Your happiness should not depend on the approval of others, but on the satisfaction of self-actualization.

No matter how much you love someone, don't lose yourself

When you begin to value yourself, you can truly love, because you understand that only by loving yourself first can you give full love to others.

We all go through ups and downs on the road of love, but remember to keep a sense of respect and love for yourself at all times. Don't let love be a bondage, but let it be a catalyst for your growth.

When you keep yourself in love, you will not only have healthier love relationships, but you will also become a more complete person.

So, when you fall in love again, don't forget to remind yourself: if you love someone again, don't lose yourself.

Because, only when you are whole, your love will be complete.

In the journey of love, maintaining oneself is both a matter of respect for others and a cherishing of oneself.