
-for-tat with GPT-4o? Google held its annual developer conference to showcase large AI models

author:CCTV Finance


On the 14th local time, the technology giant Google held its annual I/O developer conference. Artificial intelligence, that is, AI becomes the absolute protagonist. Google not only showcased the various new features of its upgraded AI model Gemini, but also announced that it will add an "AI Overview" feature to its search engine. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Google unveiled a demonstration video of its real-time AI assistant at the press conference, whose functions seem to be-for-tat with OpenAI's GPT-4o a day ago.

-for-tat with GPT-4o? Google held its annual developer conference to showcase large AI models

According to the new model released by Google, the amount of information that can be understood by the upgraded AI large model Gemini has doubled, and for some scenarios that require quick response, Google has also launched the Gemini 1.5Flash model, and on the mobile phone, Google has also made it clear that it will add the Gemini large model to Android 15 to provide more AI services.

-for-tat with GPT-4o? Google held its annual developer conference to showcase large AI models

In addition, Google announced a new project for interactive experiences with generative AI. Starting this summer, the Gemini real-time AI assistant will support real-time voice interaction, and will go live with video interaction later this year. At the developer conference, Google released a video of its demo.

-for-tat with GPT-4o? Google held its annual developer conference to showcase large AI models

In the multimodal space, Google has also released a series of generative AI tools related to images, music, and videos. Among them, the video generation model is benchmarked against OpenAI's Sora, which can generate high-definition videos with a duration of more than 1 minute through text and images.

-for-tat with GPT-4o? Google held its annual developer conference to showcase large AI models

In the search engine and office field, Google will also further introduce AI into it. Google Search in the U.S. market will launch an AI overview function, and the search engine will directly summarize the search results. In addition, the Gemini model will also be connected to Google's mail service, Gmail, which can not only summarize the content of the email, but also intelligently provide the content of the reply according to the context.

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Dong Lindan

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