
Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

In the eyes of many people, high blood pressure is the "patent" of the elderly, but this is not the case, and in recent years more and more young people have been "targeted" by high blood pressure.

In addition to causing headaches, dizziness and other problems, it will also affect the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hearts, kidneys, etc., and seriously reduce the quality of life of patients.

In fact, high blood pressure will not occur for no reason, the reason why high blood pressure is getting younger and younger, and their bad living habits are closely related, such as staying up late, obesity, etc.;

Can increase the incidence of high blood pressure, want to make blood pressure normal, maintain good health, young people in life should do the following:

Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

1. Control your weight

Studies have shown that overweight, obese people are more likely to develop high blood pressure. Therefore, young people in life should be able to "control the mouth, open the legs", reduce the intake of high sugar, high fat and other foods, more intake of vegetables and fruits, supplement dietary fiber, vitamins, long-term diet too salty can lead to excessive intake of sodium, but also induce high blood pressure, so also pay attention to a light diet.

In addition, young people should also learn to make full use of their time, adhere to 1 to 2 exercises, such as cycling, jogging, brisk walking, etc., at least 30 minutes a day, do not sit for a long time.

Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

2. Stay away from alcohol and tobacco

After tobacco is burned, harmful substances such as carbon monoxide and nicotine can be produced, which can stimulate vasospasm and induce high blood pressure.

In addition, heavy drinking will not only cause obesity, but also cause sympathetic excitement, vasoconstriction, heart rate acceleration, and blood pressure, so young people must avoid smoking, while abstaining from drinking, not excessive.

Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

3. Learn to relax stress

Nowadays, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, the pressure on young people to live and work is also increasing, and many young people are long-term mentally nervous and anxious, which will cause the human body to release some substances, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.

Therefore, young people should learn to combine work and leisure in life, adjust their mentality, and relieve pressure.

Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

4. Ensure adequate sleep time

Staying up late and working overtime, looking at mobile phones, and playing with computers are very common phenomena in young people today.

Staying up late for a long time can lead to lack of sleep, affect the endocrine balance of the body, and also lead to nervous tension and blood vessel contraction, which leads to an increase in blood pressure and gradually forms hypertension.

Sleep for the human body is like charging the battery, only enough sleep can keep blood pressure in a stable state, which is what young people should pay special attention to.

Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

5. Develop the habit of measuring blood pressure

Young people should not always feel that hypertension is a disease of the elderly, and should pay attention to hypertension in their thinking, especially when they are examined every year, they should pay attention to their blood pressure;

Especially those who have hypertensive patients in relatives and obese people, blood pressure should be measured at least once every 3 months, so as to facilitate the timely detection of abnormal blood pressure, and through lifestyle, drugs and other ways to adjust, so as not to aggravate the disease.

Hypertension is getting younger and younger, do not want high blood pressure to "find the door", keep in mind these 5 points, do not ignore

Nowadays, the incidence of hypertension is becoming more and more youthful, and young people must do a good job in prevention in life to avoid endangering their own health due to high blood pressure.

Young people should develop a healthy lifestyle to prevent high blood pressure, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, eating lightly, exercising more, etc.;

At the same time, we must also pay attention to the regular measurement of blood pressure, once the abnormal blood pressure is found, we must follow the doctor's instructions to take corresponding measures to deal with it, and we must not trust folk remedies.

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