
Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

Many men think that women nowadays are not easy to chase and can't understand their minds.

In fact, it is not so difficult to pursue the woman you like, as long as the man can understand the woman's reaction and grasp the details, I believe it will be very smooth.

It is said that women's hearts, needles under the sea, but women who really move your true feelings will give you hints, as long as you are a little careful, you can see it.

In fact, whether a woman loves you or not, her body language is a very direct answer. By observing a woman's physical reactions, you can read her mind.

Verbal promises may not be prepared, but physical actions are the most real.

Therefore, men should learn to observe women's body language, so that you can understand women's intentions, so that they can smoothly get closer to her.

Generally speaking, women who want to have feelings for you often have physiological reactions, mainly the following three:

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

First, the eyes are gentle, always staring at you

Jo Fletcher said, "There is nothing more afflicting a man than a woman's attractive eyes." ”

It is true that a woman really likes you, and the look in her eyes is different from others, especially gentle.

Moreover, she will always stare at you, as long as you appear, she will not be able to help but peek at you, full of affection, full of feminine charm.

Men and women, it is best to learn to observe the woman's eyes, if you find that she looks at your eyes is very gentle, with a pulse, it means that she has a good feeling for you.

Then, you can be bold to pursue, as long as you are sincere, take the initiative, and believe that she will soon have feelings for you.

After all, when a woman likes you, although she doesn't say it, she will convey her love for you through the eyes, and you just need to respond in time.

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

When a man interacts with a woman, he must be careful and not ignore her eyes.

If a woman really wants to develop a relationship with you, she will definitely give you hints, and the look is the most direct way.

We know that liking someone is certainly impossible to hide, words can be disguised, but actions are honest.

Women are always staring at you and acting very gentle, nothing more than being interested in you and eager to have a deep relationship with you.

Otherwise, the woman doesn't like it, doesn't want to have feelings for you, and she probably doesn't want to see you at all, let alone give you the opportunity to pursue.

Therefore, if a man wants to know a woman's mind, he may wish to observe her eyes to see if she often looks at you, and whether the eyes are gentle enough.

Once you find a woman peeking at you tenderly and expectantly, you have to seize the opportunity to pursue her, because she has already been emotional about you.

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

Second, the body faces you and dares to face you squarely

In relationships, women generally do not easily associate with men, and they are afraid of gain and loss.

Therefore, when women face the opposite sex, they usually do not look at you head-on, but often look away from you and keep a certain distance from you.

If a woman doesn't want to associate with you, she won't let you get close to her, much less physically toward you.

In addition to women's reservedness, the main factor is that if you are not interested, they will not face you head-on.

On the contrary, when a woman likes you and longs to have feelings for you, she is completely different.

At this time, women will intentionally approach you, and will also face you physically, dare to face you squarely, and do not reject your ambiguous gaze.

Such a woman can chat with you face to face very calmly, trust you very much, and her body is always in your direction, so that you can feel her love.

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

Therefore, men should be good at observing women's reactions, and when she dares to communicate with you face to face, it means that they have a good feeling for you.

In addition to normal work contacts, a woman often chats with you face to face, or when going out together, she is willing to look at you with all her eyes and have a short physical distance.

This fully shows that she has a good feeling for you, eager to have a further relationship with you, and if a man meets, he must seize the opportunity.

In fact, the physical reaction is a person's true psychological state. Whatever she thinks in her heart will be reflected in her actions.

A woman with you, dares to face you with her body, and communicates with you head-on, indicating that she is very relieved about you and has no defenses.

Women dare to let down their guard and give you full trust, which is the hint she gives you, hoping to develop feelings with you.

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

Shorten the distance between each other and allow you to touch her

When a woman is really emotional and wants to have a deep relationship with you, she will take the initiative to shorten the distance between each other and allow you to touch her.

We know that the smaller the distance between men and women, the closer the relationship. Conversely, if the distance between the two parties is, the relationship is not in place.

People interact with each other, it is like this, often trust people, the distance between each other will be very short, easy to close the relationship.

It is a person who is not familiar with each other, or does not trust each other, will not have a close relationship with each other, and the sense of distance will be very strong.

In the feelings, it is also the same reason, the shorter the distance between a woman and you, it means that she is very relieved about you in her heart and the more trust she gives you.

At this time, you boldly pursue her, even touch her, she will not mind, and will cater to you, so that the relationship develops more smoothly.

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

Generally speaking, in social situations, the distance between two people is usually around 60 centimeters, which is not too strange and maintains a safe distance just right.

Especially when men and women interact, if the feelings are not good enough, they will often maintain such a distance.

On the contrary, if a woman has a good feeling for you and is eager to have a deep relationship with you, she will take the initiative to shorten the distance between you and you, giving you the opportunity to approach her.

Women are often very cautious in their relationships, they have a strong sense of self-protection, if they do not want to associate with you, they will not allow you to touch her.

Only if a woman really has real feelings for you, she will let you approach her and not reject your touch.

So, looking at whether a woman is willing to have feelings for you, observing the distance between her and you, basically there will be a clear judgment.

Women are eager to have feelings with you, and only the performance will be known at a glance

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

Carson McCullers said: "Love is a common experience that happens between two people. ”

It is true that if a woman likes you and wants to have feelings for you, she will definitely make you feel it.

Women who are eager to have feelings for you often have the above three physiological reactions, which can be known at a glance.

Her eyes are very gentle, always staring at you; the body faces you, dares to face you; takes the initiative to shorten the distance between each other and allows you to touch her.

This is the signal that women give you, men must seize the opportunity, sincerely pursue, as long as you do not live up to her, she will firmly walk with you into the future.

Body language, often the most reflective of a person's true feelings, men learn to read these reactions of women, will certainly help you successfully pursue the woman you like, get the happiness you want, look around.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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