
Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Introduction to art

Li Mingquan is a member of the China Artists Association, the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and the Chinese Writers Association. He has successively served as the director of the Publicity Department of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of CCTV, the executive editor-in-chief of "Little Calligrapher" magazine, the editor-in-chief of "Oriental Artist", the executive editor of "Oriental Art" and "Reader" magazines, and the deputy editor-in-chief of "Art Circle", "Art Journey" and "Chinese Art" magazines. He is also the Ambassador of Chinese Cultural Cooperation of the Silk Road Alliance, the Executive Director of the Silk League Art Museum, the Visiting Professor of Xinjiang Shihezi University, Tianjin University of Commerce, Zhengzhou University and other 5 colleges, the vice chairman of the China Pastoral Painting Society, the president of the Beijing Beiputuo Calligraphy and Painting Institute, the vice president of the Gansu Chinese Painting Institute, and the director of the Huangshan Xiaohutian Art Museum. He was rated as "100 Honest Masters of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting in the 21st Century" and "One Hundred Chinese Landscape Paintings with the Most Collectible Value and Appreciation Potential". In November 2019, the "Hometown Yiyi Li Mingquan Chinese Painting Exhibition" was successfully held at the Art Museum of the National Academy of Painting.

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

His calligraphy and painting works have been selected for national art exhibitions and book fairs and won awards for many times. Calligraphy carved stone in the Yellow River Stele Forest, "Dream of the Red Chamber Poetry" and other nearly 100 stele forest, life art has been CCTV, "People's Daily", Xinhua News Agency, "Fine Arts" magazine, "Fine Arts Newspaper", "China Painting and Calligraphy", "Art Grand View" and other nearly 100 media at home and abroad, his calligraphy and painting works have participated in national exhibitions and awards at all levels, and have been collected by Zhongnanhai, the Central Party School, the Central Military Commission, the National Art Museum of China, CCTV, the Beijing Olympic Group and many museums, memorials and international friends at home and abroad. He has organized some major calligraphy and painting activities of CCTV and the Ministry of Culture and the China Artists Association, such as the "National Mass Calligraphy and Painting Photography Exhibition", the "99 Chinese Painting and Photography Exhibition", the "Oriental Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition", and has concurrently held positions in dozens of cultural and artistic groups across the country, and has visited the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, South Korea, Russia, Australia, India, Egypt, China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and other more than 60 countries and regions to hold solo exhibitions, group exhibitions and academic exchange activities. He has edited more than 60 calligraphy and painting collections, such as "Beiputuo Tibetan Painting Collection", "'94 New Zhulian Cup Chinese Painting Painting Fine Exhibition Collection", "National First Self-Composed Poetry Calligraphy Collection", "National Mass Calligraphy and Painting Photography Exhibition Award-winning Works Collection" and published "Notes on Drifting Hands", "Tianya Ping Trace", "Spring to Autumn", "Traces of Time", "Thousands of Waters and Thousand Mountains", "Autumn Harvest and Winter Collection", "Li Mingquan Chinese Painting Collection", "Li Mingquan Painting Collection", "Oriental Artist - Li Mingquan Photographic Poetry Collection", "Mingquan Poetry Manuscript" and more than 30 kinds of calligraphy and painting collections. Chinese painting works have participated in auctions held by Guardian, Rongbao, Artron, Hunan Satellite TV, Hechang International, Liaoning Guopai, Huachen, Jinhong Xinde, etc., and have held solo exhibitions in the United Kingdom and the United States for four consecutive years, and their works have been favored by collectors and international friends.

CCTV's "Fifty Schools of Chinese Calligraphy" has carried a special broadcast report.

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "This Heart Settles Home is Home"

Thousands of rivers and mountains are everywhere

——Rambling my sketching experience

Singing springs

A few years ago, when I held my "Western People's Homes and Central Plains People's Homes in the Vanishing Homeland" in Tianshui, Gansu and Xuchang, Henan, I also exhibited my ink sketches. In addition to giving pertinent evaluations and suggestions to my creation, everyone also gave full affirmation to my sketches, and determined that its vivid and vivid feeling was even more infectious than the finished product! No matter how it is taken, the composition, the pen and ink, it seems to be more flexible, full of passion and tension of life!

Yes, I have indeed put a lot of effort into sketching, and I have persevered and experienced it for decades.

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Dawn"

My sketches began in the late 1960s, when I was just in elementary school to catch up with the Cultural Revolution. So even primary school students began to pick up pens and ink as knives and guns, and threw themselves into the torrent of vigorous revolutionary criticism. The little people also began to copy large-character newspapers, draw cartoons, and participated in the youth art study class at that time, received the initial art education, and was eager to learn first, combining learning and application! I clearly remember that at that time, the experts in my hometown, Mr. Li Yuchun and Ge Qingya, gave us a counseling class and admonished: Don't look at the hundred or so children in the study class now learning to draw, it would be good to have one or two professionals in the future! Therefore, the road to the right must be adhered to! Unfortunately, the teacher's words have become a proverb, and now, the children who have participated in the art study class seem to be the only one who has persevered.

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Painting the South Pit"

Since then, I have been using cigarette box paper I picked up on the street to bind into small sketchbooks, and I want to draw everything I see. In particular, a farmer's market passing by on the way to school, every day when passing by, I was in love, and I had the courage to hide in the back eye to paint the colorful characters in the market. When organizing activities for students, workers, and farmers in school, draw various expressions and movements of students. At the beginning, the painting was not good, the more I did not look like the more I did not dare to paint, the more I did not dare to paint, the more I did not dare to paint! With the encouragement of teachers and classmates, I insisted until I graduated from middle school, using a variety of cigarette box paper, wrapping paper and other waste paper, and in the past few years, I have also accumulated hundreds of sketches and sketches. At that time, the obsession with painting was really not something that could be described in words, it was really a waste of sleep and food, and it was like a drunkenness. Just like just learning to ride a bicycle, you want to ride when you see a car, and you want to draw when you seize the opportunity!

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Qi Yun Fei Xue"

After becoming a soldier, he still insisted on the habit of drawing and sketching. I used to drive a big truck for two years, driving a military vehicle through the mountains and mountains under the Kuanglu Mountain every day, the beautiful natural scenery, the smoke and rain in the south of the river, the thick forest and bamboo, black tiles and white walls made me unable to suppress the excitement in my heart, so I used a meager allowance (6 yuan per month in the first year of being a soldier, and then rising by 1 yuan year by year) to buy drawing paper, cut into 32 small squares to take on the body, and see what paintings are seen between the driving. It's just that after the pencil drawing, because it is casually placed in the cab, the sketch under the dynamic is often easy to blur, so I think of finding alcohol and rosin and making it into a "fixing liquid" treatment, but the effect is still not good. Later, because of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1979, I submitted a manuscript to Haizheng and painted a "Songmei Map", and the Political Department of the Haihou Armed Forces Office found several soldiers who could paint in other grass-roots units, so it held a short-term training class and invited Mr. Li Baolin, a famous painter of the Navy at that time and now a member of the National Academy of Painting, to come to Jiujiang to teach us. Under his instruction, I changed the pencil to a fountain pen, which requires the integration of our hearts, eyes and hands, and the next pen must be stable and accurate, and there is no longer an opportunity to use an eraser to change it. Since then, I have said goodbye to pencils and used pens, and then laid a good foundation for the use of brushes. That workshop had a huge impact on me, and I distinctly remember asking Mr. Li Baolin about a question that now seems very stupid. I asked Teacher Li: How can I not understand where Mr. Li Keliang's paintings are good? Teacher Li told me after half a day of deep meditation that this question could not be explained clearly in a sentence and a half, and you did not understand it! Maybe you'll never see it get better. But when you can see it in the future, it means that you are really getting started! Decades later, when I met Teacher Li at the National Academy of Painting and mentioned this past to him, I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions!

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Snow Falls on the Clouds"

From the army to the localities, and to Beijing to specialize in calligraphy and painting, my sketches were not as insistent as when I was in school, always using the excuse that I was too busy to take care of my work, and with the addition of cameras, people gradually became lazy. What really prompted me to pick up the sketchbook again and insist on drawing and sketching was thanks to Mr. Liu Dawei and Mr. He Jiaying! It was the two of them who taught me a vivid education lesson with their own practical actions, and I never dared to slack off again!

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Years in the Mountains"

In March 2004, the China Artists Association organized more than 20 domestic painters to go to Europe to participate in the "Chinese Style Painting Exhibition" activity of the Sino-French Cultural Exchange Year. Most of the painters accompanying the troupe were the heads of the provincial art associations, and the highest-ranking and most famous people in the troupe were Liu Dawei and He Jiaying. And it is these two teachers from the Beijing airport to the end of the visit, all the way up the sketchbook without leaving their hands, has been working hard, even in the street waiting for a few minutes, Teacher Liu did not stop. In Venice, after half a day of shopping, Teacher Liu completed two watercolor sketches. As for Teacher He Jiaying, he even carried a sketchbook the size of a cigarette box and a sharpened pencil in his pocket, drawing a full-body portrait of the character on this small book, and his eyebrows were vivid and vivid, which made me admire the five bodies thrown to the ground! On the other hand, I and more than a dozen other painters walked around with a camera, took a lot of photos, wasted a lot of film, and half of them could not be used after going home to rinse, and the photos that could be used were also put in the bookcase and slept since then! Since that time, I've picked up the sketchbook again and never dared to put it down again! Over the past few years, I have accumulated 100 pen sketches and hundreds of ink sketches, and I feel very full inside.

Every time I come back from a trip, I look at the full sketchbook and feel infinite emotion!

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "The Call of Home"

I drew sketches, and in my early years I was purely to collect materials. Later, because there were more places to go, my heart was touched, so I locked my main energy and goal on the houses in various places. Because with the transformation of shantytowns and large-scale demolition in urban and rural areas, the old streets and old houses that carry the traditional culture of the Chinese nation for thousands of years are gradually disappearing. Therefore, in order to create the "disappearing hometown" series of works, I began to cooperate with the camera to collect information, painted a large number of sketches with complete composition and a strong sense of picture, almost every sketch is a ready-made small painting, each sketch is a creative process, deleting complexity and simplicity, not only retaining the original appearance of the sketch object, but also injecting emotion and spirituality, so it is easy to write and full of fresh vitality. Once in Wuyuan sketching, a tourist saw my sketch and wanted to pay for it. I asked him, do you like it? But my sketches don't sell for much money. This is the most basic raw material for my painting and creation. Just like if you drink any milk that is delicious, take away the cows of others? In a word, everyone laughed!

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Old Memories"

I have held several sketching exhibitions and lectures at the School of Art of Tianjin Commercial University and Xinjiang Shihezi University and Jiaozuo Teachers College, and at that time, some students complained to me bitterly that in the face of boundless beauty, sometimes I don't know where to start, where is the first pen to start? I think this problem is very easy to solve. It's like writing an article, lifting the pen to have a sense of feeling, and having something to say before you can write it. When you are faced with the object of sketching, which point moves you the most, so that you have a feeling that you can't paint without painting, you start from there and draw the part you want to paint the most. As for the other, it can be bokehed, which is the same as the principle of the camera, focusing on the parts you like most and are most interested in, and the rest can be ignored! You can also use the scenery to break the deadlock nearby, optimize the combination, according to the time and scene according to local conditions, a sketch painting is completed, and the prototype of a work is also born!

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Memories of Hometown"

There is love in the heart, and it can be painted with all eyes! The key to the beauty of the world is that you have a pair of eyes that are good at finding beauty, and the second is that you have to have a pair of well-trained hands. Then, with unity of heart and hand, persistence, in order to get out of the long road of art out of their own way. And how far can this road go? Then I am afraid that it depends on your mentality and comprehensive cultivation outside the picture. Children who learn to draw now have a teacher tell you the words "point, line, and surface" as soon as they start, but in fact, these three words contain deep philosophies, just like life. From the beginning, you must first choose and accurately select this "point" according to your various conditions. Then there is the laying out of your "face", which contains your knowledge structure, information reserves, open vision, social relations and so on. What determines the length of your "line" is your perseverance and belief, as well as the spirit of hard-working. Simply put, just two words: persistence!.

Lu You, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, once said: Kung Fu is outside the poem. The same goes for painters!

July 26, 2020

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Clouds of Hometown"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Picturesque Rivers and Mountains"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "That Year and That Month"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Memory of Kanto"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Qing Jing Jie"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Chart of the Moon"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Spring Mountain Like Sleep"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Kanto Memory"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's "Snow in Saibei"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Flying Snow in the Western Regions"

Nong Yin 2022 Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Character Chronicle - Li Mingquan

Li Mingquan's work "Home in Taihang"

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