
True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

Text/Tang Ruo

Tang Ruoxin learns original works, and those who violate them will be investigated

In life, we need to understand that a person's poverty is essentially scarcity, and inner scarcity is the key to our inability to be rich.

And if we want to make ourselves rich, the most important thing is to grasp the three higher consciousnesses, which are the essence of money and the key to our ability to get out of poverty.

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

The first consciousness, true wealth, comes from expanding one's own mind

In life, you will find that when you talk to a poor person, there is often not much to talk about, their inner mind is very narrow, every day they see only dressing, eating, and their inner spiritual cognition is often insensitive.

In fact, true wealth comes from expanding the mind. When you don't know how to expand your own mind, but just continue to live in the pattern of others, it will not only fail to help you become rich, but also limit your self-development.

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

Expanding our hearts is the key to self-development, but also the key to opening up our world. If we understand the importance of expanding the mind, you may not be narrow-minded, because you are connecting with everything, and naturally your inner world will open infinitely.

A person who is lacking in his heart can never see the richness of the world, they are only limited to the present, and a truly rich person knows how to learn from the environment, knows how to make good use of the environment, and also knows how to use the environment to create a better situation and development for himself.

The most important thing for rich people is to have a sense of connection, which is the key to our self-growth and the key to our wealth.

This kind of connection consciousness is not to live in the world of self-poverty, but to know how to learn from the environment, expand their horizons and minds, know how to open themselves, and use their wisdom to create a rich world.

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

The second consciousness is to respect oneself and develop one's potential

If we want to be rich, the most important thing is to learn to respect ourselves and develop our potential. If we want to become stronger, it's not a process of throwing ourselves away, it's a process of respecting ourselves.

The more respectful you are, the more you believe in yourself, rather than being held back by failure. Respecting ourselves is a very confident kernel, under which we need to believe in ourselves more, through self-adjustment,

Psychology has found that a person's true strength comes from respecting himself from the heart, and respecting himself contains a profound connotation, that is, not to belittle himself, and not to be vain and thin himself.

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

Respecting ourselves is an affirmation of self-worth, but also believing that our own life must be meaningful, and through the continuous growth of ourselves, we will be able to walk out of a way.

People who respect themselves from the bottom of their hearts often know how to continue to explore, and they see more possibilities of themselves through exploration, which inspires them to explore more and keep trying to move forward, through each other's efforts, our inner life will have more possibilities.

People who do not respect themselves are more likely to go with the flow and no longer believe in themselves, so that they can give up on themselves, and life will fall into an infinite negative world.

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

The third consciousness, with a flexible perspective, has mastered multiple cognitions

If we want to make ourselves richer, we must have a flexible perspective and have a diverse understanding. We may have heard a saying, what kind of person, what kind of life.

True destiny is determined by our cognition, and our underlying system determines what kind of fate we have.

The ultimate growth of a person is to continue to surpass their existing cognition, the more you can surpass the existing cognition, the more you can break through the class and trouble of life, so that you continue to iterate yourself.

What is trapped in us is always a finite view, not our true power. You are far more powerful than you think, and mastering multiple perspectives and cognition is the key to our breakthrough and the key to our wealth.

The growth of the world is a process of upward learning and downward transmission. When you master the highest level of cognition, you will have a stronger sense of mission to promote the learning and change of others.

True poverty comes from inner deprivation, and to become rich, master the three higher consciousnesses

The perspective and cognition we have is also our wealth advantage, and when you know how to pass on these wealth advantages and cognition to more people, naturally your life will also bring about transformation.

Pluralistic cognition is to help us see the vastness of the world, but also to help us compatibility with the world, understand the world, everyone is actually the product of their own cognition, when you can look at each other's growth process from the perspective of others, you may know why the other party has become what it is now.

Each of us is a product of cognition, mastering multiple perspectives, that is, from the source of life to see what the other party has experienced, when you can have a recognition of the growth system of life, we can achieve the control of the human heart, leading others to grow and progress.

The real rich people actually bid farewell to the inner lack, know how to use rich learning to break the troubles of the class, know how to continue to study the underlying laws of human nature, master the diversified perspectives and secrets behind money, and realize the active control of life.

Today's topic: What consciousness do you think the great people have mastered, welcome to discuss and communicate.

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