
Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

Do you find it hard to make money?

If you find it hard to make money, then your approach needs to change.

Everyone is working hard for life, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to make more money, but when you are buried in hard work, you must also develop the habit of looking up at the road.

Many people in the workplace often overlook that behind the high-intensity work, their own growth time is rapidly draining.

Such hard money allows you to see the results in the short term, so that the effort is proportional to the income, placed in the framework of long-termism, but it is killing your future.

In the workplace, if you don't make money in the right way, even if you can support it for a while, you can't earn a lifetime.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

Let's answer a few questions first: 1. Do you feel like you're getting busier? Getting tired? 2. Do you feel like you're doing nothing, but time flies by quickly? 3. Do you feel that you are busy and working hard, but you are still getting poorer? Why work overtime every day, dare not ask for leave, dare not resign, busy without life, but still have no money, always struggling at the bottom?

It's hard to earn money

There are also many people around who complain about the hard work of earning money, coming early in the morning, leaving in the middle of the night, cutting off all kinds of road expenses, eating and drinking, and there are really few left.

Then someone tells you that making money itself is not easy, not a little harder, where is the opportunity?

If you believe it, it should be so.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

But as time goes on, you will find that after years of labor, you find that duplication of labor is a life-consuming thing that anyone can do.

If found, that's the beginning of getting rid of the hard earned money.

Careful observation will find that although people's abilities have sizes, some people make money very easily and can make a lot of money;

Some people work very hard to earn money and only make a little money.

Is it because of the difference in ability or academic qualifications?

In fact, the root cause is the difference in thinking.

Those who have money or earn money understand that labor and capital are the code to get rich.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

You can ask the people around you: Do you want to become richer and richer?

Nine times out of ten will say, definitely think ah, who does not love money.

When I earn money, I can live in western-style buildings, raise dogs, travel the world, and others look at me with envy.

But in fact, a lot of people don't really want to be rich.

Because they only superficially say that I want to be rich, but subconsciously, I will come up with all kinds of negative problems of having money.

"Want to make money", in fact, divided into 3 levels -

On the first level, I want to be rich, which is equivalent to sitting and waiting for the pie to fall from the sky, and then picking it up, effortlessly;

On the second level, I choose to be rich, which is a decision, and when you decide to choose, you will consume more energy;

On the third level, I'm committed to being rich, committed to the word, which means "giving myself without reservation," and needs to put in all that I have.

Most people stay at the first and second levels, such as few people are willing to invest more than ten hours a day to do a career or work, and most people prefer to choose a stable and leisure life of "9 nights and 5 plus double rest".

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

But if you're not so dedicated to getting rich, but by limiting yourself for all sorts of reasons and at the cost of what you need, don't say you really want to be rich.

You might say, then I can't help it, and I can only choose one of them between money and other aspects of life.

So we can only rationalize our position and claim that money is no more important than other things.

Making money is an aggressive sublimation.

Freud of the psychoanalytic school once said: Aggression is one of the fundamental motivations for people to live.

Wealth is the best proof of one's own ability, a reward for one's own efforts, and an affirmation of one's own value!

As a mature and responsible adult, you should make good money and make yourself and your family happy and comfortable.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

As a parent, do you want to tell your children that making money is hard?

One of the most important things in the parenting process is authenticity.

Just like emotions, when we are in a bad mood and unwell, we all need to tell our children truthfully.

Blindly concealing, covering, and forbearing, not only we are uncomfortable, the child will not be comfortable, whether to force a smile or really happy, the child at a glance.

We should not let children cower because they are "not rich", nor can we let children be completely ignorant of "sad taste".

But, is it only "hard" to make money?

Hard work is certain, but hard work does not equal pain.

Many people are trying to create for their children that "it takes a lot of hard work and fatigue to earn money - how tired they are, how big the expenses are, and how difficult life is." ”

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

The message that the child gets from it is: only with particularly hard work and effort can you earn money, and it is too painful to make money.

I think this is biased and does not serve the purpose of education.

In this day and age, just talking about "difficulty" can no longer urge children to forge ahead, but may only make them lie flat.

Poverty is never the weapon that does the most harm to a child.

The emotions of self-blame and guilt derived by parents' wrong expressions are the killers who wear down their children's hearts. For families like you and me who come from ordinary backgrounds and need to struggle for their daily lives, it is admirable to provide the best material for their children within the limited range they can afford. Parents are the child's dependence, is the spiritual support, never let the child waste his life because of the sense of lack. Children who are rich in their hearts will certainly have the ability to satisfy themselves in the future.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

Whether there is money or not determines whether a person has an independent personality.

Money gives us more choices, and choice breeds our sense of security.

To a certain extent, money is equated with dignity and freedom, allowing us to experience warmth and security.

Seeking security is an instinct in our subconscious.

In the relationship between wealth and money, similar values need to be contemplated.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

If you often ask yourself: How can I make more money, why do so many people make more money than I can?

It's also quite possible that your subconscious mind resonates with a sense of competition that emphasizes scarcity in the collective consciousness.

At first glance, this type of value doesn't seem to have any problems:

Resources in the hands of a few are limited...

If I come from an ordinary background, I can't achieve a class transition, and I can only get income through my own hard work and hard work...

Making money, and working continuously and hard for money, may be the only helpless and realistic option you can think of...

If we don't question it, we really get completely controlled by this mindset, because so many people are living in this collective subconscious, and the word middle-class anxiety is a metaphor for the new generation of young people.

Most people know that the outer is the manifestation of the inner

In order to present harmony and abundance on the outside, we do not need to cultivate the external, but the inner and outer.

In order to present the results of abundance and harmony more concretely and thoroughly on the outside, there is a need for deeper balance and more separation and fear on the inside.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

The process of making money is cultivation, and it is through you that you cultivate the degree of freedom, and your wealth creation becomes very comfortable, otherwise you are likely to overdraft your life energy.

What is wealth?

Wealth is energy, but it is more responsibility and mission, if a person does not think well of taking on greater responsibilities and missions, excess wealth is the cause of his disaster.

How much wealth a person can have depends on how much wealth his subconscious thinks he deserves.

One might ask: If I believe I am worthy of money, is it not possible to lie at home and do nothing to have a rich fortune?

Having abundant wealth is not the ultimate meaning of life.

The meaning of life is to experience a vast, abundant, free experience of life, and when you follow your heart to create the experience you really want, money as a tool, as a resource, will follow you.

Psychology: Do you want to tell your child that it's hard to make money? "Hard money" earns more, and people are ruined

About the Author: Hyun-hong's teacher

Psychological counselor, tarot divinator, planetary energy bowl healer, free code word person, trainer.

The Burrow listens to people cold and warm, and the love volume is the reason.

Red dust comes and goes without a trace, cooking words to heal people's hearts.

I met you, and then I met myself, and fate is like a knife, let me learn with you.

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