
Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

Hello hello everyone, I am an alliance, this issue to talk to you about the topic of the original god.

Has been busy giving fans a strategy, has been doing the task of the Three Realms Road Festival, finally found all the treasure chests, turned back to look at the Eightfold Divine Son, but saw a lot of rhythm, like what "the strength of the Eightfold Divine Son is not as good as the carving qing" "Zhong Li 2.0 event version, will Mihayou strengthen the Eightfold Divine Son?" "Don't want kryptonite, thunder can only see the god of thunder" and so on, the eight-fold god child rhythm is continuous, and even many players choose to stop krypton, see here I began to think about a question, is the strength so important in the original god?

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?
Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

This part of the player who thinks intensity is important may have forgotten their original intentions, remember what attracted you when you first played The Original God? First of all, let's talk about my own experience, at the beginning I was playing chicken and king glory, both belong to the competitive game, especially the glory of the king, if you meet a more pit teammate, you may not have the heart to do anything else in the afternoon, and this time the original god turned out to be born, see the style of this game and the design of the plot, I was attracted by it, after entering the game, I found that this is very similar to the legend of Celda that I played before, but the blue is better than the blue, and it has been out of control since then.

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

Because the original god does not attach great importance to the social part, so in my eyes it belongs to the single-player game, there is not much competitiveness, so don't worry about not going online one day, the dan point will fall off, don't have to worry about teaming up with other players will pit or have been losing is very uncomfortable, but the exploration and decryption of the single-player game will inevitably feel bored in the end, which is also the point I was worried about at the beginning. After playing for a while, I changed my opinion, because when a game's system is too large, there will be more and more content to explore in the game, not only will it not be boring, but because of the resin mechanism setting, you will still be overwhelmed.

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

I want to upgrade one of the characters to level 90, but the breakthrough material, experience book, and mora must reach a certain number, and the follow-up combination of holy relics, weapons and lineups will affect the degree of graduation of this character, coupled with the character's own personality, plot and CV, the vivid characters appear in my Tivat world, which is also an important reason why I have not felt bored since I played the original god for more than a year, because Mihayu is really very careful in making games, and when it comes to the strength of the characters, it is inevitable that the balance problem is balanced. There are strong and weak, there are auxiliary and output, we should be more rational.

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

For example, now players have a lot of discussion about the strength of the Yae God Son, in fact, from the very beginning of the unknown players to break the news, we know that the strength of the God Son is not as high as the Thunder God, and the full life can not become a very qualified main C, coupled with the flexible displacement of the E skill, doomed to the Yae God Son is not to go high burst flow of gameplay, saying that her strength is low I can accept, but from the strength of a character to the rhythm of the kryptonite problem, and finally become "stop Krypton" This I can't understand, Is it to force Mihayu to repeat the events of Zhong Li in that year through this move? Strengthen the Yae Shinko and then let this group of players continue to kryptonite?

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

In fact, there is no need at all, whether it is Kryptonian players or civilian players, in the exploration of the big world and the dungeon, you can only use 4 characters, the abyss can be used to 8, each time the number of characters on the field has a limit, which means that the player does not need to train the strength of each character to a very high level, so when you are still clinging to the strength of a single character, you have fallen into the game misunderstanding, maybe you will be a lot slower than normal players, because the original god is a character to match each other, Play a game that reacts to elements and has some manipulation skills, rather than a numerical game in which the character is played in seconds and seconds.

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

The strength of a single role is really not so important, take myself, at the beginning of the blind pursuit of the intensity of the five-star role, the thunder god, Zhong Li, Gan Yu, Fish, etc. to achieve a small graduation, but when brushing the abyss or can not beat, even if once in a month to achieve full star, when the monster and the abyss vein after the change, the abyss team can not reach the full star, so I began to reflect, is it useful to practice so many five stars? So I pay more attention to the combination of the lineup, and now my four-star roles such as Xingqiu, Beidou, Heavy Cloud, Condensed Light, and Xiangling have all graduated, and any combination of lineups can be full of stars, so I pay more attention to the strength of the lineup rather than the strength of individual characters, and the same is true for Yae Shenzi.

Original God: The rhythm of the YaeJinko is continuous, and many players choose to stop Krypton, is the intensity so important?

In the long run, the Yae Shenzi is a background sub-C, E skills can be released at high frequency, so the strength of no Thor is normal, E skills if you can do thunder a 10,000 damage is already very good, with the same background role Abedo, the Queen Daughter or Thor E skill, in fact, DPS can reach the standard of the abyss, but some players are reluctant to try this, the reason is very simple, they do not have a high degree of training Abedo, the Queen Daughter, so only desire the Yae God Son an E skill seconds and seconds, Wrong ideas lead to the wrong rhythm, I hope everyone can treat it rationally and play well, what do you think? Welcome to share your views, I am a league, we have a good time!

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