
"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

author:Almighty hot mom plus

Author | Inspector (2322 words, about 4 minutes to read)

"When the baby is born, I will be relaxed!"

"When the baby is weaned, I can go to work!"

"When the child goes to kindergarten, I am completely liberated!"

"When my child goes to elementary school, I don't have to worry about it!"


I believe that this is the mental journey of every mother, after having a child, always looking forward to her liberation, but in the end she still can't escape reality.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality
Because, children need a mother! No one can replace Mom!

"Before having a child, everyone said that they had time, and after having a child, no one was able to help!"

This is the emotion my girlfriend made to me!

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

The girlfriend is a full-time mother of 93 years, after marriage, the mother-in-law said that she wanted to hold her grandson, and explained it very well, taking advantage of her youth to have a baby, and she was still strong and could help take care of the children.

But really wait until the child is born, the girlfriend found that everything about the child has to worry about itself, from what kind of diapers to buy, to the sick to the hospital, they have to deal with it themselves, and the mother-in-law just helps hold the child for a while.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

When the child is 1 and a half years old and can walk, the mother-in-law said: "Now that the child is older, he can walk and wean, and I am not tired when I bring it up, so you can go to work." ”

When my girlfriend heard this, she also fantasized: "When the child goes to kindergarten, I will have time!" "However, when the child was 3 years old and went to kindergarten, the girlfriend was punched in the face by reality."

The child was only 5 days old, he was sick, he could only take leave to rest at home, and the mother-in-law did not know how to take care of how to feed the medicine, so she had to take care of the child herself;

It is not easy to get well, the kindergarten organizes parent-child activities every three forks and five minutes, the mother-in-law's legs and feet are not good, the husband often travels, and can only be personally fought by the girlfriend...

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

Faced with various realities, the girlfriend finally gave up her job and continued to take care of her children at home.

When she chose to be a stay-at-home mom, she sent out this passage from our girlfriend group:

"Maybe my career in the workplace ended from the moment my child was born, but the education career has just begun. Full-time mothers are not housewives, but the capital of the husband's career and the foundation for the growth of the children. Sisters, let your life be enriched and enjoy the happiness of the family. ”

I believe that many mothers have had such an experience.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

So, why did you finally stay up until your child went to kindergarten, why didn't you have your own time and couldn't do your own business?

► Children have low resistance and are prone to illness

"Children get sick as soon as they go to kindergarten", which should be the same feeling that many mothers have.

Children are often well protected at home, and there are not many people in contact, but in kindergartens, due to various factors, children are easily sick. Therefore, the mother has to take care of the children at home, so she cannot go to work.

Even if the mother takes a leave of absence to take care of the children at home, but if you often take such a leave, I believe the boss will also have an opinion.

It is normal for children in small classes to often get sick and take leave, and after reaching the middle and large classes, the number of illnesses will be reduced a lot, because the child's resistance is also constantly strengthening, and for changes in the environment, the child will gradually adapt, so mothers do not have to worry about their children always getting sick.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

► Commuting to and from school every day, pick-up and drop-off is a problem

Kindergartens can take a lunch break in the park at noon, so every day is to send a trip in the morning to the afternoon, but the kindergarten school time will often be earlier, some kindergartens will end at 4 o'clock, but for office workers, the basic off-work time is around 5 or 6 o'clock, then for picking up children, working mothers can't do it.

Of course, if there are grandparents or other people in the family who can be responsible for the pick-up, then this pick-up problem can also be solved.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

► Winter and summer vacations, my mother is more tired and busy

After the child goes to kindergarten, there will be winter and summer vacations, but working mothers will not take this holiday, so when it comes to winter and summer vacations, mothers will be more tired and busy.

Although there is no need to pick up and drop off from school, but to take care of the child's three meals a day, but also to teach the child some knowledge, accompany the child to read, exercise, it can be said to play the child's home teacher, so there is still no time to go to work.

Some people may say that the elderly can manage their children at home during the winter and summer vacations or put them on the small dinner table, but some practical reasons still need to be considered.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

The elderly may be responsible for the children's diet and living at home, but they will not do a good job in education, and it is likely that every day when the child wakes up, there is nothing to do to play with toys, go to watch TV, and watch a day. Although such winter and summer vacations are also quite relaxed, they are not conducive to the growth of children, and it can be said that they have wasted the children's good time.

Therefore, in order for their children to be able to spend the winter and summer vacations more fully and learn some knowledge, then they must do a good job of effective companionship. Grasping the child's education from an early age and guiding it bit by bit can make the child grow up more smoothly and lay a solid foundation for future learning.

Stay-at-home mothers often give up their time for their children, rack their brains in order to raise their children, and do not waste a minute or second.

But after the child goes to kindergarten, there is always a time when he is not at home, so this period of free time, we must make good use of it, in addition to doing housework, we must also consider ourselves.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

★ Stay-at-home moms, take time to improve themselves

If the child is not sick and needs to recuperate at home, then after sending the child to school every day, the mother can arrange her own time, only by doing self-discipline can she improve herself and get the respect of others.

★★ Learn, progress

"The highest realm of management is to manage yourself well!"

Women do not need to manage other people, as long as they can manage their own lives, they are responsible for their families, so that children can learn a positive example.

Stay-at-home mothers can enroll in an online study class to learn knowledge in various fields, take some certificates such as psychology, parenting, etc., and read some emotional books. Let yourself learn some parenting knowledge, better educate your children; understand how to maintain a good marriage and make life happier.

In the process of reading, it is also a kind of precipitation for yourself, and you can avoid becoming a yellow-faced woman who is full of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, washing and cooking.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

★★ Exercise and fitness

Exercise can make yourself energetic and restore your figure, especially some postpartum body deformation of the mother, overweight to wear the largest size of clothes, especially need to pay attention to exercise.

Women's body shape will not only make themselves less confident, but also leave a bad impression on others, and it is also detrimental to children.

Therefore, mothers can take advantage of their children's schooling, run or dance in the park, contact some people, chat with them, and avoid derailment from the outside world; they can also bask in the sun to make their physique stronger. When their figure becomes slimmer day by day, their body is getting better and better, and how beautiful they look when they wear clothes, not only are they confident to find it back, but the child sees such a beautiful mother, and the husband sees that his wife is so excellent, and he will be very proud and proud.

"When the baby goes to kindergarten, I will have time", the post-90s mother was punched in the face by reality

Spicy Mom Quotes:

No matter what stage women are in, no matter what role they play, they must realize their own value.

Live the moment, find the joy of life, plan the direction of life, precipitate yourself, enrich life, make your heart strong, and let your appearance remain beautiful, in order to enrich your life.

Moms, are you satisfied with your life right now?

(Image from the Internet)


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