
Hong Kong's fifth wave of the epidemic has killed 145 people, and the "vaccine pass" will be implemented from February 24

People's Daily Health Client Xie Chen

According to the Report of the Centre for Health Protection of the Hong Kong Department of Health on February 22, there were 6,211 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, including 6,208 local cases and 32 new deaths.

The People's Daily health client combed the Hong Kong Government News Network and found that in the past 4 days, a total of 25,874 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia have been added in Hong Kong. Of these, 25,852 were homeopathic infections.

According to the latest situation released by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, 32 new covid-19 patients died in Hong Kong on the 22nd, including 17 men and 15 women, aged between 45 and 103, of which 27 are over 60 years old, all of whom have long-term patients. According to statistics, a total of 145 patients have died so far in the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's fifth wave of the epidemic has killed 145 people, and the "vaccine pass" will be implemented from February 24

It is reported that Hong Kong will implement the "Vaccine Pass" from February 24. According to the regulations, persons entering or staying in designated premises must have been vaccinated against COVID-19. As for schools, government and public offices, public hospitals, hospitals and other places, they are implemented in the form of administrative instructions, and the applicable persons and scope are different. The "Vaccine Pass" will be implemented in three phases, the first of which requires at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine for people aged 12 or above, and the arrangement is maintained until 29 April.

Hong Kong's fifth wave of the epidemic has killed 145 people, and the "vaccine pass" will be implemented from February 24

Within 14 days, there were marked buildings that had been inhabited or visited by individual cases. Pictured from the website of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Although the epidemic in Hong Kong is fierce, it has received the full support of the central government for Hong Kong's anti-epidemic work and the concern for Hong Kong citizens.

On February 20, the first batch of 150,000 boxes of anti-epidemic Chinese medicine donated by the state and anti-epidemic medical supplies ordered by the Hong Kong government arrived in Hong Kong. At the same time, the Mainland Epidemiological Expert Group to assist Hong Kong in responding to the fifth wave of the epidemic will extend its stay in Hong Kong until next Monday and will support the epidemiological investigation of the Centre for Health Protection of the Hong Kong Department of Health in the coming days.

Proofreader: Zhao Yuanyi

Hong Kong's fifth wave of the epidemic has killed 145 people, and the "vaccine pass" will be implemented from February 24


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