
Yam is a treasure, spring is inseparable! Often eat yam, you may be able to taste these 5 "sweets"

Yam can be said to be an old friend of Chinese.

As one of the most common foods in life, yam not only has a smooth taste, but also is rich in various nutrients that are beneficial to the human body, and the most important way to eat it is also diverse.

It can not only stew a delicious soup, but also boil a sweet and soft porridge, make a sweet and delicious yam alone, and cook a crisp and refreshing dish.

Yam is a treasure, spring is inseparable! Often eat yam, you may be able to taste these 5 "sweets"

What are the effects of yam?

1. Healthy spleen and stomach

Yam contains a lot of polyphenol oxidase and amylase, these two substances combined together, can be absorbed by the body as soon as possible, and then achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Especially in the recent period of inexplicable stomach pain, indigestion and other symptoms, it may be caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach, take some yam in moderation.

At the same time, the yam starch granules are small, which is conducive to the digestion of the digestive juice, while the yam texture is delicate and the crude fiber content is less, so it will not cause greater stimulation to the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Enhance physical fitness

Because yam has more mucus protein, it has the effect of health care for human organs, in addition, the vitamins and minerals in it are also conducive to enhancing disease resistance.

Yam is a treasure, spring is inseparable! Often eat yam, you may be able to taste these 5 "sweets"

3. Protect vision

Yam contains a lot of vitamin A and carotene, both of which have the effect of protecting vision.

4. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Some people in life often have habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and staying up late, poor diet, etc., which in turn leads to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels, if not unblocked as soon as possible, it may cause serious myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other serious diseases.

Recently, there have been symptoms of dizziness and weakness, numbness and cold fingers, which are likely to be a sign of blocked blood circulation.

At this time, you may wish to eat some yam, the special mucus protein contained in yam, which can not only help lower blood sugar, but also promote the metabolism of metabolic impurities.

5. Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough

For people who smoke regularly or do not drink enough water, if they have symptoms of coughing.

In addition to seeing a doctor as soon as possible, taking some yam can also achieve a good relief effect.

Because yam contains a mucus substance called saponins, it lubricates the trachea and nourishes the lungs, thereby improving coughing due to decreased lung function.

In addition, yam also contains a lot of yam polysaccharides, which is an active ingredient that can promote the biosynthesis of antioxidant enzymes, which in turn helps to scavenge free radicals in the body, which has a very good effect on beauty and beauty and anti-aging.

Yam is a treasure, spring is inseparable! Often eat yam, you may be able to taste these 5 "sweets"

Diabetics, can they eat yam?

Some people believe that yam will promote blood sugar to rise easily, so it is not advisable to eat more yam.

But in fact, the blood sugar response is high and low, and sometimes it is related to the "constitution".

For example, some people have poor digestion ability, low secretion of digestive juices, or reduced activity of digestive enzymes, digesting food is not so easy to digest, so even if you eat some foods that rise in sugar fast, blood sugar can be maintained at a stable level.

Therefore, these patients with dyspepsia need more nutrients than healthy people, even if the blood sugar response is high, but the food with high nutritional value is also a good choice.

In addition, studies have shown that dehydroepiandrosterone, yam polysaccharides and other components in yam can reduce the fat and cholesterol absorbed by animals for food, so eating some yam appropriately can also help control blood sugar.

For diabetics, it is still appropriate to take some yam.

Yam is a treasure, spring is inseparable! Often eat yam, you may be able to taste these 5 "sweets"

Yam skin, be careful!

Although the yam is delicious and healthy, it can also bring some troubles---- such as washing or peeling the yam, you will find that the hands and arms appear red, swollen, itchy and other symptoms, and in severe cases, there may be erythema or papules.

This is due to the fact that yam has a relatively rich mucus, and the saponin components in these mucus will promote people to be prone to skin redness, swelling, itching and other problems.

Of course, not only yam skins, such as monohydroxybenzene, dihydroxybenzene, aldehyde acids contained in mangoes, and bromelain contained in pineapples, will also react to some people's skin.

Therefore, when dealing with yam, the safest and easiest way is to wear gloves or put on plastic wrap for protection.

Yam is a treasure, spring is inseparable! Often eat yam, you may be able to taste these 5 "sweets"

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