
Fourth stitch? The new way to fight the new crown vaccine is coming!

On February 19, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference, at which it was notified that the mainland had begun to deploy sequential enhancement of immunization, and to start sequential strengthening of immunization in key areas.

Yesterday (February 20), Hunan Province and Henan Province successively issued notices that, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the National Health Commission, they will continue to promote the vaccination of the new crown virus, and on the basis of the current homologous strengthening, carry out sequential enhancement of immunization, ensure that the target vaccination targets are "fully connected", and establish a herd immunity barrier in the province.

Fourth stitch? The new way to fight the new crown vaccine is coming!
Fourth stitch? The new way to fight the new crown vaccine is coming!

Subsequently, Hangzhou, Yiwu, Zhejiang, Putian, Fujian and other places also issued notices saying that the new crown vaccine will be launched to strengthen the immunization work in a sequential manner.

Many small partners are asking what is "sequential strengthening immunization"? Is it going to get a fourth shot? Who's going to fight?

How to play?

There are some special precautions for the sequential strengthening of immunization, and the grass-roots physician commune has compiled the following for everyone:

1. Is the "fourth stitch" of COVID-19 coming?

Sequential booster immunization is not the fourth shot, it is just a new way to play the NEW CROWN reinforcing needle.

Previously, the mainland's new crown pneumonia vaccine enhancement was homologous strengthening, that is, only the same kind of vaccine that had been given before could be selected, while the sequential enhanced immunization was heterologous vaccination, that is, other production routes could be selected.

2. What is Sequential Booster Immunization?

Sequential booster immunization is heterologous booster immunization, which refers to the selection of a different technical route of the new crown vaccine when strengthening immunization.

For example, if the previous vaccination was an inactivated vaccine, if the booster needle chooses an inactivated vaccine, it is homologous strengthening, and if the new crown vaccine is selected with a non-inactivated process, it is called sequential enhancement immunization.

3. What is the difference between it and the third needle?

In simple terms, it depends on whether the multiple vaccines are vaccinated on the same technical route. If a person receives three doses of COVID-19 vaccines, they are all inactivated vaccines, whether they are produced by the same manufacturer or not, they are all homologous vaccinations. If the first two doses are inactivated vaccines, the third dose of enhanced immunization against recombinant protein vaccines or adenovirus vector vaccines is heterologous (sequential vaccination), because the technical route and principle of action of inactivated vaccines and the latter two vaccines are different.

From the results, homologous booster immunization and sequential booster immunization can further improve the immune effect.

4. Do I still have to get the third shot?

Those who have received the third injection do not need to be given a sequence to strengthen immunity, and if the third injection has not been given, there are two options (choose one of the two):

First, continue to administer the same vaccine as before;

Second, the vaccines available for sequential enhancement of immunization are the recombinant protein vaccine of Anhui Zhifeilong Kema Co., Ltd. or the adenovirus vector vaccine of Tianjin CanSino Company.

5. Why change to a booster immune injection?

Sequential immunity has two advantages:

First, different vaccines can complement each other's advantages.

Second, for some people can reduce side reactions, due to different human physiques, there may be more side reactions to a certain vaccine, and the occurrence of side reactions can be reduced through vaccine transformation.

6. How to choose sequential booster immunization and booster needles?

At present, there are three types of COVID-19 vaccines in mainland China: inactivated vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines and recombinant protein vaccines.

In addition, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council also approved the homologous enhanced immunization of the new coronavirus inactivated vaccine of Shenzhen Kangtai Company and the Institute of Biology of the Medical Academy.

Fourth stitch? The new way to fight the new crown vaccine is coming!

7. When can I step up immunization?

The National Health Commission has notified that it has deployed sequential strengthening of immunization in key places in the country, of which Henan and Hunan have announced that they have taken the lead in launching sequential strengthening of immunization.

It is predicted that in the near future, the rest of the country will carry out sequential immunization efforts.

8. How long can I play with the previous needle?

Vaccinated subjects should complete 2 doses of vaccination throughout the course, and the interval between vaccinations should not be shorter than 6 months.

9. Is there a charge for scaling up immunization in a sequential manner?

At this stage, the implementation of a free vaccination policy is implemented in the sequential strengthening of immunization. People who meet the requirements for sequential booster immunization can choose between recombinant protein vaccine or adenovirus vector vaccine, and 1 dose of booster vaccination is free of charge.

10. Can I choose which one to play?

At present, it is necessary to decide which one to fight according to the arrangement of the vaccination site, and you can consult in advance.

11. Do I have to fight?

The new crown vaccine is vaccinated in accordance with the principle of voluntariness, and the current domestic epidemic situation still occurs from time to time, and people who hope to meet the vaccination conditions can take the initiative to vaccinate and vaccinate early to increase health and fuel epidemic prevention.

12. Who can't fight?

1. Those who are allergic to the active ingredient of the new crown vaccine, any kind of inactive ingredient, the substance used in the production process, or those who have been allergic when they have previously received the same vaccine.

2. Those who have had a previous severe allergic reaction to the vaccine (such as acute allergic reaction, angioedema, dyspnea, etc.).

3. People with uncontrolled epilepsy and other serious neurological disorders (such as transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelinating disease, etc.).

4. Patients who are febrile (axillary body temperature ≥ 37.3 ° C), or patients with acute diseases, or acute onset of chronic diseases, or patients with uncontrolled severe chronic diseases.

5. Pregnant women.

13. Who can boost immunization in a sequential manner?

1. People over 18 years old.

2. To complete 2 doses of inactivated vaccination, and these 2 doses are the inactivated vaccine of the new crown virus of Sinopharm Zhongsheng Beijing Company, Beijing Kexing Company and Sinopharm Zhongsheng Wuhan Company.

3. Full vaccination for 6 months.

4. No booster immunization has been performed (no 3rd injection).

14. What conditions require a suspension of vaccination

1. Fever (armpit body temperature≥ 37.3 ° C) caused by any cause (cold, wound infection, local inflammation), postpone vaccination.

2. During the acute onset of gout attacks, severe colds, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other diseases, vaccination is suspended.

3. Before and after surgery for patients with malignant tumors, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are being carried out, and vaccination is suspended.

4. Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, stomach discomfort, etc., postpone vaccination, find out the cause and then consider whether to vaccinate.

5. During the onset of urticaria, there are symptoms of skin itching, and vaccination is suspended.

6. Acute diarrhea caused by norovirus or other viruses, vaccination is suspended.

7. Severe iron deficiency anemia and /or accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly, cardiac dysfunction, co-infection, etc. Vaccination is suspended.

8. Known or suspected serious respiratory disease, vaccination is suspended.

15. After vaccination, why do people have adverse reactions such as fever?

After vaccination, it may cause fever, rash, induration, etc., which is a feature of biological products and also indicates that the immune system is responding to the vaccine.

This is a normal phenomenon, generally one to two days on its own will alleviate, do not panic particularly.

After vaccination, it is necessary to stay for 30 minutes, and when there is an adverse reaction suspected of being related to vaccination, if the duration is longer and the symptoms are more serious, one is to report to the vaccination unit, and the other is to seek medical treatment in time.

Source | Cyberland - Commune of Grassroots Physicians

Edit | Riverbirds

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