
The difference between automatic and manual transmission

The specific difference between manual and automatic transmission: the difficulty of operation, the automatic transmission mainly relies on the hydraulic transmission automatic transmission principle of the hydraulic torque device to complete the shift action. Beginners who do not know much about automobile knowledge can quickly master, the labor intensity is small, and it is convenient to worry about. The manual transmission mainly relies on manual stepping on the clutch to complete the operation of the gear, the operation is more troublesome, and the driver needs to have higher driving technology, so the labor intensity is large and troublesome.

The difference between automatic and manual transmission

Safety performance, manual transmission sliding steering, will cause understeering, tail flicking and other risks. Engine idle shutdown will make the car lose steering power and brakes, increasing driving safety risks; automatic transmission cars, can not use neutral driving, always maintain power support throughout the process, making driving safer.

The difference between automatic and manual transmission

Fuel consumption, in the case of no use of neutral gear, due to the direct transmission of power from the manual transmission, the efficiency is slightly higher than that of the automatic transmission, and the engine speed at the same speed is slightly lower, which can save very little fuel. Relatively speaking, manual transmissions are better than automatic transmissions, but this also depends on the environment. For example, a car with a manual transmission does not have low fuel consumption in a city with serious traffic jams, and it is also very fuel-efficient to change gears frequently.

The difference between automatic and manual transmission

Price and repair costs, manual compared to automatic, automatic prices will be more expensive than manual. The transmission structure is relatively simple, the manufacturing and maintenance is convenient, the cost is low, the automatic transmission structure is relatively complex, the manufacturing cost is high, the maintenance is difficult, and the cost is high.

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