
The 62-year-old tomb robbers planned to do the big ticket, gathered a crowd to dig a nine-story demon tower, and were captured just after the price of 180 million

In the industry of tomb robbery, Cao Cao has always been regarded as the grandfather of tomb robbery, and many people believe that tomb robbery originated in the Three Kingdoms period, which is actually not the case. According to the research of archaeologists, tomb robbery is actually a very old industry, which has been widespread since the pre-Qin Dynasty. For example, the famous Qin and Han history expert Wang Zijin, in his "History of Tomb Robbery in China", mentioned many examples of tomb robbery before the pre-Qin Dynasty. To this day, the industry of tomb robbery still exists, and in the development process of the entire Chinese civilization, the figure of tomb robbers can be seen everywhere.

The 62-year-old tomb robbers planned to do the big ticket, gathered a crowd to dig a nine-story demon tower, and were captured just after the price of 180 million

In the eyes of ordinary people, tomb robbery is a very mysterious thing, especially the tomb robbery novels that were very popular in previous years, which made people full of interest in tomb robbery. Many people believe that the phenomenon of tomb robbery is far from real life, only ignorant and ignorant ancients will do such a boring thing, and modern people should not do this kind of immoral activity. Many people are interested in tomb robbery, but in fact, they have a mentality of watching the hilarity and will not really put it into practice. However, in real life, there are really people who want to make a big profit by robbing tombs.

The so-called layman looks at the bustle, and the insider looks at the doorway. Ordinary people have a lively mentality about the topic of tomb robbery, and for those archaeologists, they have been fighting tomb robbers since the rise of modern pastoral archaeology. The huge profits gained from tomb robbery have always driven some bold people to take risks. For example, a few years ago, the "nine-story demon building" tomb robbery case that sensationalized the entire archaeological community, that is, the famous Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb, the tomb robbers brought together tools, found the nine-story demon tower and planned to do the ticket, and just after winning the bid of 180 million yuan, they were captured.

The 62-year-old tomb robbers planned to do the big ticket, gathered a crowd to dig a nine-story demon tower, and were captured just after the price of 180 million

How much do tomb robbers benefit from tomb robbers? This is unimaginable to ordinary people. The huge profits have made many tomb robbers desperate to take risks, specifically staring at those huge tombs in an attempt to make a big profit in them. For example, the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb" in chakhan Wusu Town, Dulan County, Qinghai, which is commonly known as the "Nine-Story Demon Pagoda" by the locals, is the best incense in the eyes of tomb robbers.

"Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb" is one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in 1996 and belongs to the national key cultural relics protection unit. Around the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb", there are also more than 200 large and small tombs densely distributed, which together with the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb" are collectively known as the "Hot Water Tomb Group". In this huge group of ancient tombs, most of the burials are the royal families of Tuguhun, because its tomb specifications are very high, and there are countless ancient treasures buried, and the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb" naturally arouses the covetousness of tomb robbers.

The 62-year-old tomb robbers planned to do the big ticket, gathered a crowd to dig a nine-story demon tower, and were captured just after the price of 180 million

In 2016, there was a tomb robber surnamed Xia, who was a native of Dulan County, although he was already 62 years old, but people were not old, and still fantasized about making a windfall by excavating ancient tombs. He had not read books, but he had a deep study of tomb feng shui, and he had also studied the various methods of tomb robbery. After some preparation, he found five accomplices in November of that year and took advantage of the night to come to the northeast corner of the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb" and excavated an ancient tomb.

Xia's excavation process was very smooth, and a metal bowl excavated sold for a high price of 200,000, and a small gold piece also sold for a high price of 20,000. In just one night, he made a profit of more than 200,000 yuan, which naturally made Xia ecstatic, and through this small test of the ox knife, he also secretly made up his mind to plan to do a big ticket, and his goal was naturally the famous local "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb".

The 62-year-old tomb robbers planned to do the big ticket, gathered a crowd to dig a nine-story demon tower, and were captured just after the price of 180 million

Since the discovery of the "Hot Water Tomb Group", cultural relics excavation activities have been very frequent, but due to the remote location of the ancient tomb group and the large scope, it is difficult for the local cultural relics protection department to prevent it in an all-round way. Xia Mou and others took advantage of this loophole and used the patrol gap of the cultural relics protection personnel to excavate the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb". This time, Xia Mou stole a total of 646 precious cultural relics through more than ten days of excavation, including 77 second-level cultural relics and 16 first-class cultural relics.

After excavating so many cultural relics at one time, Xia Mou and others naturally wanted to sell for a good price, so they released a high price of 180 million yuan. Such a sky-high price naturally makes many cultural relics dealers daunted, but because the cultural relics stolen from Xia's hands are too precious, some people have indeed developed a strong interest in this batch of cultural relics. Just as the so-called "starting price in the sky, landing to repay the money", the 180 million heavenly price offered by Xia Mou did not meet his wishes, and the other party was only willing to pay 80 million yuan to buy this batch of cultural relics.

The 62-year-old tomb robbers planned to do the big ticket, gathered a crowd to dig a nine-story demon tower, and were captured just after the price of 180 million

Xia Mousheng was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, although the price given by the other party was still far from his expectations, but he still agreed to sell. Just when the two sides were about to make a transaction, the police who had been eyeing Xia for a long time quickly intervened and immediately arrested Xia. Through the precise deployment of the police, all these tomb robbers have been arrested, and hundreds of stolen precious cultural relics have also been recovered, which can be called a major victory in the protection of cultural relics.

Although the stolen cultural relics excavated from the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb" were eventually recovered, the incident still caused a shock in the archaeological community. The protection of cultural relics is not an overnight achievement, it requires long-term publicity and efforts, only when people's awareness of cultural relics protection is really improved, can we put an end to the phenomenon of tomb robbery. Moreover, these cultural relics left over from ancient times are all witnesses to the brilliant history of Chinese civilization, and should not become a tool for tomb robbers to make profits.

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