
晚安啦,千万别拿你的黄金时间去‭夜熬‬‬刷剧看八卦和游戏了... 药补‭如不‬‬食补,食补不如睡补,‭藏冬‬‬春养方法:睡眠为

author:Zhu Zhu loves running TCM therapist

Goodnight, don't take your prime time


药补‭如不‬‬食补,食补不如睡补,‭藏冬‬‬春养方法 :睡眠为第一大补

冬为阴中之阴,‭夜冬‬‬为阴中之阴之阴。 “‭养冬秋‬‬阴”大家都知道,而‭天一‬‬中的冬天是从‭上晚‬‬21点开始的。

所以,‭日冬‬‬要睡得早,起得晚。 “早睡晚起,‭待必‬‬日光”。



Then busy every day at 10:30 on time to turn off the lights to sleep, do not stay up late to work, do not stay up late to study, do not stay up late to entertain, improve work efficiency during the day

Regular work and rest is an ability. Learn from good people and make myself better and better!


晚安啦,千万别拿你的黄金时间去‭夜熬‬‬刷剧看八卦和游戏了... 药补‭如不‬‬食补,食补不如睡补,‭藏冬‬‬春养方法:睡眠为
晚安啦,千万别拿你的黄金时间去‭夜熬‬‬刷剧看八卦和游戏了... 药补‭如不‬‬食补,食补不如睡补,‭藏冬‬‬春养方法:睡眠为
晚安啦,千万别拿你的黄金时间去‭夜熬‬‬刷剧看八卦和游戏了... 药补‭如不‬‬食补,食补不如睡补,‭藏冬‬‬春养方法:睡眠为

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