
Dozens of ice piers! He told the story behind the "freedom of the ice pier" to everyone

You can learn about the Winter Olympics at your doorstep, and you can hug the ice piers at your doorstep. On February 17, at the Party and Group Service Center in Shichahai Street, Xicheng District, more than 300 Olympic collections filled the exhibition room of more than 30 square meters, of which there were dozens of ice piers of various types. Their owner, Zhang Wenquan, is a double Olympic volunteer and a young man who is enthusiastic about the public welfare undertakings in the region. Listening to collectors tell the stories behind each collection, the small exhibition hall has become a window for street residents to learn about the Winter Olympics and understand the Winter Olympics.

Dozens of ice piers! He told the story behind the "freedom of the ice pier" to everyone

"This ice pier is a space version, symbolizing the prosperity of the mainland's aerospace industry, and also showing the cuteness and dynamics of the Winter Olympic mascot." Zhang Wenquan said.

Zhang Wenquan, who became a collector of "reds" with the ice pier fever, told the story behind the ice pier. After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he began to focus on olympic collections. In the past 14 years, the family's more than 5,000 Olympic collections have been Zhang Wenquan's painstaking efforts and achievements.

After learning that Zhang Wenquan owned so many collections, the person in charge of the street party and group service center dialed his phone.

"The street came to me and asked if I could put these things out for an exhibition, and I immediately agreed. My home is in Shichahai, and it is incumbent upon me to take out these ice piers and my Olympic collection for exhibition, that is, to share the Olympic story and popularize olympic knowledge with my neighbors. Zhang Wenquan said.

As soon as the ice pier was unveiled in the exhibition hall, it instantly attracted the attention of all the visitors, and the visitors competed to punch in and take pictures. People were not only attracted by the collection, but also infected by Zhang Wenquan's enthusiasm for helping the Winter Olympics. Resident Shen Yuhua watched while using his mobile phone to photograph the ice piers. "A lot of them are styles I've never seen before, and I'm going to photograph them and tell my family about them." She said that she greatly admires Zhang Wenquan's perseverance and enthusiasm, and with such supporters, the Winter Olympics can "take root and blossom" at the doorstep.

Dozens of ice piers! He told the story behind the "freedom of the ice pier" to everyone

Among these collections, in addition to the most popular ice piers, there are the mascots of previous Winter Olympic Games, the smile badge of Beijing Olympic Volunteers, the landscape model of the Olympic venues, and the original torch that passed the Olympic flame. Zhang Wenquan tells the unique story of each collection, which also makes the collection no longer coldly placed in the exhibition cabinet, but "alive" in the exhibition hall. The small exhibition hall became a museum of Olympic knowledge. In the nearby activity room, under the guidance of the teacher, the children are drawing grain paintings according to the images of various ice piers.

Li Jipeng, deputy secretary of the Shichahai Subdistrict Working Committee, said that since the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Shichahai Subdistrict has popularized the Winter Olympics and publicized the Winter Olympics to its residents in various ways, and the exhibition will continue until the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics. During the period, street staff and residents will be organized to visit in batches, so that everyone can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Winter Olympics.

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