
What should I do if my baby doesn't like vegetables? Try doing this to solve the problem effectively

It is natural for babies not to love to eat vegetables, and it is the responsibility of parents to let babies love to eat vegetables. First of all, in the stage of baby food supplement, introduce as early as possible, try as early as possible, and keep trying. Your baby's interest in healthy food can be developed. For vegetables that the baby does not like to eat, parents insist on trying 15-20 times until the baby accepts.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like vegetables? Try doing this to solve the problem effectively

Second, you can start with a small number and add them step by step. Change the pattern of cooking vegetables, with the children's favorite foods and spices, try to remove the bitter taste of vegetables, it is easier for children to accept. In addition, you can take your children to buy vegetables together, teach them to know about various vegetables, cook with your children, and make your children interested in eating vegetables you make yourself. And you can spend some thought on the plating.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like vegetables? Try doing this to solve the problem effectively

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